But Classic doesnt have World Quests. It has ZERO. How do you farm gold to buy your epic mount or( buy consumables in future phase)? With Zero World Quests, you tend to kill thousand of Boars hoping for BoE to drop. That there is stupid. The major reason why I stopped playing Classic after farming Onyxia and Ragnaros. I hate severe grinding in Vanilla with my Naxx40 Warrior and still hate severe grinding in Classic. Grinding in BFA is mild. You become Exalted in few weeks without noticing it just playing the dailies which is just around 15 min per day. Casuals can access Heroic/Mythic endgame. Good luck for Casuals to make it to AQ40 and Naxx40. There’s a reason why less than 5% reached Naxx40 in Vanilla.
I hope you’re trolling.
and yet even with all of that BFA is easily the most hated or 2nd most hated wow expansion. Does it have its fans? sure but this is easily one of the lowest points wows ever been at.
At least people aren’t literally quiting 2 months in because “there’s nothing to do”.
The reasons people dislike BfA has nothing to do with the content.
ummm yes they did quit because there was nothing WORTH doing lol cmon man
Seeing as most BfA complaints are about systems rather than content, I really doubt so.
BfA is basically the same content we’ve always had, plus a few extra gimmicks.
people talk about content. there is no arguing that bfa and all the previous expansions offers a metric crap ton more content than the base game does. whether people like that content, or don’t want to do it, doesn’t mean anything. there’s so much more to do and so many more things to experience in bfa than there is in classic.
you dont have to do missions at all in bfa. they are not that important
world quests are just quests too, not much different than what you see in classic
bfa does have more to do, thats an objective fact
Or work on your professions? Or do some dungeons where boes drop. Even if you chose to grind boars, how is that any worse than world quests. You’ve been doing a billion of the exact same wqs since legion. I’ve always hated dailies but man wqs have gotten out of hand. If you don’t think that’s a mindless grind too I’m not sure what to tell you.
No they quit in three months because the systems are so bad and they have to spend so much time playing the content they don’t want to do. Don’t like islands? Well grind them anyway. Don’t like m+? Well it’s the best repeatable source of gear and residuum. Don’t like PvP? Well you might have to grind it for your essence.
I won’t even mention the peon simulator
It really really does though man. Retail definitely has more to do but it also requires you to play a lot of the content you don’t enjoy if you want to be competitive. I am a little bored of classic but every time I log into retail I’m like holy… I have to grind what essence in what crap content? And my AP? And m+ if I want to catch up. Then promptly log off and play some more classic.
I really do hope they change some things retail because I’d rather play it but right now it’s not happening.
People are neck 70 without having grounded islands. I’m neck 67+ on like 4 toons, and some of them haven’t even done a single island.
M+ doesn’t drop residuum except for your 1 dungeon per week. 1 whole dungeon in a week.
Sounds to me like you just hate the game.
I was agreeing with you till you said this.
I have a life, kids, job, husband. Still, I love pet battles, collecting pets, doing pet achievements, all of it. Why? because you can pop in for half and hour, play with your collection or add to it, and log off. We need short little activities for those that still want to come in world but don’t have all day.
Im very fond of my pet collection. Enough said.
Sure thing…you are just like those trolls who come into classic forums to trash on retail and how classic is superior.
Now that catch up is in full swing you know the first year though islands were pretty mandatory if you were competitive. Hence people were quiting in months like was said.
It’s still the only source. And the best form of repeatable content.
Hate everything about BFA. Litteraly introduced nothing but garbage. Can’t really enjoy the content I want to because of all the other crap is the problem.
I enjoy mogs though! Log in once a week to farm siege while hoping for days pre legion! I hope they keep m+ for the people that like it but I wish gear was seperated personally. Ditch AP cause it’s a garbage grind.
The rest of the time classic is the closest thing I can get to pre legion content lol. Personally hoping for TBC and mop.
1 Emissary Chests… 15 minutes… tons of gold… 4000 Gold on Paragon Chests and you can do 3x Paragon Chests per week, that’s 12k gold per week. My consumables are Heroic/Mythic raiding ready. Compare to 3 hours Boars killing, how many gold did I get? How many flasks, how many potions did I get? So aside from my 4 hours per raid, I have to render 3 hours Boar farming to get consumables? Classic is not Casual friendly. Just wait til AQ and Naxx opens, let’s see how many Casuals would be on it? In BFA, we Casuals are badazz becoz we only need 15 min per day for farming gold and we’re good for highend raiding/mythic+10 farming.
Noobs quit becoz they dont know what the f theyre doing. They want Heroic/Mythic level loots and they will never have it becoz they are just LFR people. Why do they need high level loots when what they just do are LFR and World Quests? To get high level loots, you have to work for it… you have to beat the content… and BFA content is arguably harder… even harder than Legion. They just make excuses about Mythic+ timer when in fact, timer has nothing to with most failed runs… failed runs are mostly from WIPES. Each death gives time penalties and WIPES gives the group tons of TIME Penalties. WIPES is the main cause of failed M+ runs… not really the timer. M+ Timer is very forgiving.
Essence farming is easy. You just play the game and you get epic quality Essence.
You want AoE DPS Essence? Just do AoE heavy content Mythic+. You want PvP Essence? just do PvP/BGs. You want Mechagon Essence? Dang, farm Mechagon dungeon… very easy.
