Frostmourne Transmog?

So then what does? The skull doesnt? The serrated edge doesnt? The runes dont? If none of that resembles frostmourne then nothing will and its pointless to continue a conversation.

Quit with the DW BS. It was only DW specific in Legion and BFA. Prior to that, it could choose between 2H and DW depending on your build. Figured a fellow DK would know that. Having a talent that increases dw damage doesn’t make it a DW spec. Thats like saying Fury warrior is a DW 1H spec. Is it? No, it can choose 2h or 1h for DW.


Not only that, but originally you couldn’t even get a one handed weapon when you completed the DK starter zone: just a two handed sword, or a two handed axe.


No, because its what the spec is designed for. Just because you can use something doesnt mean its worth it. Can you cut a tree down with a rock? Yes. Is it a good idea or worth your time to do it when you have other tools that are much more efficient? No and if you choose to cut a tree down with a rock, dont complain that its slower than a more efficient tool.

Yeah, you could choose, no one is denying that its just you guys dont understand that when someone said “DW focused” it means exactly that. You guys have to twist that to

which is disingenuous.

I figure fellow DK’s would know that Frost is a DW focused spec and the only way that you wouldnt know that is if you didnt play it except for WoD.

Which talent would that be? Nerves of Cold Steel? Nope that increased offhand damage. Threat of Thassarian? Nope that made strikes hit with both weapons because in 3.2 they were changing Unholy and Frost to not have a hybrid that focused on spells more which didnt take into account weapon damage and started to go towards the more strike centric build that we see now.

Why do people keep bringing up Fury? Thats the worst thing you can bring up for a Frost argument because Fury goes from DW to DW where mechanics dont matter and Frost goes from 1 weapon to 2 weapons where mechanics do matter. Again I would expect fellow death knights to know this and not make the same bad argument over and over that is struck down so easily.

Maybe play old Frost before talking about it. DW had more KM procs due to an extra weapon, an extra rune forge as well, and as things progressed it got more like Icecap fucntionality that benefits from having 2 weapons more than 1 due to how Obliterate and Frost Strike work.

Again I would expect a fellow DK to know this stuff.

And? Its leveling content. You also only get 1 item from quest rewards unless they added another quest reward to it that guarantees a 1h weapon and you can then also choose another 1h weapon. Frost cant really be played until level 61 anyways so you are better off going Blood or Unholy.

Frost was designed with 2h and DW. If it werent, current tierset wouldnt workout best with a 2H. You also wouldnt be able to use 2H at all. There’s no other way to put it. Youre really grasping for straws in the tree cutting example.

Youre not gonna believe this, increasing offhand damage IS increasing DW damage. Who wouldve thought??

Your adamant towards 2H is obviously seeded with ignorance because nothing about frost is “DW focused” and you have yet to give solid examples as to why you’re our right. Your lack of knowledge proves it. The fury argument holds because while one is better than the other, there is a better option. Not necessarily focused on the better option. Its exactly like Frost in one hits hard but slower and the other hits softer but hits faster.
I have played old frost, thats how I know its not DW focused. Its better sure, but saying its focused on it is clearly wrong on many many levels. You are making yourself look like a fool and I implore you to stop saying things seeded with DW bias. Because thats what all you have said in this thread boils down to. Pure DW bias with a lack of spec design knowledge.

As a side note, dont repeat what someone says back. It makes you look very childish.

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And those offhand talents are what make DW TANKING with frost possible. The extra damage and thus threat generation is needed.
Unholy has diseases and spell damage to offset it, and blood has the healing for it’s threat.

Funny thing is, they had a new promotional art made for the classic wrath launch that is up on the launcher right now. Blood DK with a big axe, an Unholy DK with a pitted two hand sword, and a Frost DK with a two headed Bardiche polearm.

With my speculation goggles on, I suspect that Frost in Legion was supposed to be two hander, but they felt three two hand weapons was too matchy-matchy so they went with twin blade for frost, since it was the spec to play if you wanted to dual wield. All other classes have different weapon types in their artifacts.


Leveling content and official release art all focused on the only true death knights: two handed
:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. None what so ever. If you want to have this conversation which has been already gone over and shown to be DW focused then make a thread on it. Otherwise I dont want to get blamed for you derailing a thread.

DS healing doesnt contribute to threat. Diseases also dont do that much damage in classic and Scourge Strike damage is based on MH damage only so the shadow damage portion is also lower.

If DS healing gave threat, Unholy would be just as good as Blood since DS heals for the same in both specs.

Thats the issue. Speculation and assumption.

I think you are just trolling in an attempt to work me up so I “slip up” so you have a reason to report me. Prove me wrong.

Yeah im not reading all that and I doubt the others will too. I told you why youre wrong and the rest is up to you to accept it. Not anyone else. At this point youre just trolling.


You arent reading what? Your own quote?

Here was my response to you that you “didnt want to read”

Quit trolling.

I don’t care what you think.
I stated facts.
You couldn’t even get one handers from the DK quest. There were absolutely zero pieces of art with dual wielding death knights on wotlk’s release. Even wotlk classic art focused exclusively on two handed Death Knights.
:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I know you dont, thats why you are trolling.

Not caring about your opinion doesn’t relegate someone to being a troll. It’s the basic human status.


I’ve never seen so many players want to play sub optimally ever in my life

Go worry bout to your own class


oh trust me buddy, I am

100% agree with OP


If you dont care about my opinion why do you reply so much? Why do you make up falsehoods with no backbone what so ever?

Its like you havent gotten out of the mine phase.