Full time retail player once again

I gave classic a shot. Ran molten core for the past 8 weeks. Grinded out my epic mount.

And Ive come to realize that retail is just a far superior game. I really do believe it.

Right now if you aren’t aware, classic servers are dying because of realm transfers being opened up. Less dominant factions can transfer off.

If you played classic you know what I’m talking about. If you are on a dominant faction server, I’m sure you’ve seen a marked drop in the opposition.

The game just has this dark vibe creeping into it. Anger. Frustration. Fighting over gear. I gave it a shot but I don’t see a bright future for classic wow. I just don’t think in a year from now people will care aboit a game where the only thing to do is battlegrounds and the current raid tier once a week.

Retail has so, so much more to do. The PvP which I have come to appreciate has its flaws but at least you don’t die in a millisecond. I can run LFR if I want to chill out. Or join a pug for rated arenas…or a heroic raid.

I will forever cherish my 1-60 journey in classic. I simply see the community aspect quite noticibly dropping off.


yeah gotta go do those war tables and those stupid world quests…take away those and its exactly the same as classic.

what pvp are you doing? because I die within a stun all the time as a holy pally and yes divine shield is on cooldown…


I don’t understand?

so many people badmouth retail wow on these forums but they bash classic and use the things they badmouth as a buff to make retail look better.


It doesn’t just look better, it is better.


how so? do you participate in all the side activities that people praise?


Yeah its just the truth, you cant live in the past forever you have to move on at some point and that’s what people need to realize. We played that version of the game 15 years ago and because its so old everyone already knows everything about it. Present WoW has new things all the time for people to figure out.


It’s not for everyone. But I can say that it’s liberating not being in the hamsterwheel that is the AP system and constantly feeling like if I want to be relevant I have to log in and do what I feel like are monotonous chores.


I participate in pretty much the entire game other than pvp, which I just don’t care for. Can’t stand Classic, I am happy for people that wanted it though. There is undeniably way more options and content in retail than in Classic. As far as the people go, it’s a complete load of bs that the classic crowd is nicer and more helpful. I was excited for Classic, leveled, played and noped right outta there.


I just had to accept that I’m not the young creature I used to be, and that I don’t have the time to devote to Classic. Every little thing you do is a slog that does require a lot of time and effort to get a reward out of. PvP is my main jam, but I’m not going to be able to reach Rank 12, let alone 14, with a fulltime job and social obligations.

So, I return to retail and hope we can get improvements that are desperately needed like in gearing, getting off the AP grind, and some PvP fixes maybe in the next millenium to stop healers from ruining everything.


I would never take back the time I played in classic, it really was a ton of fun to start over with the community all leveling together again.

Buuuut I’ll be playing retail moving forward.


Let’s take the best parts of classic and the best parts of retail and make Shadowlands the best expansion ever!


so classic has M+ as well? Or rated BG? mind blown


i c

i met a lot of people who badmouth classic and i check their post history and i see word of them never doing endgame content or even playing any side activities


This is my banker bb.

Players play classic for one main reason and that’s pvp. When Warsong Gluch comes out and other pvp instances. The game going to more busier than ever.

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Gnomes are so ugly in retail though it’s a crime I tell you


I would tend to agree. I tried Classic, and concluded that retail is generally the better of the two for me as well. Vastly superior quality of life (especially!), plenty to do with my various alts, ability to transmog, and most importantly: it actually has a future and “something to look forward to”.

One thing I don’t get is this “Classic elitism” and “smug-ness” exhibited by the more hardcore Classic-only players. Imagine “bragging” about playing an easy game that is mostly auto-attacks/white damage :rofl: :rofl:

That “Metrohaha” guy brought up this “Classic elitism” in one of his streams last week. He pointed out that even “Mythic+ elitism” makes more sense than “Classic elitism” because doing high Mythic+ keys does justify a little bragging (since it’s actually difficult content that not everyone can do). There is no such basis for any “elitism” or “smug-ness” where Classic is concerned - it’s easy easy content.

Anyways, I’m still having fun on retail, got plenty to keep me busy until 8.3 especially with all these new 120 alts


Both have their ups and downs. I stay in retail because my guild and my playstyle don’t roll over into classic. Maybe someday when druid is an actual class I’ll try out legacy expansions.


I don’t think retail is superior to classic in all ways, but I’m a graphics wh0re. If classic was made with BfA’s models and animations as an option, I would have lasted longer. I know it’s petty, but a lot of my enjoyment comes from transmog and seeing my toon perform. Classic just didn’t have those things.


I like classic better but I don’t have the time for it. Specially as alliance, some days I just wanna chill but I can’t leave the main city.

Doesn’t help I’m a “lone wolf” kinda player and don’t have hours without end to do things that would take an hour, but in reality takes 3 because I die everywhere I go.