Frustration with VElves and Nightborne

well, i’m a guy, so i don’t know if I can really comment…but wonder woman seems based off of the same basic themes (ancient amazonian culture), and most feminists in the USA at least seem to kinda like the character

Aki, I think void elves are honestly the MOST popular allied race ever, except maybe the new troll race as a close 2nd, these days almost any dungeon I queue for has at least 1-2 v. elves

Actually, per an interview at last year’s Blizzcon the Drust were indeed a seafaring tribe of vrykul that settled on what would later become Kul Tiras.

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I’ve heard this as well and I wouldn’t doubt it, but I would like to see this for myself. I’ll go look for it, but I would appreciate if I got some help with getting to this clip.

Hm, interesting. I am not sure if I like that but oh well. Doesn’t so much matter, since the Thornspeakers are not Undead.

a b c The Lost Codex 2018-11-03. Blizzcon 2018 Interview: Alex Afrasiabi & Patrick Dawson - Story and Systems | The Lost Codex. YouTube . Retrieved on 2018-11-03.

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The types of creatures the Thornspeakers are, as per Archeology:

    Ritual Fetish

    When the Drust were first learning to attach souls into constructs, they used the bones of their dead as hosts. Once the ritual was complete, these fetishes were said to emanate an eerie blue light, presumably the essence of the soul’s power made manifest.

    Restored Revenant

    As the Drust became more skilled at trapping souls within objects, so did they become more adept at creating constructs of death in which to trap the souls. Revenants are amongst the fiercest of these creatures. Stripped of memory and any semblance of self, their bodies constructed from pieces that can no longer decompose, these creatures never tire and will hunt their prey for all eternity.

Thornspeakers still are not undead or condone the use of necromancy for the purposes of raising the dead.

How can Ulfar still possibly be alive if he isn’t undead?

Thank you.
I’ve actually don’t think I’ve seen this particular interview and if I have, I must have forgotten.

I’m unsure of either of those claims. Of course most of the Thornspeakers aren’t undead themselves and only utilize the construct forms as,… well temporary forms. Whether they condone Necromancy is another matter, and Ulfar does seem magically kept “alive” somehow.

nbd homie, interviews are often long, boring, and filled with crap most people don’t care about. It’s super easy to tune them out.

Druidic magic.

Druidic magic doesn’t confer immortality.

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There’s probably examples out there, but does druid magic actually help with living a longer life. I mean, it’s magic and life magic no less, but I’m scratching my head to think of any examples.

Im going to have to disagree with the premise of this thread. Nighteborne share FAR more in common with blood elves than night elves. The only thing NE and nightborne have in common is their physical appearance, and that is it.

Modern NE are a full blown REJECTION of the society nightborne represent. Nightborne represent the night elf empire of old before the war of the ancients. Powerful, reckless, arrogant, and full of hubris. Reckless, because it was they who summoned the Legion to the world. Arrogant, because they looked upon ALL non night elf races as inferior and unworthy, and their hubris nearly got their entire species wiped by the burning legion. If Jarod Shadowsong acted like a typical NE at the time, they would all be dead.

modern NE live in trees and in balance with nature. Utilizing hit and run guerilla tactics they fight alongside natures defenders like treants and dryads and focus on druidic magic.

Nighteborne live in basically a reskin silvermoon, just painted blue and purple. Are addicted to magic thanks to the Moonwell, i mean Sunwell, i mean Nightwell. Their solution to a problem is to hit with as much arcane/temporal magic as possible. Or take a deal with the devil, the same as the NE of old.

the two are basically nothing alike anymore.


Doesn’t necessarily have to be immortality. Just extended longevity.

And druidism overlaps with all sorts of Nature spirits and the like who might well confer such a thing. After all, we know powerful loas can extend the lifespan of favored adherents, and an Ancient can be in effect a loa by another name.

It’s likely no coincidence that Ulfar’s cave is where the players can find a Drust stele that shows a bramblebear (i.e. Thornspeaker in bear form) being blessed by Athair and Athainne (Heart of the Forest and Secret Keeper of the Forest, respectively), who would seem to basically be Kul Tiras’ local forest Ancients.

I think this is applicable here:


For 2,700 years? We haven’t seen that where immortality isn’t involved, have we?

2,700 might not really even be exceptionally long for what’s basically a vrykul.

We don’t have a solid lifespan for flesh vrykul (naturally non-cursed vrykul who are still metallic like Yrgrim the Truthseeker seem to be ageless), as usually their societal fixation on finding ways to die gloriously hasn’t really presented us with notable examples of them getting old.

Moreover, Ulfar’s gossip with Hunters indicates that some of the wildlife around his cave seems to be part plant. And trees can live an extremely long time, let alone magical ones. Ulfar may still be alive because as High Thornspeaker he’s remained a bramblebear the entire time, perhaps extending his life far beyond what may already have been an extensive span as a Drust.

And yet, we only see Ulfar as a clearly death-related entity. He never takes a humanoid form. If he does, how certain are you that he will be a man and not a wickerman? Or, that he can even turn back to that form at all, because it may be dead?

Death and Life, in harmony.
I think he definitely uses the two powers as an equal power, such as the Cenarion druids use the Sun and the Moon. Perhaps it does not have to be the Sun and Moon in particular, as we see in this case, but rather a balance of nature, whatever the duality might be. Perhaps one day we might even see a group of druids use the Light and Shadow as a duality in place of the Sun and Moon.
Ahh but that’s all off-topic