Frustration with VElves and Nightborne

I’m kind of confused on this point? why would you want allied races to be the same as their main counterpart? what’s the point of them in that case? Like the whole reason no one was really excited for lightforged or highmountain is because they’re basically the same as their main race counterpart.

Meanwhile the races that people were actually excited to play were almost always ones that had some significant difference from their main race. Like dark irons and bronzebeards, zandalari and darkspear, mag’har and green orc.

I mean really just think about it, what do the Nightborne add to the horde that the belves already don’t do? We’ve already had blood elf players complaining about having their identity stolen or having no identity as a race. Funnily enough in the case of Velves at least they can eventually bring a new culture to the alliance… if they ever get a chance to really have one.

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They aren’t the same as either Night Elves or Blood Elves so I’m also at a loss.

No, because Nightborne aren’t accepting fel at large. They do have warlocks, and we’ll see how that’ll turn up in the future, but at the moment, their warpcasters are distinct from Blood Mages.

Reading through this thread did give me a thought.

If one considers Undead unnatural and abhorrent because they break the “Cycle of Life”, shouldn’t one apply the same to immortality?

I guess it depends how you define “Cycle of Life”. But I would define it as “Things live and eventually will always die. Dead things nourish new life. Rinse and repeat.”

So someone who is immortal and can effectively never die would be just as unnatural as something that should stay dead. Both would be deviations of the Cycle of Life.


I mean you’ll get no argument from me about dragons and night elves being some of the biggest hypocrites on Azeroth.


Ulfar mentions eventually returning to the earth, so he doesn’t plan to live forever. But separated from his case, I think this is something to consider.

I mean, I find the attachment to the ‘natural’ things of Azeroth silly at this point. The planets been revealed to be a giant titan crafted womb that’s held together by numerous safeguards that not only date back to the Night Elves, but also the humans as Vrykul, the Dwarves as Earthen, and Mechagnomes. Hilariously, even orcs were keepers of the balance despite supposedly destroying nature, being the offshoots of titan Breakers who prevented the forests of Dreanor from killing everyone else and then themselves.


Neither Void Elves nor Nightborne should have been playable races.

I do care that the Alliance got Void Elves. I care because the Blood Elf model and lore was something unique to the Horde and now it’s not.
The Void Elves reasoning for joining the Alliance is paper thin yet they seem to be fanatically devoted to it to the point that they volunteer for suicide missions.

These two races erode faction uniqueness and identity imo. I’d much rather they didn’t exist.


Considering how creepy the Nightborne look while using the Night Elf model I could have maybe seen Darkfallen use the Night Elf model too, when giving it more thought and all. Them and High Elves would have indeed felt less “out of nowhere” than the Nightborne and Void Elves.

That said I still love Void Elves and think they have a lot more to offer than High Elves do.

To be honest the Blood Elves don’t seem that thematically connected with fel and Warlocks since the Sunwell’s restoration. You see far more Blood Elf light-wielders than any warlocks.

I think Void Elves add more to it to be honest. Yeah they share model with Blood Elves, but they give Alliance a shadow theme that was mostly exclusive to Horde, after Blizzard gave the Horde more Light themes through Blood Elves that just made the Alliance seem less thematically diverse than the Horde.

No lol

Yes please

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night elves share zero similarities with nightborne culture

blood elf culture does

you’re welcome for this master class


Those themes could have been given through other races. Like the Argus Krokul using the Draenei model.

speak for yourself bro, i think that velfs are a great adition even if we didn’t really asked for them.
no,i don’t want nightborne.


I repeat that I don’t get Velf hate when the race behaviour and philosophical stance is corrupting them into Veeresa-esque High elves (though Umbric can still be saved from such terrible fate).

Also, if people don’t see how the behaviour and Legion’s narrative for NB made them basically purple Belves then those people either suck at reading comprehension or they are the typical “I’m a closeted Belf lover but I hate Horde so Nigtborne were the best scapegoat prospect we had” self deluding poster of always…


Problem with Krokul I think is how the lore has established that they can’t seem to use the Light at all whatsoever, making the Priest class just an unfeasible or lore-breaking concept to allow them to have.

Void Elves don’t seem to have that precedent set for them, much as I know there was the issue of Alleria and Turalyon not being able to touch but it seems like that issue has been resolved and the Priest class is more lore friendly for Void Elves despite its Light aspects unlike what’s been unfortunately established with the Krokul.

It’s also just nice that Alliance have a race that isn’t built like a fridge and looks convincing as a spellcaster or stealth unit.

They could have gotten all of that without pilfering a Horde race and model. There was absolutely no reason that the void theme had to involve copying a model and prior lore from the Horde.

They should have at least had a unique idle stance and different ears to set them apart from the other elves but I guess nothing short of total Void corruption could explain such a change that would match the Nightborne’s 10,000 year isolation and development away from Night Elves.

This morning I was contacted by Zahir! the Void Elf, a poster from the Discord who is busy at the moment but wanted to contribute to this discussion. So i’ll be posting something on his behalf: According to him as per the WC3 manual the Pre-sundering Night Elves were never a Matriarchy and Knaak is not to blame, he then provided me with this link to post here.

Lightforged night elves!

A Lightforged Night Elf is just a Blood Elf with a skin condition. :stuck_out_tongue: