Full stop on back filling

Blizz should code a full stop on back filling epic BGs after x minutes has passed. Current system is a disservice to their customers.

Does Blizz read the message boards?


What about the players who are actually trying that got stuck with rage quitting children leaving at the first sign of a tough fight?


ya know, nobody ever floats the idea of just not allowing players to leave. like, no /afk, no term sig. your toon is there until the game ends whether you like it or not.


So like I am strongly anti-afk and enjoy taunting people who promote the afk mindset but I would still be against forcing players to stay in a BG. Sometimes stuff (outside the BG) happens and you just gotta leave.

Tough fight or near impossible fight? I’m assuming this is about Wintergrasp, and yes, the smart play is to afk out immediately at the start if on assault and do skirms for 15 minutes. Any time there is more than 20 minutes left in the match, if you are on assault, AFKing out is the play.

Blame Blizzard for the balancing disaster that is Wintergrasp, not the players.


If this thread was titled “Stop back filling Wintergrasp” I would have agreed, but it isn’t. Every other epic bg has a chance of a comeback.


eh personally im not a fan of cleaning up other peoples messes. instead of deserter debuff the offending players should get priority in backfilling their next que. that way it could be faster or could be shorter and a lower chance at innocent victim.


When I get backfilled into a BG I instantly leave. Hard Pass on that.

Couple things that would drastically improve QoL

  • When a Que pops it lets you know you are joining a BG in progress so you can choose to accept or decline
  • Blacklisting…Blacklisting…It can’t be said enough that we need Blacklisting

Not allowing players to leave? Alt F4 would be the new /afk

Are you serious?


no, but we never discuss this idea, so why not? and can we block alt-f4 by hooking into windows? its burried pretty deep but it might be possible.

if that doesn’t work, then…

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I know right. When they released Torghast buffed up before it was fixed thanks to my Alt F4 thread. I literally Alt F4 and did something healthy instead of that garbage they thought was fun.

You as a paying customer always have an option. I’d Alt F4 all day then play my other game if I couldn’t just leave a BG. Log back in Que again. This is a Dev problem they need to fix and people trying to deflect that aren’t helping the problem.

I just got backfilled into WG so I fished for 20 mins and made Lemonade out of lemons. I watched close to 50 ppl back fill and leave instantly in my time fishing. There are incredibly simple solutions to this problem.

  • 1- When Que pop it notifies you that you are backfilling so you can accept or decline
  • 2 - Blacklisting so people have control over BGs they rather peel off their skin then participate in.

This isn’t complicated.

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to a point, the devs also do need to consider that players will manipulate the situation to try and force a change from devs.

you making a thread about afking form wintergrasp just makes more people afk, but it didn’t make them want to afk on their own originally, you gave them the idea so their protest isn’t valid, or at least has reduced importance.

its like if a streamer tells their followers to report something or say something, its an attempt to make something look like a big issue when the reality is its 1 person manipulating a crowd.

when you go around painting a giant spotlight on an issue and then encourage people to do what you say, all it does is make your argument look like a facade propped up by artificial outrage.

As someone already said I think they should let the player know if they are joining a BG in progress… But also give an honor bonus if you choose to join?

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Those people would find a random corner and afk while talking trash or watching youtube. Theres no perfect solution.


The easy solution is to make the deserter debuff longer (maybe 30 minutes), have it apply to all in-game activity; you can’t get into a dungeon, you can’t get into a group, you can’t complete quests, you can’t enter an arena…your game time would be literally useless while you are debuffed. Make it account wide so you can’t log onto an alt to circumvent it, and make the timer stop ticking when you log out, so when you log back in you still have to wait it out.

That is how you fix quitters from leaving because “they capped first…you guys suck”.

I thought the bonus still was around for backfillers. Was that removed recently?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Penalties don’t fix the problem though. Why not address the problem? Not only that a longer penalty wouldn’t fit the crime. You want the harshest penalty for the most casual content? How does that make sense. That would be like a death penalty for jay walking.

Lets take your hypothetical of harsher penalties. You are still left with players leaving because some of actual BGs are hilariously broken and bad. Then you would have more players AFKing in there or purposely sabotaging the match so it ends quicker so they can get out.

What do I mean by purposely sabotage? Not capping flags when you can. I literally have people saying stop capping so this will end faster. In WG when I get backfilled I fish till it’s over. You aren’t fixing anything with penalties.

Now you also increased Que times because players would gladly take a 30 min Deserter over Queing in WG/Isle or these horrendous broken situations. I can go skinning/mining or just play another game while waiting for Deserter debuff to end.

Even if the Deserter was a 1 hour penalty people will still leave!! All your doing is trying to force players to stay in a painful situation. Since you aren’t fixing what is wrong.

Now the solution is to address the problem which is WHY PLAYERS WANT TO LEAVE BROKEN BGS. The answer is simple. The Devs have had every chance to fix some of these maps over recent years and they haven’t!!! We have an Epic BG thread that hasn’t seen a Blue post in forever!!! Where are the fixes!!! Stop the pain of the community and fix the BGs.

Fix the problem and less people will want to leave. It isn’t complicated. If you increase the penalty for casual gaming it fixes nothing except kill casual gaming. People will just stop doing it!!!

Obvious solutions to drastically reduce Deserter is to add Blacklisting and add the option when you accept the Que letting you know you are backfilling. These are what solutions look like.

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There is no fix for the attitude of “you’re all bad and not worthy of my time”, even though said “good” player was part of the very team that gave up a quick cap (of course that wasn’t his fault…it was everyone else’s).

And no you wouldn’t be able to go skinning or mining, the debuff in my scenario would prevent even that. You would literally have to sit there and just look at your screen and read trade chat for a half hour (without responding because you wouldn’t be able to do that either).

If there was a way that the devs could lock someone’s computer so they couldn’t even surf the net during the debuff I would be all in on that too.

My concern isn’t the reason the quitter wanted to quit, my concern is with the poor guy who sat in a 15-20 minute queue only to load into an already decided battleground that the quitter helped create. The quitter helped cause the mess, let him sit in there and deal with it.

Harsher penalties are the answer. The only thing that anyone responds to if fear of the punishment. Make it so unpleasant to be a quitter that the thought of quitting isn’t even an option.

What does this fix though? You never answered that? Your idea would crush casual BGs participation faster then you can imagine. It’s literally the worst idea possible.

Casual BGs… they aren’t serious. Hence they don’t get serious penalties.

Okay there now you want to be a communist and force everyone to do exactly as you want. Enjoy this content or nothing at all!!!

This is literally the problem that you have to fix though!! How can’t you understand that.

It’s better than a 45 min Que if you make penalties worse. I’d gladly take a 1 day Deserter than do some of these broken BGs. It only is hurting you by making penalties worse without fixing the problem.

You get most ridiculous statement of the year. Your thinking is wrong and you should seek professional help. That isn’t how you have a community that is happy and flourishing. In fact you wouldn’t have a community at all what you want are slaves. Obviously Blizz is against this because it’s wrong on every level and if you are human and aren’t a sociopathy this should be common sense.

Games are supposed to be fun not torture. :man_facepalming:

I am not forcing anyone to queue for a battleground, but once they do they have to understand that they aren’t allowed to leave because they helped create a loss that they don’t want to eat.