Here’s the thing, yes you do. There’s plenty of lore I hate in this game, some just there, some retconned, but I have to accept it because it’s what the lore is. That lore being good or bad, brilliant or stupid, it’s all irreverent how we subjectively feel about it. Objectively, it’s the lore until Bliz says otherwise.
Remember, this isn’t our world. This is Blizzards world, we just get to play in it. You want your own world were you get to decide what is and isn’t lore? Go start a private server, or crack open the RPG book with some friends and make your own Azeroth around your dinner table. Trust me, that option is a hell of a lot of fun.
Ask Creative Development – Round II Answers | 2011-06-24 18:42 | Blizzard Entertainment Bashiok
Q: Are the Warcraft and World of Warcraft RPG books considered canon?
A: No. The RPG books were created to provide an engaging table-top role-playing experience, which sometimes required diverging from the established video game canon. Blizzard helped generate a great deal of the content within the RPG books, so there will be times when ideas from the RPG will make their way into the game and official lore, but you are much better off considering the RPG books non-canonical unless otherwise stated.
Then you all have to come to terms that Frostmourne is done. You werent going to get it, and the players should never get it. Let it die with Arthas, stop clinging onto something that is objectively done and the book is closed on.
Shadowmourne is so stubby and looks kind of awkward.
That being said, Frostmourne doesn’t exist anymore in the lore. A few shards of it are imbued into our frost artifact swords, but that’s about it. It was destroyed.
The reason DH can have transmoggable War Glaives is because Illidan just drops them on the ground when he’s defeated. They’re not destroyed.
However, I wouldn’t complain about having a transmoggable Frostmourne. Although seeing hundreds of DK’s running around with a bunch of Frostmournes would kind of take the specialness out of it.
If only players were given the Frostmourne transmog once the Feat of Strength Achievement for Shadowmourne was completed, it would give players a reason to go back to ICC and run the whole questline…
I have an idea that Blizz could make it a whole transmog set that uses aesthetics from every single expansion since WotLK. Give them fancy names and appearance themes based on the themes of the expansions. Legion for example could have a transmog theme for it named Legionmourne or some such while the color and shape of the blade itself could reflect that theme.
Idk, just seems like an idea that Blizz could really benefit from and maybe bring players back to the game.
Thread necromancy is rarely fun, but nobody else was offering any kind of thought-out solution, only arguing over whether or not the sword should even be there.
I just looked at the dates, and you realize YOU ARE THE ONE that necro’d the thread, right? I don’t have any idea why you’d respond to me with this comment when I didn’t say anything to or about you.
I mean im ok with not seeing 50 billion Arthas variations(names) running around looking exactly like Arthas in full set.
On the flip side allow every class to be able to have their Classes iconic mog set and I’ll be game examples being: Uther/Jaina/Tyrande/Thrall/Caine yada yada.
Except im not trolling. If your definition of trolling is someone I dont like or disagree with then you are all trolls as well because there are people out there that dont like you and disagree with you as well.
Out of all the reports you guys have done to try to get me banned for “trolling” they have all failed.
Frostmourne shouldnt be a player transmog. Even if we ignore the elephant in the room that is it was destroyed, giving other iconic weapons to specs like ret and enhance just drove the stock value of those weapons into the dirt. Turning Frostmourne into just another grey item everyone else has is a bad choice. I think Blizzard realized that with the artifact weapons. If you want a 2h weapon that looks similar to Frostmourne by all means go for it. Might as well make a mace as well to have the Shadowmourne theme for 2h weapons. Kind of weird that it would be a 2h weapon though when its more of a 1-1/2 size weapon. What 2h weapon is worn on the waste anyways?
Never seen them agree, ever. I don’t report things that aren’t trolling, I’ve honestly never seen it as that. It is guaranteed that any suggestion made on the DK forums will be crapped on by them. It isn’t even trolling, people just don’t want to hear the negativity every single time, and the fact that there is no conversation causes people to see it as trolling. You cannot discuss anything, because you are automatically wrong. Like i said, you stop responding, and they just seem like a child butting into a conversation no one is having with them. Just let these people be visible ghosts.
Man for real I quit during legion and I would love to come to forums and read about abilities or builds/strats, just anything cool about the class l.
I come back and hardly anyone actually discusses anything or has anything fun to talk about. It’s always a pissing contest to prove why each person is right regardless of any of the others side views/evidence/etc.
I’ve just been checking in during work hours only lately for that reason.
Its a public forum. If people are blaming BoS for not being able to tune the spec they are wrong. They just cant tune what people want to be tuned aka Obliterate.
They can however tune what BoS doesnt interact with like Frost Strike and GA, like they did but it wasnt over the top.
It would also help if people like you stopped talking about other people and conversations can be had.
Frostmourne is gone. It was never meant for us to get either. If people would stop lying about stuff there wouldnt be all this like some saying “frostmourne was going to be our artifact weapon but they decided to go DW instead”. Thats just flat out wrong as well.
It would actually help if you had a conversation, and didn’t start off so negative. You can disagree, but that doesn’t make you right, so you shouldn’t go into a conversation thinking so. Even if you are right, say you disagree, state your points, and go from there. It’s just not a conversation with you most of the time, because you’re just interjecting how people are wrong. No one wants to hear that every time you join in.
There is always the option to not join in just to be negative, and put people in their place. Sometimes, it’s okay to just let people talk about outlandish things that will never happen. I’m just trying to help. If you come into the conversation like you’re willing to discuss things, people would be less apt to call you a troll, or take anything you say seriously.
Dude why are you going so hard to be negative about something that won’t even happen. It doesn’t hurt for them to talk about something they would like. Who hurt you? Grass bruh, go touch it.
And saying “frostmourne was made for frost and the developers were going to give it to us” is something to call out because there is NOTHING to support it. Thats not a disagreement, thats just someone lying to hype others up to just to make outrage. Saying thats wrong is not negativity, its the truth.
And your not trying to help. How about people quit lying? How about that?
If its never going to happen then why ask for it? This isnt just talking about how it would be cool, people are trying to make arguments to Blizzard using false information to try to force them to give players Frostmourne.
There is nothing to discuss when someone is lying to others. What is there to discuss? I can point to these blatant lies all day from this “community”. I dont care if these people call me a troll. Let them. You want to help people how about you tell others to quit talking about others. There are a lot of them on here that talk about me rather than the topic.
And what do you mean by “willing to discuss”? It sounds like you mean if you are willing to agree with us then you can join the conversation.