Frostmourne Transmog?

I was talking about as a human being, but if you get that far into roleplay so be it.

As a human being I think it’s a video game. you want to put that standard in?
Well no more War games. No more shooters none of that traumatising violence for us anymore ooooh no.
That’d be boring.
So as a human being I say, gimme my shinies!

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no one takes keliste seriously. we’re just taking advantage of his obsession.


The Plague of Undeath is still around. You know, the thing created by Lich King Ner’zhul and Kel’Thuzad to make the Scourge and still pervades both Plaguelands. The one that was the foundation of the Wrath pre-patch event, and played a roll in the Shadowlands pre-patch as well.

The end of Wrath also spelled it out, without a Lich King wearing the Helm of Domination, the Scourge would be wild and uncontrolled, spreading across the land in ever growing numbers as the plague of undeath turned the living into more undead.

We’re coming back to an Azeroth that’s hunky-dory and going right to the Dragon Isles it’s true, with seamingly no mention of the Scourge having no master and that being Very Bad Thing ™, but there’s also a giant sword still sticking out into space and Azeroth is still bleeding her weird blue-gold blood and neither issue has yet been fully resolved, so why would we be surprised that it all just get’s hand-woven away again.

That’s been a suggestion for how we get a frostmourne transmog, a reward for a small short quest with the Primus who gives Bolvar and the Ebon Blade what we need to keep the Scourge quite again without the need of the Helm of Domination. Maybe even a way to combat the Plague of Undeath itself.


so trolling, got it.

I played the pre-patch, and it was quite boring and underwhelming. Not to mention a way to fight the plague was found during that pre-event. Druids have been healing the land in Eastern Plaguelands but nothing has been updated in the old world since… what… cata?

Bolvar is also nothing now unless the lore changed yet again with him. He never died and it was the helm giving him his Lich King powers. When it was removed the powers went with it so technically he should just be a paladin again. Bolvar is with the Ebon Blade because he wore the helm and has some insight to things as well as he thinks he has nowhere else to go.

So all thats really left is dealing with liches and necromancers and possibly some rogue death knights.

There is also something with these stories that writers just ignore. The big sword in Azeroth, the celestial crawling out of the earth in the Eternals. They make a wow factor and dont know how to deal with it. Poor writing.

But again, the primus isnt going to give us Frostmourne. Seriously. Why would he? He might just tell us to just go wipe the scourge out if you are that worried about it. Free the souls being tethered to the body so they can come to the Shadowlands where they belong.

“Death was not the end I believed it to be. No rest or joyous reunions in the Light awaited me. What I witnessed challenged all I knew. With my final breath, I saw impossible places – worlds within worlds, brimming with beings that defied description. It wasn’t until the Helm of Domination was placed upon my head that I understood the truth I had seen: Death is not an end, but a beginning.”

Bolvar’s own words. He did die at Wrathgate, but he also didn’t. The red dragonflight’s cleansing fire left he neither alive nor dead, but not a normal undead either. He’s like Calia and is a somewhat unique form of Forsaken really. The helm broke all connection he had to the Light (stated in game) and during one of the later quests in Zerith he uses Obliterate.

During one of the ‘stay awhile a listen’ it’s revealed that the Scourge are running rampant and the smarter members forming fiefdoms like warlords. The Ebon Blade is guarding Icecrown from any of them taking it and trying to strike back, with them acting to stop them where they pop up.

Not that any of that matters as Bliz doesn’t need some ingame excuse to answer our request for a transmog cosmetic of a famous weapon historically linked to our class much the same way other classes have gotten historically linked to them weapons adding to their transmog sets. They can just POOF it into being with no explanation.

Also you’re finding prelaunch events boring is irrelevant.

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No, he actually didnt die. He was dying, sure, but he didnt die.

The Ultimate Visual Guide even says that he didnt die having been SAVED by the flames of the red dragonflight but had horrifically charred him beyond recognition.

not to mention that Muradin and Tirion wanted to free the paladin in the hopes that there could be peace between the horde and alliance since Varian wanted to absolutely ruin the horde because they THOUGHT bolvar died.

High Overlord Saurfang even says "The paladin still lives? Is it possible, Highlord? Could he have survived?

Tirion says “The power of the light knows no bounds, Saurfang. His soul is under great strain, but he LIVES - for now.”

The Lich King was trying to turn bolvar into a new champion. He never died.

The red dragonflights flames are the flames of life. He just said that the dragons’ flames sealed his fate. The writers are sticking to these parts of quotes like the writers of The Rings of Power.

