Frustration with VElves and Nightborne

And even if you called us this, it would not make the Night Elves any less dedicated to Elune.

it’s littered all throughout Broken Shore stuff, stuff in the plaguelands. Even WC3, its pretty well established, and the point of this thread isn’t to debate anyway.

She called her an upstart, not a fasle goddess. Also consider the source… The Void lies.

He considered the possibility, but consider the source. Velen and Xal’atath are unreliable narrators.

And we have never seen a Naaru use Arcane, Nature, Necromantic and Void magic like Elune does.

Yes it would. As I already explained.

That makes me wonder, though. Did Elune only reach out to the night elves and some trolls, or is there canonical evidence that she tried to contact other races?

My first reaction to affirming that the horde should be wrong by default for not recognizing her was kneejerky because I wanted to say it’s not wrong, but I feel like the concept of that seems muddy in general. If Elune favors one race over another, is it wrong to feel neglected or slighted? If there was no apparent attempt to contact a person to convert them, should they be considered pre-damned in the eyes of Elune and her followers simply because they never had the chance to experience her works in a positive way?



Nightborne should have BEEN Void Elves honestly. Being addicted to mana was already the Blood/High elves thing. It would have made the more sense if the Nightwell had been a source of Void energy and the Nightborne were addicted to void energy.


I wish Alliance had got High Elves and Horde had got Darkfallen instead. Both elf races had been wanted for a long time. Moreso than the ones that had just been introduced, and the ones that hadn’t even been introduced yet.


Moonkin are her favorite animal, There are Zandalari who worship her. She aided in the ordering of Azeroth alongside the Titans, the Titans seem to hold her in high respects. There is a lot we don’t know, but the Night Elves seem to be her chosen, probably because her Son also made that choice.

People attribute Abrahamic qualities to Elune when they shouldn’t. She is heavily inspired from European Pagan traditions, where being unfavored by a deity isn’t necessarily damning.

Elune isn’t the Void, she is a deity of Balance.

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How do you know that she isn’t the void? Do you have an objective source that states what Elune is?

Considering that we have only seen her Void powers recently, and school is still out on if it is void or necromantic… Then yes, I know she isn’t the Void.

I never felt a sense that the Kirin Tor acted as a police over the use of magic. It mostly came down to the Night Elves who (except when Blizzard wanted to give players NE mages) rejected arcane magic.

And Thalyssra didn’t go with the Horde because of Tyrande, no matter what she did. The NB unlock quest indicates that, in spite of “being mean”, she chose to pursue and alliance with the NEs and was rejected.


Which is stupid.

If anything is going to make the Night Elves less dedicted to Elune, it would be the perceived total failure to act when her “chosen people” needed her most. It remains to be seen whether Tyrande’s ascension to the Night Warrior is a sufficient counter. I would say that the answer is no if Darkshore does not resolve beyond an eternal stalemate.

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Maybe, but it seems like a hard sell to expect someone in-game to recognize Elune as a genuine deity to be followed if it comes with the apparent caveat of her preferring a certain race and you’re not part of it.

Edit: But now this makes me think of another potential problem. Hypothetically, if worship of, and favor from Elune started to spread from the night elves to other races, wouldn’t that further damage night elven uniqueness as a playable race? Would that even go over well with race-specific fans?

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Because she is not for all races… The Draenei have the Naaru, Humans have the Light, Orcs have the Elements, Trolls have the Loa… Night Elves get Elune.


Fair enough, I suppose. I guess I’m just too used to thinking the loa suck and a joke for a joke race, whereas the night elves get to have their own genuine deity so I guess it was meta-game jealousy on my part.

Edit: And I think the elements are pretty hokey and not worth a race worshipping them because it comes off more like having to pacify a bunch of self-important toddlers than anything to be respected.

Loa are kinda cool, and inspired from Voodoo. Hell, Bwonsamdi is pretty cool, and inspired directly from a real Voodoo Loa Baron Samdi.

Some Zandalari already worship a Moon Loa… which makes sense because Nelves were once trolls… and I have a theory that Bwonsamdi’s boss is Elune, hinted by the Blood Moon that sits over his temple.

I am kind of salty about all of that because Blizzard makes a habit of just homogenizing races, snuffing out everything that made them unique, and I suspect that’s going to go that way with Elune, unfortunately.

You’re not wrong.

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Animations are just flavor, they have no game effect.


What’s funny about it?

Do you not remember Ragnaros? Thunderaan? Whatever the water guy was?

All little babymensch throwing a fit.

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Maybe it’s a grass-is-greener thing in my case. Blizzard can try to make the loa seem as cool as possible, but they’re mostly just magic animals who die at the drop of a hat as soon as their prophet gets a craving for spiritual nachos. I don’t know how Baron Samedi is portrayed, but Bwonsamdi is slimy and untrustworthy and not something you’d really want to associate with, let alone worship.

Meanwhile Elune is compassionate and loving, if a bit distant. And her alleged power actually seems like something worth respect.

Edit: Basically what I’m getting at is despite all of the kicking around they’ve gotten, I think I have nelf envy.