Frost buffs

I feel like they just need to fix mastery.

Like along with icicle’s, when icicles hit they debuff the target to also take X% frost damage for 10 seconds.

Scaling with mastery.

I think frosts biggest downfall is it’s trash mastery.

For the first time, I agree with you!

Okay, but nothing i’ve been saying has been opinion based. So I don’t get what there was to disagree with o.O


Ya, I’m sure it will be on par with, itself? :thinking:

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This news gives me chills !

I’m rocking T11 druid, also gorgeous. I think it was an apology for T10.

Might be time to dust off the mage. I wasn’t sure she was worth leveling.

you frost mages are happy with this?

I am happy. I Just hope the buff is good after they make adjustments etc.

75% at a 210 ilvl means this should leave us at ~4,250dps (avg over all fights) which puts us about on par with Ret and Enhancement, and only about 150-200 dps below MM and Fire. If that’s true, I’m perfectly fine with that. No one here has really been asking for Frost to be top, and being upper-middle isn’t a bad place to be.

Now we just need some Arcane buffs to bring that up too and all Mages will be happy.


Frost mages will still be trash



You frost mages happy with this

Better than nothing, would have liked to see some PvP changes.

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It should be at least 15%


frost mage need more
12 to 15 % fine


I’m very very happy with this.

It’s better than nothing

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Hey I’m not trying to be a party pooper, but when I think of what my salary would be like, working for blizzard, reading these forums, understanding the problems, I think I would probably look at it mechanically, understand how all the classes mesh together, what stuff is wrong with the rotation, abilities, spells, etcetera and try to put a little time into a solution. I’m just thinking how hard it was for them to just click on the dmg number, highlight it, and then put +9% and sit back thinking, “aahhh, another job well done! I should get a raise, workin this hard.”

But, admittedly, its better than nothing.


Pretty sure Frost is 30% behind Meta Builds. 9% is a slap in the face.


No, I made the swap to NF today just before the buff was announced. I still plan to begrudgingly switch to Fire when I craft my legendary on Tues. Although 9% sounds like a lot, I don’t expect it to pull Frost out of the bottom tier.

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that was a joke???


How will this show in PVP? I’ve been frost for years but switched to Arcane this Xpac, i’ll easily go back Frost if it can be viable in PVP again.

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