Frustration with VElves and Nightborne

Ever since Nightborne were announced as a Horde race, I have been salty about it. I happen to think they more closely resemble, physically and culturally, Night Elves, than they do Blood Elves. Espeshally when you consider Highborne are among Night Elves since Cata. I know some of you would argue this and that is not the purpose of this thread.

Lets face it, Allied races are basically sub races. They are not new races so much as they are reskinned old ones. That’s why Blizzard is releasing so many, as opposed to their usual 1 or 2 new races.

When Zandalari were announced, how hyped were you Troll players?
When Dark Iron were announced, how hyped were you Dwarf players?

How about Mag’har? I am not even an orc fan, and I was hyped for Mag’har. Orc fans were probably so thrilled.

Tauren players get Highmountain, Draenei get Lightforged.

Then we get to Nightborne. Who look like Night Elves… and in fact WERE night elves before the Night Well changed them… But they’re Horde. You know, the faction that genocides your people.

We can argue the lore reasons for this until we are blue in the face, but the point remains that it is kind of mean.

You’re a Night Elf RPer who was excited to RP a Nightborne with your Nelf guild? To bad! It’s so frustrating when people say Legion had all this Nelf Lore, then argue when I say Nightborne should have been Alliance because Nelves. It’s also frustrating seeing all these races get these shiney new Allied Races, while Nelf fans just have to stand there and kick the Teldrassil Ash-ridden dirt.

And I am not really sure Horde fans can really sympathize, because lets be real… Did you guys even want Void Elves? Do you even care the Alliance has Void Elves? My guess is you don’t… Alliance didn’t either, we wanted Nightborne.


Void Elves are the most played allied race by far. Should they have been Horde?

More Alliance play Void elves than play Dwarves, Worgen, Pandas, or Gnomes.


Sure, or at least should have been something Blood Elf fans wanted. Lets hear from Blood Elf players. Would you guys want Void Elves? What if you got San’layn or something?

My point is, Nelf players identified with Nightborne the same way Orc players would identify with Mag’har… So we should have gotten Nightborne.


Night Elves got the Shendrela Highborne in Cata. Isn’t that enough Arcane Night Elves?


I’m holding out hope that Undead Night Elves (ala Farondis and Ravencrest) are an Alliance Allied Race, which would at least give the Alliance a Night Elf “sub race.”

Could give the Horde Undead Blood Elves (ala Dark Rangers and San’layn) at the same time to give the Horde their Blood Elf “sub race” that they’re missing, too.


For the love of Warcraft, no more elves.


Nightborne share more stuff in common with the blood elves than they do with night elves. so i ask you what are you smoking?


Dont look at me, im hoping for an alliance lightforged undead allied race lol


Moar Elves.

When they give High Elves to the Alliance, the Blood Elves should share the Sunwell with the Nightborne so they can add more Elves to the Horde in the form of the Lightborne.


You’re going to have to fire Ion “Horde is waiting for you” Hazzikostas if you want HE’s.

I think the Nightborne went to Horde to try and please the HE crowd when Blizzard gave them VEs. Of course this backfired on Blizzard, but like everything Blizzard does they will dig themselves in deeper.


I disagree.

As much as I would like Delaryn back (Her line to Sylvanas made me fall in love). I am not sure I would like Undead Nelves. I think the Night Elves call to preserve the Balance would lead to Undead Nelves killing themselves, or be killed by Night Warrior Nelves.

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Elves are $$$$. There’s def more coming as ARs.


Would you mind elaborating? Because this is totally incomprehensible to me. Their entire culture is based on arcane magic.


That’s not really true. If they made actual good Allied Races and put a lot of effort into them people would want to swap race. I have a feeling Zandalari/KT are going to generate serious money. They’re by far the best allied race for each faction and I give Zandalari an edge.


So is the Shen’dralar, who are part of Night Elf society since Cata. It is also important to note that Arcane magic is present in Kaldorei society as well, it is simply in reverence to the Goddess Elune, rather than an academic practice.

It is also worth Noting that Tyrande was born in Suramar.

But I did not make this thread to debate. I made this thread to express what many Nelf players are feeling on the issue. All other allied races joined the faction of their original race counterparts. So it makes we Nelves feel left out and even insulted.

I mean, imagine if Highmountain Tauren went Alliance because Baine said something that one can interpret as mildly arrogant? That’s basically how the Horde got Nightborne.


And if they added Sanlayn to the Horde and High Elves to the Alliance I reckon they would surpass Zanda/KTs because people just love Elves. Void Elves are awful and they’re already outpacing the pop of most Vanilla races.


Gonna have to agree with Dotzy, it feels like Blizzard will ultimately go for the cash grab that would be High Elves for the Alliance sooner or later. As Hahahahahaha pointed out, Void Elves were the most successful Allied Race, and High Elves would probably be even more so.

For all intents and purposes Tyrande and Maiev asked the Undead Night Elves and Delaryn and Sira specifically to come back to their side, so I don’t really see it likely for the Night Elves to want to kill Undead Night Elves. It anything, especially if the inclusion of the Kul’Tiran Druids has any influence, welcoming the Undead Night Elves might be seen as partaking in balance between life and death.


Except undeath is the greatest blasphemy against death. That’s why Bownsamdi hates the undead, it disrupts the balance and makes a mockery of life.

I mean, I don’t think the nelves would hate the undead… It would be pity more than anything. Killing them would be a kindness, from their perspective, that’s what I always assumed would be the Nelf perspective of undeath.

Much in how the War of the Thorns changed a lot of the Night Elves’ views on the Highborne and other Kaldorei Mages to be more wholistically seen as part of Night Elf society, I would wonder more if Night Elves would just be happy enough to have their friends and family back.


The Nightborne were intended as Horde versions of Night Elves just as Alliance got their version of Blood Elves.

Tyrande made it emphatically clear that she does not consider the Nightborne as part of “her people”. The Horde has never genocided the Nightborne.