Frustration with VElves and Nightborne

RIP Shadra =(

Its a cultural thing. Like I said, people want to attribute Abrahamic values on Deities, but consider most deities that existed in our own history wee deeply flawed. The Norse Gods were heroic, but they all die. Greek Gods were selfish and vain. Voodoo deities can be mischievous and untrustworthy, which is why Voodoo magic is characterized as being dangerous.

Elune, to me, is a lot like Odin. She is not heartless, but she his stupid high expectations of her chosen people. Being a follower of Elune is not an easy path, and you are expected to be extra ordinary.

I mean, we’re pretty great.

This crap again?

She wanted more of the Nightborne to take up arms because

  1. They need all the help the could get.

  2. Because like any other commander, her own troops are her top priority.

But let’s ignore how Tyrande’s tune changed once she realized that the situation in Suramar was more dire then she realized and how she hoped that the Nightborne would be able to survive after Thalyssra decided to destroy the Nightwell.


No it wouldn’t, as I already explained.

Also, why did you choose Bwonsamdi as your reference? He is neither Elune or has anything to do with Elune. Heck, he probably doesn’t like Elune, if she provides an alternate afterlife than ending up with him.


You did not explain, you just make declarative statements without any support.

Reference for what?

That seems to be what you have defined explaining as, for you likewise made declarative statements without any support.

This part back here:

I have supported with plenty of lore that you ignore XD.

Oh, because he is a Loa of Death, and Death is part of the balance. He is a Nature deity, so his views of undeath is likely something shared among most Loa, Wild Gods and most things who act in the effort to safeguard the balance of nature.

And of course he says the reason why he hates undead is because it disrupts the natural order. of things.

But Bwonsamdi has also shown that his has no problem creating Undead of his own as long as they belong to him.

So if anything, he is hypocritical of that very claim.


I only like to play void elf or lightforged draenei these days .

Come now, where did you give supporting lore that says that welcoming the undead means you aren’t dedicated to Elune? I’ve literally looked back through all your posts here, and unless I missed something, I didn’t see any lore references.

He certainly does say he’s for balance, but he doesn’t say undeath disrupts the natural order of things:

    Bwonsamdi: Why would me want da Banshee Queen in charge? Nononono. Sure, I be all for war and death, but dat Sylvanas... she be tippin' da scales too far.
    Bwonsamdi: Balance be important! Besides, dat one got a nasty habit of keepin' what she kills. No, ya warchief be no friend to ol' Bwonsamdi.

If anything, he just says that Sylvanas killing too many people is what’s unbalancing things. There’s also more spirits of death in WoW with a more varied number of different opinions than one can throw a stick at. One of them seems to be that balance can include the undead.

    I am Ulfar, the last of the Drust Thornspeakers and the teacher of these students. One day my task will be over, I will return to the earth and a new High Thornspeaker will rise to lead, as is the proper way of things. But that day has not yet come.

    * Are you druids?

    We are, < name >. We are guardians of the balance in nature, the keepers of the cycle. Life is a part of nature, as is death.

    We are not so different from you, < name >. We are guardians of balance, keepers of the cycle. Life is a part of nature, as is death. But as a druid you know this.
    Be welcome in our grove.

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If anything, everything you just cited just proves my point.

Er, Ulfar and Kul’Tiran Druids are less on the, um, alive side:

Since the very beggining of Nightborne being presented in Legion´s Blizzcon, I found them to be flavor-wise as nothing more than purple Belves with a different playable model (imho improved to in the case of male Nelf cause even if male Nightborne look thin they don´t look like a deformed purple gorilla). I will say I even was in the group of people against making them playable (their themathics really DON´T fit WC3 Nelf narrative nor development and they can potentially cannibalize Belf arcane side; but well, I suppose Blizz has been uncharacteristically subtle when dealing with their integration to the Horde so right now I don´t feel they´re a threat to Belf thematics´s and lore integrity).

Nightborne model may look “ugly” for some, but honestly the only thing I dislike over it is the crooked nose and strong laugh lines on males -makes the look extremely older-… in regards to female I find the model perfect (I would like more hair options though…). All in all I guess that I don´t have a problem with ugly as long as I find the lore of the race appealing.

In regards to Velves? I feel sad for them… I think they´re slowly becoming a wasted potential, and were contaminated with the same stupidity bug polluting Veeresa and similar High Elf characters (heck, one could even say the induction of Velves on the Alliance made Helves like Veeresa, Aurora and Alleria look like the most moronic and hypocritical creatures ever. Yeah complaining over draining mana from a mad rat apparently is less offensive than keeping in close quarters people with psycho voices telling them 24/7 to murder the poor unfortunate soul standing right next to them -and sorry but this is canon, blame the guy that made the “Three sisters” comic-).

