Frost buffs

you mean better “later than never” right? PVE content is literally done, pvp content is hard to get into now. This buff was needed 2-3 weeks ago, not now.

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Uhh, if you think PvE content is done, you have a strange view of progression. There are only like 18 guilds that have completed mythic. Most guilds are just finishing up Heroic or started Mythic this week.

yeah… but still its really awkward to find or joing a “fresh” raiding guild atm. Anyway I think this buff is just too late. Was it so difficult to realize that frost was underperforming the first 2 weeks of Shadowlands? its been 6+ weeks


Good luck finding a raid group this late. We are out and too little too late.


That depends on the population of your server. A52 I still see spams for guilds that are 8/10H (or right around there) looking for people.

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Yeah, I bet the reaction. “Sure dude, what position do you seek?” “Great, Frost mage” “Awhh we got one mage, do you have an MM or Oomkin alt or something?”

BTW the mage they have is not a mage is a a shadowpriest but since is his wife and is in charge of the food they call her the mage.

It should be 19%, not 9% at this point :slight_smile:

But yes, i’m glad, every little bit helps


Definitely needs to be closer to 15% to even be close to having a choice between fire and frost.

Also the Mastery needs redesigning. Besides hitting shatter cap, Frost is not going to scale well later in the expansion. There needs to be class changes to keep the class from needing a 10-15% bandaid every raid tier to stay relevant.


PvE content is FAR from done. Many guilds are still progressing through mythic. The world first race is done…but content sure as hell isn’t.

Maybe not when you say it like that which is sad.

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I was watching a video and he brought up a good point, Frost mages will not have their 2nd conduit which about a 5-6% increase. This would put frost right inline with fire give or take a % or 2.

Only you whiny frost mages could take a 9% damage buff and still piss and moan about it … you goofs could depress a bride on her wedding night

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We will have to see how the frost buffs will be implemented. It’s very possible this pushes Frost as the top mage spec once players hit max renown. My prediction will be that this will be the case since this 9% (to me) looks like it reverts the majority of the nerfs done just before launch when Frost was considered the best spec.

What will be interesting to watch is how the community perception evolves. If I see that specs are not getting invited the raids/groups that were invited before without receiving a nerf it will be clear that community perception is the problem.

Except that they aren’t addressing the spec is punished when both of their procs are active. You cannot avoid having Winter’s Chill debuff on an enemy when you also have FoF procs at the same time. So unless they address that, we are still “eating procs” because it is literally unavoidable. And that’s the bigger problem.

Frost Mage abilities don’t have synergy with each other unlike virtually all other classes.

The buff is a half-assed attempt to placate us. It’s not enough, and we need to keep pressing for Blizzard to actually examine the spec rather than adjust a sliding scale.


its really not when you are in last place by as much as frost is.


Frost mages are not trash in pvp.

Yes they are.


Right after the prepatch we were hit by several nerfs: A blanket % nerf (I don’t remember the exact percentage) an Ice Lance nerf of 10% and the Azeroth Essences nerf (which doesn’t matter now).

I don’t think Frost will scale as great as other specs/classes with more gear because several of the stats have either early caps or are not efficient enough. For instance crit at 33% which is fairly easy to cap and mastery now won’t ever go into “corrupted” levels that made icicles do more damage than the frostbolt itself. Efectivelly giving us the no Ice lance spec. That won’t happen because we have now diminished returns in stats.

That means that we will only relay in more haste and versatility which give a linear improvement over our damage. If you compare that with for instance BM they have crit that doesn’t cap and also double dips giving more and more Barbed Shots which in turn lower the cooldown of Kill Command this makes crit value more and more as it gets higher. These types of classes grow better with gear. There are more examples but I can’t recall them all.

That doesn’t mean that future buffs can change this. Meaning that the “corruption” mechanic was something unthinkable in the first BFA raid tier so they can come up with something weird that could change everything again.

At least frost won’t be dead last 2 expansions in a row like Arcane was. Arcane is still pretty meh.

and only a nub would think that a 9% buff even remotely fixes the problems that Frost is having. Back to the basement with you now…