Full time retail player once again

Only if they’re playing Diablo immortal…

or some other awful gacha bait phone game.

Or if they’re one of the shills totally fine with sports games being a predatory mico-transactionfest for years, and causing it to now seep into other games.

Really, I guess I’m saying I hate sheep. Otherwise, play what you want. I like Retail and classic. Prefer retail, had some fun with classic.

Okay, bad example because that does have an endgame zone in it. But most of the zones in the game I wager wouldn’t offer you anything at your level.

I didn’t ignore your post. I said that you’ll eventually hit a point where you’ll have all of the items you mentioned from those raids, and there will be nothing left for you in any of them.

Because heaven forbid that everyone is allowed to participate, even if they’re not the best players or in the greatest guilds? You mentioned Mythic, and while you can steamroll a couple of bosses there (where not everyone would be able to) you’ve still got tons of challenge to go in there.

So get rid of transmog and multiple raid difficulties? :smiley: That’s the only way I’m going back to retail.

Sadly retail turned me off because of these two things, I mostly raid, and in retail when I put my time in, anyone can look cooler than me with transmog and what I work hard to get one week doesnt really matter because it can just be titanforged or replaced so quickly it doesn’t make me value any item I get. In Classic when I put in five weeks of raid time just to have one shield drop and my guild decides I’ve earned it it feels so rewarding and fulfilling. Also that shield is going to last me months not one week.

I would say that the music in WoW is something that everybody can always agree on. Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills, Icecrown, Talador, Shadowmoon Valley, Stormheim, and Dazor’alor all have amazing sound tracks.

No thanks. I’d rather look sexy. I hate leveling / gearing through a raid and being a patchwork quilt of mismatched pieces.


I was so excited for classic, even got back with a guild I raided back in 2006. I got left behind pretty quickly due to my job hours. All of a sudden, around lvl 53 I just stopped logging on. I have lost all my drive to finish that grind and then grind some more. Thinking about trying retail again :confused:

Only the horribly low leveled ones but that’s also like me saying you spend no time in your start zone. I still actively engage with pvp in Barrens at Ratchet with people camping there, Ashenvale borders on Felwood and is camped a lot due to people going South for the songflower. Silverpine even has battles being a 10-20 zone.

Retail? I haven’t engaged with the old zones outside of emissary purposes ever since Uldir. Haven’t needed to unless it was traveling through them.

And I still run the raids because I’m gearing my guildmates, not myself. Retail where I pug allows me to be selfish and quit raiding when I have it all sure.

Didn’t say they weren’t, but that should never come at the cost of gimping raid content because people constantly strive for below the bar. TBC on the other hand made me have to get better if I was going to do most of the fights. I didn’t get the luxury of being bad at the game and expecting Blizzard to nerf it for me because I was too dumb to figure out Gorefiend’s minigame. I didn’t get to cry “I’m 14 and this is too complex for me, fix it please!” I got to put in the time and figure it out otherwise I would have been benched for somebody who could figure it out.

Adversity makes you better if you’re not a total coward. Unfortunately Retail at large quivers in fear at the sight of a challenge instead of running right at it.

That doesn’t sound at all fun, being at the mercy of a guild to get anything.

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Retail’s a worse grind than Classic, fair warning. At least there’s a lot of past content to grind and transmogs to look cool while doing it.

Yes sir I do

Yeah, when you never do anything to set yourself apart and solidify your position you’re at their mercy. My guild here? I’m one of the first two rogues to get items because we’ve proven ourselves and that stays as long as I keep performing, showing up ready to go. You actually earn things rather than “Oh well you got lucky, here’s an item drop.” How do people actually enjoy not having to actually work for items past “oh it dropped and you got loot.”

I guess if you’re a chronic underachiever and would never succeed if it was up to a loot council it seems appealing but I never settle for that. I have actual standards for myself.

