Frustration with VElves and Nightborne

Plenty of people were asking for Nightborne when they did the questing.

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I just want you to know that I was eating a burger when I read this. :hamburger:

I nearly choked to death.

You are a bad person and you should feel bad!


Damage already hit Helves, dudeā€¦ after them being totally A-ok with Velves their reservations regarding draining manĆ” from wyrms is rofl-worthy. Helves already are the biggest hypocrites ever.

Dude, becasue I have A LOT of respect for actual Vampires (in serious literature I really liked Bram StokerĀ“s Draculaā€¦ and regarding modern adaptations IĀ“m a complete fangirl of both Buffy the Vampire SlayerĀ“s Spike -God how much I despise Angel in comparison, blegh- and Kota HiranoĀ“s Alucard -I love how he acts like a remorseless predator, period.-) is that IĀ“m complete against the SanĀ“layn version most fans want (A.K.A. edgelord supermodels with zero drawbacksā€¦ give me my highly powerful but highly vulnerable vampires. Yes, creatures that do turn to dust on daylight and whose real appearance is like a really ugly corpse, etc).

I suspect you were not the only one that got a good laugh over that phraseā€¦ personally I think is the best comment from the thread if only for the dark comedy potential.

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You didnā€™t mention the only vampire worth giving a heck about.

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Kain heheheā€¦ well I was more a Raziel fangirl back then, but yes, heĀ“s much more decent character than ā€œEdwardā€.


Thatā€™s a pathetically small crowd. Iā€™m rather embarrassed to see it described as a victory speech.


I feel like Treng and me have this weird thing where our actual lore stances for WoW are super far apart, but our pop culture sensibilities are completely in tune.

Or it might be that regardless of what stance you have in life, itā€™s impossible to deny Legacy of Kain is a masterpiece.

I didnā€™t think it was that bad. But then, given how anti-arcane magic the NE are (or should be), I donā€™t think they would ever accept the NB, even if the hadnā€™t ducked out of the war of the ancients and left them to fight it.

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I think thereā€™s room for forsaken crap, just not ruling the Horde and forcing the Horde to be Forsaken, too.

Undead stuff is my favorite stuff in the setting. Everyone just thinks itā€™s orcs.


Fair, something at the very least I can sympathize with. In MoP I hated working for Garrosh because I knew I was actively supporting a tyrant whoā€™d suppress my culture, itā€™s just happening in reverse now.

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Thatā€™s the nature of their race, not that they are Undead.

Thatā€™s the nature of the race after they died doing messed up sacrificial pacts with an heretofore unnamed entity.

When they were alive, they were Vrykul.

Both Night Elves and Blood Elves assisted in saving Suramar from the Legion. After that, the Night Elves stopped caring. The Blood Elves reached out.


The Nightborne expected to be pampered and the Blood Elves obliged.

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They expected sympathy, not rebukes. They tried to reunite with the Night Elves and Tyrande pretty much slammed the door in their faces. Tyrande has an almost Troll-like adversion towards dealing with racial offshoots of her people.


Hey, some of the best discussions Iā€™ve had around here were with you, too.

Well hell, that probably would have been the nicest thing anyoneā€™s ever said about me around here if it wasnā€™t for Darethy right above coming in first.


IĀ“m not ā€œnice just becauseā€ and you now it better than anyone (you are the poster I metaphorically clawed in the face harder than anyone)ā€¦ but one canĀ“t contest truth. And you Mr., DO know much more than me regarding Nelves soā€¦


Drust were not Vrykul lol

I donā€™t think Void Elves ever should have existed, and Lightforged is just straight confusing to me because they seem more like customization options than an actual race. in function theyā€™re just Draenei with less classes, not even distinct in any meaningful way.
It should have been Broken, and the Alliance should have either: Gotten another allied race in the stead of Void Elves, or gotten a better build up to the introduction of Void Elves.

But itā€™s already done with so itā€™s useless to complain about it now.

As for Nightborne I believe they are far better suited to the Horde as well as the Blood Elves. The Night Elves fit with the Alliance in the same way the Forsaken fit in the horde, in that they are unlikely allies all things considered, but thatā€™s just my opinion of course.

Finally to get to the actual point of the thread, I really do think this is just whining. Maybe itā€™s somewhat justified with the way Night Elves are treated to some extent, but theyā€™ve gotten the better part in all of this. The Night Elves are still one of the most important races in the game, and they get to do this while keeping their flavor of elf unique to themselves.