Nothing remarkable has really changed since these that would require isolating them in their own time frozen realms. ToC in wrath is really when the game started making its sharp turn into what it is today and cata brought the new talent system and LFR .
There may be an audience for these.
Lul you’re a funny guy.
It really really is my man. Season 1 when I was bothering I did under rot 8+ as me and the tank because the monkey dps backpedaled and left. All the gear is tradeable between everyone. It is by far the most lucrative loot system in the game.
Riiiggghhhhhtttt… You never did your weekly islands? You’d be the only person I know that didn’t do that.
If you’re raiding your not going engineering though…
And you usually had guildies that helped out. It was a tram effort.
Lol it’s really not man. It’s better than classic maybe but not by as much as you make it out to be. In any case I don’t want classic or bfa, I’ve said as much multiple times.
You are you only go in with once essence and you’re super gimped lol
Again I never did this and am not doing it now. You’re doing a lot of “remembering”. Classic is pretty casual friendly in the sense those raids are not as hard as you remember. People were a lot worse at the game then.
I wish you all didn’t use garbage and trash as descriptors so much. It makes you all sound like you’re one person.
You know what “long time vets” really means? Right, imo nothing you can do will please someone that’s spent so much time on one game. Try outside, the graphics are amazing.
The game is multifaceted and it’s not Blizz’s fault if some players are one dimensional. Granted some changes are warranted but that doesn’t excuse this wholesale “BFA is trash” “retail is garbage” that’s going on.
Sometimes it seems people just want to complain and sh*t where they eat, yet here they are every day, all day long.
Its easier to discourage than inspire. Stop taking the easy route.
Lol what? You know cata-wod were pretty casual friendly too. I’m not arguing to increase grinds. I’m arguing that bfa forces you to do grinds you don’t enjoy.
I don’t think I ever said retail is garbage… But bfa is hot trash. No ifs ands or buts. They didn’t introduce a single system in bfa that was good.
Lol what does this have to do about inspiration?! If I don’t criticize blizzard and what specifically I don’t like about bfa they will never improve it. If you’re unhappy about something that you used to enjoy you have every right to express your discontent.
I barely made any complaint posts in wod/mop, you know because I actually enjoyed those expansions. I can’t let blizzard keep making bad decisions.
Why would I trade you gear though ? It’s my gear.
4 weekly islands over the course of 7 days is not a grind.
How so ? WoD in particular was quite casual unfriendly : it literally had no casual content at end game.
Wasn’t just you, I meant the complainers,and I dont agree with anything you wrote, but ok
every single expansion did this, I think “the collective you” dont have the patience for it anymore. Classic, is grindy, TBC was alll farming, remember Pandaria, it was dailys up the whazoo. Anyway, I dont want to get nitpicky about it because I could go on.
It didnt mean the expansion(s) were “trash” though.
Did you write a ticket? Ever? There is a very concise suggestions page on the website. Have you written one, even once? In all the time you’ve played? I already know the answer. (collective You again)
Case still stands, these forums are full of them.
Because you don’t need it and your buddy does. He will also return the favor? M+ is amazing for this.
Lol if you hate every minute of it it was a grind
Wod was definitely casual friendly. The issue blizzard just gave up on it. Regardless if love to see the sub numbers from them to now. If out money on the fact bfa isn’t doing any better than wod.
Sadly we will never know.
So now you have 2 people to gear instead of just 1. Or are you expecting carries from your buddies ?
No, it’s not a grind. Islands are even enjoyable in small doses.
Yeah, so friendly. Hit level 100, literally have nothing to do.
Yup I did when I unsubbed from legion.
Yup. I’ve written a few posts on the relevant forums on what I like/dislike.
I also even made some rp posts to be friendly to my guildies from my server.
People are allowed to complain if they’re not happy
Carries are an option. 2 instead of 1 but you can all trade gear which just doubles the loot you can both chose from. If you do a wq and get a tf ring you don’t need? Well if you do a m+ and get a tf ring you don’t need?
Very lucrative.
Lol dude it’s a grind to me and everyone I know. Just because you “enjoy it in small doses” doesn’t mean it’s not a grind
Lol dude… It had stuff for a while. Blame blizzard for just abandoning it. Funnily enough my friends and I still played more WOD than bfa. What was there was good.
Seriously this is a bad expansion. If you think it’s population is vastly greater than wods I have a bridge to sell you.
I did all that in 2005, 2006, and 2007. I was not interested in going through it again. Also since everything is technically known and figured out, the leveling game has gone too fast for “Classic” compared to “Vanilla” when everything was still new. Instead of taking 6 months to level to 60, people were getting there in days, and that really kills your ability to properly enjoy that game.
I’m glad though people who came later have it to get the feel of how the game has changed over the years, but still Retail for all it’s flaws is a much better game. (Although I wish they would bring back the leveling trees. And some of the RP aspects they removed.)
Wait, you want to be competitive, but you pay for carries ?
Lol or you sell carries? Or you have friends. Glad to see you’re completely irrational though
I was also talking about just general runs you can trade gear which isn’t an option for your other lame suggestions
I fail to see how that helps gear your alts.
Retail is a better game, the learning curve is much larger and barrier to entry is harder. But once I got caught up on 8.25 and got my essences to rank 3 I now enjoy retail so much more. That being said, the value reward and leveling experience in classic was by far more enjoyable than leveling in retail. Every piece of gear I got I felt the power gain, every lvl I gained in classic. I am hoping the lvl squish will make retail leveling feel more impactful and less bland.
Yeah a lot of content in classic is getting smashed out in the most optimized fashion possible. In some cases ur not affected but in some u are. And if u are affected by it it sucks. An example are AV premades queue skipping. u see alliance AVs starting with a dozen ppl or half full. Thats becoming more and more the norm as the crazy honor grind is peaking.
I have played Classic already. Have farmed Onyxia and Ragnaros already. I got bored and quit. Molten Core and Onyxia is so easy… LFR in difficulty. I dont care about them. I worry about AQ and Naxx… those are Heroic/Mythic difficulty. I killed 6 bosses of Naxx40 with my Vanilla Warrior. The way how I did it in Vanilla would be the same in Classic. I have no Life back then. Extra 3 hours farming daily was fine with me back then. It wont happen on me on my Classic toon. I left already when I realized I dont want to kill thousand of Boars just to get my epic mount.
I remember all of them. Naxx40 with my Warrior. And my Classic Hunter with tier2 x 2, tier 1 x 4, epic gun, epic cloak and epic rings. Killing thousand of boars was the most hated thing I did in Vanilla and I still hated it on this new Classic.