That’s nice :slight_smile:

I played in Vanilla, i had the pleasure to watch the game evolve to the state it is now. Im happy. It will never be perfect. But i think that developers are trying different approaches. If it works great, if it doesn’t? You bite the bullet and ride it out.
This game constantly changes and thats the beauty of it. These people are working hard to satisfy a huge player base. Hope they will keep doing a great job.
I didnt go back to Classic, i remember it. I stayed with retail, and ill watch it evolve into Shadowlands.

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I try my best at whatever I do but sometimes I do make mistakes, and sometimes I do fail. And there will always be people just plain better than me. Under your system and mindset I should never be allowed to get anything.

Have fun looking like a pretzel contorting yourself so ridiculously to come to that conclusion.

If you don’t apply effort to consume or show up world buffed or aren’t performing better than the rest of your class, then yes you do not deserve to get gear over them. Play to improve. Sometimes there are better players, so take a loss for the team and be happy for them getting gear because your turn comes soon. If you’re on bottom, either you’re playing with much better players, or you’re doing a lot wrong. Either way, chronic underachievers aren’t an asset to any guild.

While you have a point, and it feels good to get acknowledged by the group, I have also been in way too many clique guilds who have the most corrupt, angry nerds in charge of things, and may choose to not like me for arbitrary reasons and give all gear to other people, so far as gearing off specs before me. (or others)

Over the years I have seen such classics as “X donated a lot to the guild bank before raid so he gets this” or “Ys DPS is fine already so we are giving this to Z” or “this item is on reserve because so-and-so’s hardcore buddy is going to carry us”

Having the typical group of dude-bro officers in charge of who gets gear was always a super crappy experience. Or having the retired “legend” guildie return, hop in the raid with some 24,000 built up DKP, and proceed to full gear in a week while stopping anybody else from getting anything.

Having an item drop directly into my bag on a kill is much nicer than hoping the insecure GL I just out-dpsed by a metric load isn’t salty about it. I should earn items by killing the boss, not by pleasing the raid leader who manages gear distribution.

Of course those are only some bad anecdotes, and there were plenty of groups who were civil, well-lead, and fair, but I saw too many failures in the system to ever want to see it return.



A good guild would uplift those who are struggling and need help. A good guild sees its members as human beings, not as numbers. In one guild I was in, my DPS was on the low end for a mage, and one of the better mages helped me with a few things to get that DPS up. In turn, the received more DPS out of this mage. That’s what being a team is about.

I go into every raid buffed and flasked to the extent that’s possible. Sometimes I struggle with my rotation, sometimes I struggle with boss mechanics, and sometimes I don’t know all the weird little tricks that put ones DPS over the edge. I also don’t have the greatest computer and sometimes do die to lag spikes and FPS crawls.

Never said I try to be a chronic underachiever, but there are times I do struggle. It’s why I don’t raid Mythic. Still according to you I shouldn’t be allowed to raid or get anything from the game. I’m just glad Blizzard disagrees.

It’s a two way street. People will help you if you ask and are having performance issues. However it isn’t a guild’s job to allocate gear to underperforming players, nor would any guild with its best interests in mind do that. Pulling low DPS due to a rotation issue is a world different from somebody actively going out to get their world buffs, songflower, etc.

Another way to look at it also is, if half your raid consumes, and half your raid doesn’t but gets shuffled loot anyway, what does that give off as an impression to the people actively pouring gold to up their performance and spending extra time outside of raid to really up their game? Similarly it’s incredibly scummy for one to not do the same effectively wasting their consumables.

You want to talk about being a team? Then quit being the anchor dragging them down. This is why I will never allow myself to perform poorly in raids on a consistent basis. Because I am not there to waste their time and gear allocations. If you want to use the phrase “team” then quit letting yours down by performing poorly and actually show them you deserve your spot in the guild’s raiding roster.

And that is a world different from what I was describing, but if you’re doing the same thing as another guy who does more damage than you, an item is a better allocation on them plain and simple. I went through this all the time on Nostalrius. People come to raid pre DM, we’re using the same consumables but I’m constantly pulling much more damage than the other rogues. As such I was given the first Viskag of that guild and in the hands of a competent player, it was a bigger upgrade for the guild at large than it was for rogues who were consistently 6th on charts.

