Leveling changes UPDATE

We want to provide additional details on today’s leveling changes and balance fixes to group content.

• Changes aim to make the difficulty curve more gradual - enemy strength will actually increase by less per level in the mid-to-high 70s than it used to

• Players coming in with DF endgame gear should still feel overpowered at Level 70

• Players coming in with basic leveling gear from DF (ilvl 300s) should find leveling manageable and get powerful gear quickly

• Combat at 78 and up will be completely unchanged from how it has been

We’ll be keeping an eye on the changes to ensure that the overall impact on leveling time is minimal.

(Source: World of Warcraft official Twitter)


They needed to do something. It’s been hard to enjoy dungeons because they were tuned so low I couldn’t tell what any of the mobs were supposed to do. Just mash random buttons kind of like Remix - no challenge, no consequences - just run through and do another every 5-10 minutes. Doesn’t make for much of a game. :smiley:

Looking forward to when they give us something we can sink our teeth into, rather than the sugar rush.


This Im actually happy about.

I went into this with 502 gear and 70-75 I felt OP as DPS. The moment I hit 75 I felt naked. There was no gradual decrease it was a violent shove off a cliff


LOL, fat chance, one of these assertions can’t be right, #1 is looking at characters with iLevel c. 500 #2 is ilevel 300 … NO WAY Blizzard have the skill to scale any specific mob to give both characters a meaningful/viable fight, I exepct #2 will fail to happen and charactgers of this level will have a truly horrible time if #1 characters are being ‘challenged’ as this ‘tweet’ asserts.

I mean, it doesn’t seem like they’re changing how things feel at 70-72. Even having 400ilvl made the questing a relative breeze for the most part during beta testing. I’m pretty sure you could quest through the initial TWW content in DF leveling gear just fine, and you’ll pick up upgrades as you go anyways.


same way nuking elites with ease at 74 and like you said i hit 75 and was tickling them


The lines you quoted say two different things. The first one says you’ll still feel overpowered. So not a meaningful/viable fight. You’ll still crush.

I feel they should make lvl 78 an 79 easier. The gear you get is terrible and everything feels like a boss fight. When you hit 80 you can get some gear from world quests and such and stabilize, but at 78 and 79 you’re super underpowered.

Anywhere but their own official forums…

I can work with that, that’s how it has been on every xpac, this time we have to admit it was ridiculous! we kill the boss before he could say anything, hell even before we could perform 1 ability rotation lol

I don’t understand, didn’t they have months to test this extensively before launch with so many players. Why is this problem only surfacing now?

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this was OBVIOUS to any1 wit any ounce of sense, but this community is addicted to rage and the current ANGERtopic of the DAY, naythin to aboslutely lose their minds over to fill the deep emptiness in their hearts and minds. we live in scary times, outrage culture is REAL folks

So less gear drought on some of these quests, potentially? That would be nice.

Not that I had any trouble getting even my 197ilvl hunter to 71 for crafted gear.

Welcome to how the new BlizZard operates.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: