Full time retail player once again

have you read their classic forum drama? like half the alliance who played on pvp servers rage quit the game because horde corpse camped them for hours at every fp. now they have paid transfers and even MORE alliance are moving off of those servers. they said before that flight killed wpvp but it’s obvious that blizz did it on purpose with bgs because wpvp is total crap and unbalanced. so i imagine all of those “i came to classic to wpvp” are on their way out as well. XD

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Retail doesn’t have rated bgs either

Yep i seen it sad really.

retail is just a better game obv. i am glad classic exists for people who want to main it though. but people a week into classic were already asking for tbc servers once they got bored after no lifeing classic and running out of things to do. do you remember when they said they’d happily play classic for years even with no new content because the content was just that fun? LOL

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I played a small amount of Classic and honestly had a lot of fun. I was just in it for the leveling and the different feel to the community thanks to grouping up actually being a boon instead of an annoyance most of the time.

I couldn’t convince myself to keep going though. In the back of my mind it was always lingering that it was a waste of time since I had no plans to mess with endgame and the RP community seemed extremely weak in comparison to the active Retail servers, which I figured would be the only thing that might give the thing some longevity for me after leveling.

Never even made it to 20 as a result. Just like 3 toons between 10 and 20.

Classic is kind of like prison. It wouldn’t be so bad if it was not for the other people there.

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I enjoyed vanilla in 2004, but I actually started to get bored around level 40. Not until WOLK would I say I really started to enjoy the game again.

I do not like BFA, but I have never had a desire to play classic again. The magic was definately a one time thing for me back in 2004 that wore off before even max level.

However, if they were to release WOLK, I might be very tempted to play it. Its easily the most fun I had with this game.

Just as I anticipated, nearly all people praising retail over classic don’t raid or do M+.

You don’t even play the game lmao

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I hadn’t thought about this angle before, but it makes sense :thinking:

People who “actually” play the game have plenty to do in retail.

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Well It’s just that when all you do is LFR and WQs, like how do you know the game?

Every class is amazing at LFR, every class is amazing at WQs. They have NO CLUE about what some of the major problems of this game are (Azerite gear, certain classes in M+ etc).

That’s why I always say “If the only thing to do in the game were WQs and LFR, the game would be excellent”. Unfortunately, there’s much more than that to do in the game, and when you do said things, the issues at hand are immeasurable.

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I do plenty of raiding and some M+ (not as much as some admittedly) and I still prefer retail over classic.

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And that’s okay, different strokes for different folks of course.

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what are you talking about here? the real time server populations what? I also just checked the servers theyre all at high full or medium so what are you seriously on about? and to be fair this is on a Saturday night

laughs in Molten Core

i soloed that place earlier, took me like 15 minutes xD

Welcome back.
The classic can be fun while leveling but as soon as you farm 5 men dungeons for BIS it becomes a log in once a week game.

I’m happy that players have the choice.

I will be happy if Blizz launches TBC and Wrath servers… and Cata and MoP.

I would want them to be “museum” pieces, rather than progression servers.

Choices are good for players and good for the game.


Happy, happy holidays everyone! :santa: :menorah: :gift: :christmas_tree:

Take away those and you still have :

  • Mount/Transmog/Toy collections
  • Pet Battles
  • Multiple difficulties of Raiding making it easier to find groups tailored to your ability
  • Rewarding repeatable dungeons that you cannot ever over gear
  • Arenas
  • Rated Battlegrounds
  • More choices of Battlegrounds beyond 3.
  • 8 expansions worth of questlines and stories to explore if you haven’t.

… Same as Classic uh.


Eh I’m a bit different there. I’d love for Blizzard to open some genuine progression servers one day, similar to what EQ has.

Blizzard could make a bundle doing both.

Most retail servers are empty…no reason they can’t be converted to good use.