Ask Blizzard, seems like they rushed out all the content to get SL over with because it was tracking poorly. Used the resources they had and started work on Dragonflight.
Why would Blizzard do that, especially with your blatant hate for DW. Why else would you constantly use insults to describe DW weapons?
Where did I say this? Nowhere. I said it was broken, shattered, gone and it is very much gone. It doesnt exist anymore
Then quit giving me stuff that I can show is factually wrong. What lies where? You have a history of saying others are saying something they never said and you have even admitted to it because you pulled that bs with me and I had to walk you though the things you quoted to the point where you quit.
Not all exposure is good exposure. You think it is for some reason but you posting all these conspiracy theories and so on while trolling is not good exposure. It just shows you to be who you really are and you havent changed over the years. You come in during expansion changes, stir up dust, get called out and then run off until the next expansion when you do it all over again.
Yeah, you might have gotten 2h back but I was still right about it being bad. What happened when they just added 2h back to shut you guys up? Oh… right, it was junk and not worth putting back into the game. What did they have to do? Try to attempt to address the mechanical differences between the 2 weapons.
I don’t hate DW. I hate the look of Frost artifact. It looks weak and pathetic compared to the Blood and Unholy artifact. It doesn’t look like a powerful weapon at all.
Blades of the Fallen Prince don’t even come close to Frostmourne in terms of how cool, iconic and memorable it is. I’ll insult them because they’re just a discount Frostmourne in every possible way.
That is a complete fabrication born from the twisted ramblings of a troll. Evidence does not show or prove that it was going to be given to the players.
No, you really arent.
Made up nonsense to make yourself feel better.
You mean your kicking and screaming?
If thats a win for you, then you can have it. But I was right about 2h and what did you say about it? That it was always better than DW? What happened there? You are just spewing nonsense like Linda Blair on The Exorcist and its just continued onto this thread.
In fact you tried to use this “they were going to give us frostmourne” shtick in SL beta.
So what exactly are you in this thread to do? Troll me like always?
During the Third War, Anasterian Sunstrider wielded the sword in battle against Arthas Menethil, but Frostmourne severed the blade and he was defeated. Later, Kael’thas Sunstrider, last of the Sunstrider line, recovered it and had it reforged, “with magic, hatred and a burning need of revenge.”
Can’t reforge eh?
“Don’t you know Arthas? Elven blades get stronger when they’re remade.”
They look nothing like Frostmourne. Not even close. No one could even tell they came from Frostmourne if the questline about acquiring them wasn’t in the game.
What are you talking about? Are you seriously taking what a troll said I said and trying to make an argument about it? This is what is so bad about the DK forums.
You are also taking things out of context completely.
The yes it has been proved part was talking about what? It wasnt reforging, it was pertaining to Blizzard intending to give us Frostmourne which it has been proven that they were never intending it.
Im sick and tired of you guys always making an argument for me and attacking it instead of what I say.
And? That doesnt prove anything. There are many things that are only used in limited capacity. Queen Lanathel, Frostmourne, Lady Deathwhisper,
Them using the updated model in the DK artifact scenario is just evidence that they were going to use it for the scenario. Its a DW spec, everyone knows this, so why would they just all of a sudden make it a 2h spec? Keep making conspiracy theories. Just like your burning sword = we are getting a fire spec conspiracy theory.