People see all sorts of stuff when they are dying. Doesnt mean

Yeah, they kind of do. They even said that they would do cosmetics where it would make sense. Frostmourne also isnt linked to our class, its linked to the Lich King and Arthas.

Never said me finding it boring was relevant, but them finding a way to fight it was that you ignored, along with the druids healing the land in Eastern Plaguelands.

Arthas also never died. Yet he is still Undead as the Lich King.
So I think we can assume wearing the Helm at least turns you into Undead.
So I would say that Bolvar is an Undead at this point even if it’s more cwispy.


What sense does having yeti pajamas make. It was done for funsies because people thought it would be cool. That’s it. That’s all the sense they need to add something people have requested.

Arthas was a death knight, and raised up all of the Wrath era death knights, and we and Lich King Bolvar raised the newer generation. The blade is intimately linked to the class even if you ignore the Jailer made both for his agent in our world.

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Arthas did die. That was the curse of Frostmourne. Once he touched it Frostmourne devoured his soul completely. The Nathrezim also had to protect themselves from it so their souls would return to the “twisting nether” if they were ever struck down by the blade so they could be reborn instead of devoured.


Dont argue with me about statements that Blizzard made, go argue with them.

Yeah… he was a death knight… so what? Frostmourne was the Lich Kings link to Arthas. He cast it specifically out of the Frozen Throne because he can basically control the wielder. He can see through their eyes, he can communicate with them telepathically as well through the blade. Its a part of the Lich King himself being put into the armor and the blade. Its linked to the Lich King. It has a role to play in the story, but its not a DK weapon.

The only thing we raised was the horsemen. Bolvar was getting his power from the Helm.

Im about 2cm of saying the shadowlands didnt exist as an expansion and dont bring it up. Its so bad for the overall story and retcons way too much.

Being undead doesn’t mean you don’t have a soul. The forsaken have souls and they are very much undead. There are soulless undead, but not all undead are soulless.

LAMO! You can deny it all you want but it happened and it’s just as valid as all the other expansions! I deny Alien 3 ever happened but that doesn’t make it true.

Sword, used only by death knights and the master of death knights. Yeah, no hardcore links to the class there.

Then by your own argument. Bolvar’s the same.

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Has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. Also never claimed it and it would be dumb for me to claim it after talking about warlock souls put into Fallen Knight bodies which were undead death knights of the horde.

There are also many stories that end up not being canon because it breaks stuff or doesnt follow the story. Shadowlands is onw of those stories that should be forgotten, its literally that bad.

Bolvar is the same as what? Arthas? Not even close.

Bolvar died at the Wrathgate.
The Plague KILLS. That’s what it does.

Ok. Im not going to argue established lore with people that dont care about it.

Paladins are immune to the plague. Though this was probably the blight and not the plague, the light was protecting Bolvar as Tirion said to Saurfang.

He was dying, the red dragonflight burned it all away, left him charred. When he said “the world of the living can no longer comfort me” is a figure of speech saying that the rest of the world would see him as a monster and he would have no place there so he would stay in the world of the dead to keep them at bay.

If you want to argue against it take it up with Blizzard. Seriously. Just because they wanted to you think he was dead, doesnt mean he actually died. Alexstrasza knew what happened to Bolvar and didnt want anyone to know… not yet.

Plague, Blight. The Juice that Putress dunked on everyone.
It was designed to be absolutely lethal. It Kills you dead. That is it’s sole and entire purpose. The dragon flames only Saved him. They did not heal him back to life. They were preventative only. He is undead.

And Arthas? Not Undead. If Arthas Died with Frostmourne he would not be able to succeed the kingdom from his father. Frostmourne laid claim to his soul. It didn’t kill him.

You want proof Arthas didn’t die? Simple the debate of Lordaeron’s sovereignty. The living Humans do not see it as the Forsaken’s territory, they see it as theirs. Sovereignty doesn’t belong to dead things. The forsaken, this was and is their home. They’re not dead dead so it is still theirs.
In regards to Arthas, it is said IN-GAME He was the last King of Lordaeron. Terenas referred to as the Last Good King. So Arthas’ Sovereignty was recognized. Ergo Not Dead.

After they put the Helm on? Undead. As they both get described in game.

Saved him from what? If its supposed to kill the only thing the flames can save him from is death.

It absolutely did.

I’m not bothering as it’s clear you won’t change your mind.


I love how they’re trying to claim “lore said so” on their interpretation of events in game to justify themselves, while saying just a few posts ago that they basically didn’t really consider Shadowlands lore relevant cause they didn’t like it :3 Great comedy.