Islands can be skipped if you dont want to do it. You could still get max level HoA without Islands. And 4x Heroic runs per week on it to get a Treasure is not grindy. Killing 3000 Furbolgs to get Friendly with Timbermaw in Classic is severely stupid grind. No wonder my Classic Hunter would never have Agi Enchant on her melee weapons.
I think I once did maybe 10 islands in a day to finish off a neck level. Otherwise, stuck to 4 a week on my main. CE every tier.
Residuum is not repeatable.
What content do you want to enjoy that requires hours of grinding islands that I never had to do to get CE ?
4x Heroic islands is what you need per week… to get Treasure. That’s it. IT’S NOT GRINDY.
Be creative. Farm any Azerite pieces, Helm, Shoulder or Chest from multiple sources and SCRAP IT… that gives Residuum. Farm Mana Pearl, buy Azerite pieces and SCRAP IT… that gives Residuum. Treasure from Islands could be Gold, AP or RESIDUUM. No wonder you are way behind.
It’s not grindy. Just do your 15 minutes daily, and you would get HoA to max level.
LFR and World Quest people who doesnt do harder content would hate BFA. I get it. BFA endgame is arguably harder than most expansions. Usually, people who got left behind are the ones complaining. They would love Classic becoz 5-man dungeons there are just Normal Difficulty. Molten Core and Onyxia is just LFR difficulty. They dont want harder content. Hope they wont get intimidated when Classic opens 45 min Strat UD quest (the first M+ of WoW) and Heroic/Mythic level raids: AQ/Naxx.
Lol dude… I don’t know why you’re killing boars for money but okay then
Lol dude they were all long time vets they just don’t enjoy 3/4 of the garbage content brought in recently. Not one of them goes near lfr
Kinda a weird argument since arguing for the casual friendliness of retail though
This is not the problem. It’s by far the most rewarding system in the game so people need to do it. Whether they enjoy it or not
Again you’re completely missing the point I enjoy the content that one single essence comes from and it’s not even near my bis for one of my specs. So I should log in to do a bunch of stuff I don’t enjoy? Or go play something else like 3/4 of the wow population has in bfa.
No it’s just the only source. And the gear is repeatable and easily the most rewarding for the ease. Way too much so.
Lol dude for the first two seasons competitive people were grinding islands [quote=“Jhannae-bronzebeard, post:201, topic:378653”]
4x Heroic islands is what you need per week… to get Treasure. That’s it. IT’S NOT GRINDY.
Doing it on two characters? Every single week… Lol and you’re calling grinding boars grindy
All even more boring than m+ and less rewarding. Why the f are you suggesting this stuff?!!?!?!
It’s a boring grind you have to do every day
All the grinds add up to be as bad as anything you claim for classic
i have like 19 120s that i don’t do IE on the vast majority of the time. if you want to be competitive you put in the work, regardless of which version of wow you’re playing. casuals like me? i do whatever i feel like doing and have fun doing it. i play both, but retail is my main game.
False, you get residuum for scrapping Azerite too.
You actually go spam M+ for gear and come back and tell us how “easy” it is.
I got CE the first 2 raids, never ground islands in those. What content are you attempting to be competitive in ?
Enchanting and Alchemy/Herb is the only prof that earns gold in Classic. The other professions are garbage on making gold. When you do endgame, you would need consumables… flasks, potions, food buffs and even enchants. When Blackwing lair opens, that’s the start to make consumables to become a requirement. And you cant afford these consumables if you are not an enchanter/Alchemist. Source of gold is so limited becoz there are ZERO DAILY QUEST that gives gold. Becoz of this, you need to endless kill thousands of mobs, loot their grays and vendor them to get gold. You always pray for BoE to drop so you would get gold when you sell them. These thousand kills could be from any mobs… just like killing thousand Boars. I remember my Vanilla days. My warrior has to log in 2 to 4 hours before raid to farm for gold to be able to afford consumables and enchants… to be competitive… to secure my raid spot from an elite raiding guild. Let’s say you render 4 hours per night on raid, add 3 hours on farming… that’s 7 hours per day play time. That is not Casual friendly.
Compare to BFA. 15 minutes farming per day to get emissary chest and I could access lots of gold… reaching Exalted reps would allow people to access 4k gold on Paragon Chest. And if you could get 3 Paragon Chests per week, that’s 12k gold… allowing me to be able to afford flasks, potions, food buffs and enchants. I just need 15 min a day and I could go straight to Heroic/Mythic Raiding… That, there is Casual friendly.
Long time vets love challenging stuffs… they would love M+, heroic and mythic raiding. They would love BFA becoz they dont need to render extra hours just to farm heavily like in Classic. They would just go straight to the fun and challenging stuffs. They are not required to do stuffs they dont like. There’s some grind becoz BFA is still an MMO as all MMO are all about grinds…but BFA’s grind is mild.
You are not required to do them. PvP Essence is the best DPS Essence for me. I dont PvP anymore but it’s fine for me not to have its essence. I am farming M+11 now and would start to do Heroic raiding without the BiS PvP Essence… and I will tell you that I will beat those contents at my range ilevel with what I have.
BFA is not alt friendly. But it’s casual friendly for your main toon.
Just explaining other sources of Residuum.
And what’s more boring than killing thousand of Boars or 3000 Furbolgs in Classic? 2 to 4 hours killing Boars daily before Raid becoz Classic has ZERO Daily Quest? I only need 15 min per day of grind not 2 to 4 hours per day.