Full time retail player once again

Congrats. I’m an unemployed, depressed wreck who thinks about suicide almost every day, and has been going through a couple different types of therapy over the last few months trying to fix myself and finally become a functioning adult. So yeah you are definitely a better person than me, well done. But please understand that not everyone is able to muster up the same level of ambition and confidence that you have. All I really want is to be able to have fun in the game with an understanding group of friends.

it’s so superior that you abandoned it for months to play classic probably exclusively

whatever you gotta tell yourself, right?

See, and you chose to single in on that. You need to quit defeating yourself before you begin. Have you ever given thought to maybe if you actually pushed yourself to aspire to a high goal that not only would it take your mind off suicide, but it would give you something that actually makes you happy you’re alive?

Who knows, maybe I’m crazy and it doesn’t work for everyone but I overcame my suicide attempt when I was 15 due to high school drama and out of whack emotional overload. I dealt with an absurd amount of adversity in my life, my parents were perpetually in poverty to where I was afraid to even ask for two dollars to buy a soda so I didn’t need to drink water. I nearly killed myself due to feeling there was nothing for me in life and that I’d aspire to nothing.

Without getting into specific details on literally every terrible card life dealt me, I found a way through it. I’m confident you can do the same as well. If nothing else, please at least take care of yourself if you’ve resigned to where you’re at being your peak and I wish you the best with it but at the very least, keep pushing yourself over the hurdles and improve life in any way you can.

That just makes me laugh considering the kind of key one can be carried through. If you are doing 10s n such you are quite honestly doing something that regularly is done by groups of 4 carrying an afk 5th. Substantially higher keys can still be carried as well…


Not really.

Man look just because you enjoy classic doesn’t mean everyone does too. Only thing I care about is FUN. I am not hardcore pvp, raider, or elite. Hell I haven’t raid in 4 years. I play wow to have fun and hang out with friends. I don’t have time for classic drama.

I’m pretty sure Metro mainly does keys in the 17-19 range, which isn’t too bad considering he doesn’t even use voice comms/Discord for his runs. If you actually watched his stream you would get the gist of what he said regarding the whole “Classic vs retail” thing.

Disagree with “substantially higher keys can still be carried”, get real dude, that’s just false. I highly doubt a +24 or +25 can be timed with 1 party member afk as you claim.

I’ve been watching lots of Jdotb +24/+25 streamed runs the last few days and there’s been a few keys where they just “barely” missed the timer by like 30-45 seconds. No way you can “afk your way thru” such content, don’t lie.

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Yeah, my same sentiments towards the retail players. What is better or worse is a person to person basis. It’s equally as annoying to have listened to retail players who told us for a decade “CLASSIC ISN’T COMING LOL! NOBODY LIKED IT! ROSE TINTED!” then to try and jump on every attention grabby post of someone going back to retail as “LOL HONEYMOON IS OVER!”

Wouldn’t it be just fantastic if both sides could just shut up and play the game they enjoy without trying to intentionally antagonize each other?

Like I deal with a guy in a discord who everything out of his mouth is “I didn’t like Classic so it sucks.” and he can’t even complete normal raiding in retail but wants to talk about difficulty. Dude struggles in +6 keys but thinks he has a mandate to talk about how hard a game is. He’s so mechanically inept at the damn game as a whole that I think checkers is a bit out of his skill level.

You assume much, grasshopper.

Like, for instance everyone playing Classic is on a pvp server. Many of us are playing on the well-named Normal servers, where factions, balances, etc, mean nothing. We can still pvp if we want, which is a choice thing.

Certainly BfA has more to do. What would be great is if so much of that ‘more’ wasn’t quite so simplified and boring…

Oh. My. Gawsh.

Well done!
Classic is completable. I will never run out of content in retail, and am having a great time in BFA.

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I’d love to push myself to a high goal but I’ve been beaten down by life so much that I can’t find the strength to do it anymore. No mythic guild would ever take me with my logs and I’m only able to get into pity M+ runs with my io score. But sure I guess I can just go ahead and run for president because you told me to.

I simply try to find whatever little victories I can, in the rare instances I’m able to find them. If that means Blizzard personal looting me a weapon out of LFR, then I’ll take it. I grew up shortly before the participation trophy generation started but perhaps if my childhood was a little more encouraging and inclusive I might not be as messed up as I am today.

Tmog, pets, mounts, achievements, 10x the content, twice the races, more classes, yeah but besides 14 years of additional content it is the same!


Agreed, I’m sorry but Classic content is easy AF compared to retail…


I agree for the most part. I also got pretty bored of Classic after running LBRS for the 8th time trying to get the UBRS key gems.

Retail has 15 years of game piled on it while Classic has 2ish years and no expansions. There is just a lot more to do in Retail. You can try to set up your own guild stuff to make Classic fun if you’re into that, but as a Warrior, I don’t find World PvP that fun in Classic. I’m going to give WSG a try when it comes out, but I have no intention of playing Classic when 8.3 comes out.

Classic is a dead end game. Unless they are going to bring it up to current content but keep classic systems, theres no reason to keep playing it at a point.
Players who were cheap and were on pirate wow servers getting the game for free before maybe had a reason to play it…I dont know, maybe Im wrong and $15 a month for a game is too much $$$ for some.
But with Classic being part of the sub now and players being able to play either game, I dont see classic being more than a novelty after a while.

but they do need to keep it up and running if its keeping more players subbed. Even if its just to take a break from retail.

Gives them motivation to try even if they know the result. Players will try other methods for the challenge. It’s a pvp thing.

The classic crowded may have been nicer at one time, but a lot of those people playing classic now are from private servers and they are a nasty, cheating bunch.


I gave retail a shot. Ran The Eternal Palace for weeks. Grinded out for gear.

And Ive come to realize that classic is just a far superior game. I really do believe it.

Right now if you aren’t aware, retail servers are dying because of realm transfers being opened up. Less dominant factions can transfer off.

If you played retail you know what I’m talking about. If you are on a dominant faction server, I’m sure you’ve seen a marked drop in the opposition.

The game just has this dark vibe creeping into it. Anger. Frustration. Fighting over gear. I gave it a shot but I don’t see a bright future for retail wow. I just don’t think in a year from now people will care about a game where the only thing to do is WQ, battlegrounds and grind for current raid “tier”.

Classic has so, so much more to do that actually means something. The PvP which I have come to appreciate has its flaws but at least you don’t die in a millisecond.

I will forever cherish my 1-120 journey in retail. I simply see the community aspect quite noticeably dropping off.

A few edits, but, you get what I’m saying here…


is that why when classic launched bliizard saw what? a 200 some odd percent increase in sales you folks are blind BFA is right up there with warlords as the worst expansion to date lol

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That why we mostly see folks standing around in cities waiting for a que? because there is so much to do? wheres that eye rolling emoji lol

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