Alleria had SO much potential to become an actual conflicted and complex character, but frankly? she´s just another Veeresa but now with super powers to make her even more cringe worthy (Being jailed by a fanatical brainwashing windchime and looking at her husband defending the choice of the aforementioned windchime? NO problem!!, apparently she has 0 issue with Turalyon over that -and sorry but people irl divorce over less… the guy basically was complciit on her unfair incarcelation and she like a good little elf trophy wife for the human hero got amnesia and pretended nothing happened!!-… Being confronted with the undead devastation put upon her former nation -which includes the raise into undeath of her little sister and death of most of her family- by the prince of the former MOST important Alliance nation? No issue!!!, Arthas-who? But of course, an Orc taking a stroll on Silvermoon is much more aggravating than Dalaran et al never doing anything to help the elves while they were trying to survive the zombie apocalypse!!.. Her little sister being called upon “creatively twisting” the facts so the blame over her own mistakes would fall upon the Horde sister? no issue, who cares if Veeresa lied over her being trhe actual intellectual author and coward regarding Garrosh… and so on and so fort.

Umbric too has been infected with silly background most of the time (I love Silvermoon and I want to take care of it even if I´m subjected 24/7 to a magical energy that can destroy the very source of stability and wellbeing on the country!! Also, I did my research under edgelord motivations and following the parameters made by the cretin that actually made possible the genocide of 90% of the elves -with a functional Sunwell, Umbric et al insisting on Void magic does look both silly and childish… there really was NO need, though I give him some brownie points for admiting he screwed up and that Rommath´s reservations were founded… Umbric still may have hope of becoming a much better character than the walking joke that are the Windrunner nutjobs-.)

I don´t have an issue with a coherent narrative for playable Helves, problem is Blizz seems more interested in feeding the moronic “I´m a hardcore patriot that actually never ever cared over defending Quel´Thalas in their darkest time, but some NPCs got exiled so I assume we all were -wrong lorewise as established by the UVG and never contradicted by Chronicle-, so we ALL are victims like poor Veeresa!!” BS 10th rate headcanon some few but VERY vocal fans seem to desire for their fav race (Veeresa btw, was too busy getting her arcane fix on her knees by her hubby and acting like a trophy elf wife to actually and voluntarily defend Quel´Thalas from the menaces polluting it after the end of the Third War).

In retrospective, I think I don´t gave an issue with characters and racial characterization that DO aknowledge the shortcomings, so I guess this is why I dislike that version of the Helves and Velves SO much (that version of the Helves/Velves makes them nothing but a bunch of opportunistic crybabies still parasiting on her human overlords to get the job done for them)… not because they exist or the model, but because they feed some of the worst literary development I´ve ever seen.


They are very much alive… they mention death is part of the natural cycle, not undeath. You literally just posted a bunch of stuff that contradicts your point…

They don’t have skin, have skulls instead, and all their plant parts look quite dead. Drust magic is generally called Death Magic as well. If that’s alive, that’s a very generous definition of life.


To build off of this, by going off of the cosmic power chart Chronicles gave us, Undead are just manifestations of death magic.

If the natural cycle involves both Life and Death, then it can be argued that Undead can fit in there some way.


Simple Point being is that They’re same boring Blue skin Elf races that ether A no one asked for and B could have been a neutral Allied Race but nope.

My only hope of what’s left in variety of elves is San’layn and High Elves. That’s it. Just no more Blueberry Ones or Dark Elf Theme ones as well. They’re getting more dull and boring almost every single month I try to play both of them.

They haven’t been implemented yet, but for Darkshore we have this cutscene and quest datamined:

Yo, I heard someone was calling my Bro Amadis not a Night Elf fan?

I disagree with him on pretty much everything, sometimes to heated extremes, but he’s pretty articulate. Some of the best conversations i’v had about the nature of Warcraft’s setting happened with his posts.

It’d be like me saying that Verilus isn’t a true Forsaken fan because he’s more upset about the races direction then I am, or that Callias is not a true Forsaken fan because he embraces their darker themes more then I do.


Edgelords extraordinaire that look like Twilinght vampires of blandest elves that are as interesting as watching paint dry -and more incoherent with any lore development… though if the devs focus Helf narrative in how they are integrating with their human overlords and changing their culture they may actually become interesting-… talk about irony. Velves are basically the Helf most favored narrative but just with added superpowers, I still have trouble wondering why you people dislike them when they´re mostly perks with no drawbacks after playing the intro scenario.

Akiyass, nuff said -she sometimes Is the new Zerde… maybe actual Zerde with an alt?-. I won´t contest Amadis regardiung Nelves -I think the only time I clawed his face metaphorically speaking was because forsaken and the awful Calia BS…-


Because the Intro Scenario for Void Elves sucks and it was terrible. “Oh hey there’s like 500 High Elves still around within the Alliance/Dalaran should we make them into a Allied Race? No! Let’s make Blueberry Blood Elves with the Ethereal/San’layn/Broken Themes mix together into them. Lol.”

Also you have no respect for vampires in general if you think all Vampires are from the crappy book/movie Twilight. You ms are pure cringe. Plus atleast High Elves are Human and aren’t slaves to Orc Overlords thanks.