Frozen Memory Not working

The Frozen Memories questline isn’t working the Lich King’s vision doesn’t trigger when you reach the small island.


I’m having the same issue. I’ve abandoned the quest, reloaded, disabled addons. Nothing fixes it. Blizzard, please fix it!

Same, posted my own thread then saw this so posting here too. Tried abandoning a bunch to no avail.

I’ll join in as well. My quest is also not working. I was really looking forward to getting my mount today. :upside_down_face:

Same here. The vision never starts. No matter what I have done. There’s another thread where someone ask about farming older content in Icecrown area and the response was a let down.

Same, and it’s obnoxious.

Same here, have tried to abandon and redo the quest 5 times over the last 16 hours with no luck. Please let me know when it is fixed blizz, been really wanting this mount.

Same here. Restarted quest, disabled addons, relogged, restarted game, left and came back to the island multiple times. Nothing seems to work to get the vision to trigger. Already submitted a ticket.

Following as I’m stuck on it as well.

It wont work for me either. I’ve tried absolutely everything.

Yeah same here. Been burning through all the necessary questlines to get this quest and know I can’t even get my mount. Honestly it’s really aggravating and Blizzard needs to fix this ASAP.


Quest is broken for me as well. I have submitted a ticket and a bug report. It looks like we might just have to wait until the event is over.

Received an update from a ticket I had submitted last night. If you started the pre-patch event, Icecrown is locked until the event is over.


Bummer. Thanks for the update.

That’s crazy. Sorry you did the new stuff, wait till later to do what you wanted? Well thank you for sharing the reply. All mine kept commenting on was the Trial of Crusader dungeon or raid… lmao

I appreciate the update. Thank you. I also find it odd that there is no workaround. Not cool at all.

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I don’t like to have to wait, but this explains it. I get upset when I can’t finish things and the explanation helps. Guess we wait until SL is out and the phasing is done.

I accept that the phasing is an issue, but a bit mythed that they didn’t account for this by allowing someone to revert time or something in Northrend.

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I wish I knew this before I spent all week working towards my class mount, shame on me at this point for not checking to see if the questline is bugged before I start it.

UPDATE: If you have a buddy, or second account, that has not started the pre-patch event, you can party sync with them to gain access to complete the quest. Even if you already started the pre-patch yourself.