Fun detected

Enjoy your 3 hour ban while we nerf leveling


wat do u think is fastest way 2 levl now after this knerf that they r doin bcuz it seems lik wat u sad is tru with them seen somethn fun an knerf it sory english is not my native tong i jus want to go through the content fast now bcuz every video on ytube is sayn i shud be 590 gearscroe but im still levln to get to the new exp now so not very sure how much slower this will be i spent a free boos on rouge but i dnt like stelth and jus lernin it all is hard now slower?

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Everyone went mental when yesterday I made a post about this saying I was crazy for even bringing it up, now here we are 3 hours later, and I was right. It is insane what they are doing and if you did not purchase early access now you are stuck at leveling at a lower rate and having to wait to even play the game. But ofc the whales defended daddy who took their money.


Had there been no early access and they found out the leveling problem yesterday you’d still complain that the no lifers took advantage while you were doing your 15 job shifts and taking care of 387 kids and 19 wives and that was the reason why you couldn’t play at launch.


i honestly dont know

Had there been no early access none of these people would have a problem with updates, but these could have been done while early access was happening. God forbid blizz makes the whales and their wallet peons wait for a few hours and feel scammed. This is all a money grab and you all fell for it like good boys and girls.


People making statements like this over others spending $40 has been a constant source of amusement for me.

Do you not feel insane for calling people whales over spending an amount of money that wouldn’t buy Applebee’s for two people?


Jesus holy heck you guys. It’ll be ok. Xp isn’t changing.


I call them whales because lets have some honesty here, if they are willing to spend $40 on 4 days of early release, they have been buying the mounts, toys, cosmetics and all the extra crap that has been forced down their throats. And they will continue to do so. This is all a marketing tactic for the next expansion so all the people that did not purchase it this time think about it twice next.


Not as bad as the 96 hour ban that those without the spare $40 had to cop.


Applebee’s is still around? Hmm. Haven’t seen one in ages.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:


This is real. I actually identify as an Orca Whale wearing a Top Hat and Monocle.


What ban? Huh? What are you talking about?

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

Maybe we should coin another group of people that do spend extra money for in game benefits, but it does not exceed $100. I propose we call them dolphins.


You realize things like this are why the sub fee has been the same for two decades? lol

They’re all over the place in the southern U.S.

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I’ve been enjoying my six-day one.


What do you say? Where did you go to school, SF?


This is actually fairly infuriating and proves my point in past threads that this is a punishment for those of us who didn’t pay to avoid late access. A lot of folks got a whole week of easy leveling that the rest of us now don’t get.


Keep coping bud, your $15 sub fee has turned into hundreds if not thousands a year, and they have successfully convinced you it all makes sense because one of the numbers stayed the same.

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You really hate the middle class do you?

It’s their fault they have extra money to splurge?

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