Here’s a good example of me vs someone not in my guild who has Viskag while I’m still awaiting a drop.



There is a pretty big difference going from Brutality Blade to Viskag, yet median performance average I am still nearly 10 percentile points above him. I am just a much better player when it comes to dealing damage, and in pvp I used to camp this guy on Nostalrius when nobody knew who the hell he was and if we were in the same guild, I would have gotten Viskag before him.

This is also with my last three weeks being basically screwed on getting all the world buffs due to the weird times people drop Rallying Cry and Warchief’s Blessing as well as dying on the way to MC.

If an item is going to boost someone’s damage heavily, namely a weapon. Any guild will give it to someone who is going to put it to the most use for the guild.

Show me where I made this remark, you keep propping up this inaccurate strawman of my perspective. All I am saying is that gear should simply go to the people doing the best first. Just like I would rather give a loan to somebody who is more capable of doing something with it than somebody who is going to squander it with no hope of returning the investment. That’s what items essentially are. You are given a loan and the unwritten agreement is you will use that to help the others in the guild become geared. If you aren’t putting it to the best use then you are simply wasting the investment.

Any guild in their right mind will prioritize their better players who they can rely on to show up consistently and perform consistently over somebody who is iffy on whether they do good or bad.

You talk as if I’m intentionally being an anchor. I just said that I try my best whenever I go into a raid. That said I do know my weaknesses and limitations, and that’s why I intentionally choose not to do mythic. AotC is my chosen goal for each tier. That is why we have multiple difficulty levels in this game. I don’t think many people are trying to intentionally mess up or “waste a guild’s time”, we all just have our own skill levels and situations going on.

I can understand giving crucial pieces of gear to those who can use them best, first. It just sounds like, from what you describe in your posts, that those on the bottom don’t deserve anything for their time and effort.

Look man, I’m trying to help you believe it or not. I was clearing Black Temple weekly when I was 14 and raiding in Blood Legion when they were top guild in the US when I was 17-18 in Dragon Soul, and I got to there from being a dumbass 12 year old who thought they could bring a fire spec to Molten Core on a mage and was constantly kicked down by their guildmates with remarks like “Why do we even bring this moron to raid? He wastes a slot.”

I want you to be the best player you can be, by resigning yourself to what you have because “Oh well I know my limits.” is just ridiculous. I know I seem like I have a really weird way of approaching it by beating down people I deem as lesser but it’s because I want players to stop kneecapping themselves and push for higher ambitions always. This doesn’t translate to gaming, it translates to life as well. This is why I’m 26 making 23 an hour compared to my classmates who are too busy complaining on Facebook their job only pays them 11-12 an hour. It’s also why I became high Diamond early in League and capped on Master Tier whenever they implemented that before quitting. I got tired of my friends in Gold trashing me for feeding every game. Now they’re finally overjoyed they hit Platinum while I left them in the dust in the same season they were once better than me because I sat down and worked around my weaknesses and got better as a player.

I know people are full of much more potential than they ever will choose to give themselves credit for and allowing themselves to stagnate upsets me because I know in our old age when we actually have no more potential in us we will regret squandering the time when we actually had potential and chose to never utilize it.

No, because I’m not advocating for disenchanting gear in their faces. I’m saying if people are putting in the same time, but the disparity of effort is grossly visible through performance, it should go to the people applying more effort first then trickle down to the remainder of the players who aren’t putting in that much effort.

If they want to aspire to getting priority over their current best players, they should put in as much effort if not more. That’s why I love the rogue core we have in my Classic guild, because they are constantly improving and getting stronger each raid. We are all competing with each other and driving each other to become better because we want to be the person who when a big ticket item drops, they get it first no questions. And when someone does get a piece we are all happy for them and coming harder next week to assure the next one is ours.

If for some reason I start getting my teeth kicked in by the other rogues and lose my current spot in my guild where most rogue items have gone to me first, I will not only be happy that I’ve been surpassed, but I will push myself back ahead of them and be stronger in so doing. In the end, it only makes the guild stronger as a whole.