Frostmourne Transmog?

Then why when I said something cosmetic people flipped their lid and said we should get the real thing, we were robbed. You even said it

You guys do want the weapon. Dont try to lie at this point.

we arent lying :wink:

I’ve never heard of a dev talking about us possibly getting frostmourne.

Yeah… yeah you are. Or have you changed your mind on the subject and just want to argue with me because it says Kelliste beside the picture?

im never gonna change my mind about wanting a transmog item that cant effect me like the sword possibly can
just harmless fun that doesnt effect anyone

Thats not what i asked. Did you change your mind from wanting Frostmourne to just wanting the visual? And why if you did change your mind?

i did answer you thanks for playing

So then you werent robbed of the weapon in legion if you never wanted the actual weapon to begin with.

When someone is being intentionally obtuse about the difference between equipable weapon, cosmetic item, and toy just to stir up crap, no. You aren’t trying to form an argumentative debate, you’re just being a troll.


Yeah yeah yeah Mr. Toxic.

Evidence thats on display.

If you read through some of my other comments you will see what I am talking about.

This games lore is a dumpster fire. The amount of ridiculousness that has happened in this games story or with the game itself is far and away beyond any argument people can make against letting Death Knights, if any class, have the option to transmog the original 2h Frostmourne (regardless of how it performs vs dual wield).

Those of you getting so triggered by it and arguing tooth and nail against something like this despite what has already happened with this game and the fact that it effects you in no way should take a good long look at yourselves in the mirror and reprioritize whats important in your life, or at the very least get a freaking life. I’ve never seen such autistic screeching against giving a cosmetic, especially one that makes sense thematically in any game before. Not to mention the evidence laid out that the original Frostmourne was originally intended for Death Knights in legion before devs caved into fury warrior/rogue rerolls that screamed even louder for dual wield to be viable for a class advertised from the beginning as a 2h juggernaut.


even tho ur just trying to bait and be cringe on the internet, they actually dont have the same look or even the same colors. shadowmourne clearly has a lot of purple all over it, shadowmourne is missing the 2 matching skull faces on both sides of the hilt, shadowmourne has hints of gold and brown on the weapon and frostmourne doesn’t, and of course i dont know how it wasn’t obvious enough but one is a SWORD and the other one is an AXE.

clearly just someone trying to be negative and stop people from getting what the large majority of the player base and death knight player base have wanted forever, go find happiness in ur life buddy.

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I have a feeling we weren’t going to get the original Frostmourne, despite some of the other artifact choices ol’ Frosty and it’s corrupting influence would probably have been too dangerous. The blade of the single sword that was forming had a more icy white-blue look like the blades on the Fallen Prince had.

This thread made me go back and look. In both Wrath and Legion versions of the Ebon Hold, and at the Shadow Vault in Icecrown, every death knight with a weapon has a two handed runeblade in the form of a sword, axe, or polearm. The only ones who dual wield are Darion Mograine after he chucks corrupted Ashbringer (and is canonically an Unholy death knight), and one of your class hall champions Thassarian. Even in the original Wrath starting zone, everyone used two handers and that was your only option as well outside of one quest where you equipped a pair of hot irons to torture people.

Interestingly, the Shadow Vault knights had a blade like the Ebon Hold greatsword, but with a red tint to it and it was sheathed on the hip. It’s a model we don’t get a transmog of.

They have the same look. Shadowmourne has blue all over it, not purple. And yes, one is an AXE and the other a SWORD (dont know why you thought you needed to do that but ok) but they still have the same look. The transmog would be the same regardless.

A few people on the forums that continually kick and scream is not the majority of the playerbase. Its a few people on the forums kicking and screaming because they dont get what they want.

There is none.

Thats completely false and the devs even stated in an interview that they wanted DK to DW somewhere, and that if it couldnt work then they would scrap it, but it worked and it was the frost spec that got it.

I also dont know where this 2h juggernaut thing came from because the class isnt slow and DW hit just as hard if not harder than 2h at times.

This is not evidence that Death Knights were intended to be 2h only.

There are more Death Knights than the 2 you listed as well that DW, one even uses a Sword and Shield. All this has been researched so you arent adding anything to the original argument. Marwin, Falric, Thassarian (who isnt just a class hall champion) Mograine are all Dk’s that either DW or use a Sword and Shield. Some of the concept art even says “death knight shield” so they might have been looking to have Death Knights also use a shield at some point.

Its easier to copy models that were already made instead of making all new models.

If anything it shows that DW is something higher ranked death knights do and 2h is just for the entry level grunts. Not really an argument that I would go with.

Wow. Thanks for the passionate replies.
Have to say I’m surprised to see people against the idea of having a special DK only tmog of frostmourne but I respect your opinions.

I have both scythe of the unmarker tmogs (blue and red) which are not equip weapons just tmogs. Didn’t have to actually get the weapons to mog them. And the boss was defeated in the lore so he’s long gone but people can still get his weapons. There’s nothing wrong with doing the same thing with frostmourne. Just make the requirements for obtaining the appearance tedious enough and only us no lifer dks will actually go and get it.

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arguable. 2h obliteration is looking better than ever next xpac

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thanks man i couldnt remember why i typed it like that and i couldnt figure out how to retype it

What evidence specifically?

To my knowledge they have never said that they planned on giving frost DK’s frostmourne but because of tuning everyone played DW so we got that instead.

They could have easily just made frost a 2H spec in legion for frostmourne. Or even given it to blood or unholy.

To me it looks like they never intended to give us frostmourne.

Do I think they should give it to us though?

The animation that plays out in the scenario, if you watch closely it actually appears to fix itself, then akwardly turns into a set of 1h weapons.

Also if we were remaking them, then the story most for it would of likely involved a runeforge, not the blade putting itself back together.