Frostmourne Transmog?

Even if we do include Bolvars retconned lore that SL introduced, when did he take his last breath?

If the plague kills or blight or whatever it was, how was he raised into undeath? If Arthas did it then he would have been under his will and not needing to be broken and the red dragonflight arent these pseudo necromancers either.

SL changed way too much to be believable. Nathrezim were changed, the entire thing of the Lich King was actually just the jailer, Frostmourne and the armor? or just the helm? wasnt created by the Nathrezim but someone in the shadowlands. This is a sequel trying to be a prequel as well and it doesnt work.

Its not my interpretation of events, its what happened.

Neither will you. You brought up some ruling thing where undead cant rule or some stuff to justify that Arthas didnt die. He didnt die in the sense that he was struck down and he was raised, he died because his soul was ripped from his body and trapped within Frostmourne.

He didnt know it and unless his body was 1 mile away from the sword he would never know because thats the limit to that part of Frostmourne. It kills the wielder instantly, consuming its soul completely (retconned in SL to just break off a portion of the soul for the jailer to corrupt) without the wielders knowledge that it happened. Any way you want to look at it, Arthas died right then and there.

Source? Or is this a ‘dude trust me’ thing?


Almost everything i can find says Arthas lost his soul the second he took up Frostmourne and was controlled by the Lich King from that point on, at first it seems the Lich King let him have free will for a time but the second he called Arthas had been a puppet from the start.

So idk I do think Kelliste is right here.

I dunno, weapon is so iconic that I’m not sure I’d like to see a bunch of people using it.

Frostmourne might still be in the game files. It was originally a Legendary item added to the game that would drop from the Lich King. Then later they decided to change it and took it off the loot table and added in the Shadowmourne quest line.

It’s from Arthas’s book if she’s talking about Arthas’s soul being in Frostmourne.
But that was before he put on the helm. When he put the helm on, he was in his body again.

Thus why he didn’t immediately die when Frostmourne was shattered.


Ahh that’s cool! I haven’t read any of the novels, just heard snippets from some of them.

You havent looked up the lore to know its a source from the RPG on the curse that Frostmourne has?

“Finally the sword is able to suck the being’s soul into the sword. Frostmourne then retains the memories and skills of its victim. In fact, as long as the wielder’s original body remains within one mile of Frostmourne, the sword maintains control of the body, and he may not be completely aware that his consciousness has shifted to the weapon. Beyond one mile, the sword cannot control the wielder’s body, and the wielder of course finally becomes quite aware of his current state (if he is not already).”

The RPG isn’t Canon though.

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Neither is Shadowlands.

Sadly only in our heads.


Shadowlands destroys the lore of Frostmourne, and Arthas, even the LK as a whole. Bolvar, the Nathrezim, the Legion, the creation story and so much more.

Frostmourne consuming Arthas’ soul completely is Legion lore from the Artifact book. The mile range on Arthas noticing hasnt been rewritten or anything so that part of the lore should be in tact from the RPG.

“Arthas knew it was cursed, he didnt care, and unop taking up the blade Arthas succumbed to the Lich King’s iron Will. The prince’s sanity unraveled, and the runeblade gorged on his soul.” Thats the reason why we never touched the thing in HoR even though it was unguarded, the curse acts as its own guard.

SL changed the lore with Frostmourne consuming the soul of those that wield it and cut down. Arthas soul was completely devoured, Uthers soul was completely devoured. SL just has it breaking off a portion of the soul to they can have these stories which was a bad story in the first place. Changing this lore just served one purpose, to crap on the old devs and story tellers.

They didnt even follow their own Shadowlands lore. With the arbiter down the souls wouldnt have been funneled into the maw, the limited places we went in the shadowlands should have been in absolute chaos like the arbiter lore states. Souls that should have ended up in Raven could have ended up in any of the infinite realms of the shadowlands. The maw, bastion or wherever.

Its such bad writing.

the RPG isn’t canon.

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I will not disagree on that.

Shadowlands did a lotta beloved lore and story dirty.

I still hope we get Skyrim intro’d to a hospital bed in a Capital City and just get told “Nah, N’zoth had you in his hold. That was all a dream. We’re going to the dragon Isles now to get the power to truly stop him. Also you were in a coma for like 5 years… s**t’s happened.”


Some of it is, some of it isnt. Just like most of the game technically isnt canon since SL story was introduced.

The 1 mile thing however has never, from what i have seen, been changed. Just like someone else putting on the helm when there is already a lich king kills the person unless they are a god. That hasnt been changed.

What did change is if you take the helm off you lose LK powers… Somehow.

No, because the rpg was barely considered canon when it was printed, and invalidated later on. Shadowlands is still canon, retcons and all, until Bliz says otherwise. Sorry you don’t like it, but you gotta live with it weather you like it or not.


Also, tabletop game mechanics are rarely ever considered universal canon for a world setting because of how telling a story works vs how a game works. Reconciling lore and world building vs game mechanics is one of the harder aspects of creating RPGs.


That would be pretty funny

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No, i actually dont. I think there is plenty enough people that they could say SL isnt canon. I mean hell they didnt follow their own SL lore, and they cut it short because the expansion was lnt recieved well. It was all bad.