Classic was all about 40 people without TeamSpeak (for most people) working together to accomplish a common goal. In classic we didn’t even have raid wide DPS meters for the most part. I had a personal DPS meter in Blackwing Lair and that was the only add-on I had. When we first did Molten Core we didn’t even have that. The first supper popular add-on I think anyone can remember was probably Decursive. This was made because of how hard it was to decurse and entire raid back then. Then the personal DPS meter came after that.
Some people had DBM to my understanding by Naxx and the world first people might have had that. But I think BWL was the first time I was in a guild that had TS. When we did MC it was hard to orchestrate 40 people with typing alone. I mean just try and do Baron Geddon just by typing alone. Seems easy but when you got nearly 40 people stacked on a single spot and just one person has Living Bomb placed on them it’s quite hard to get that those people to see it in all the chat flying by. Especially if they were the Brazilians which we had many that played with us back then.
How many raids back then did nearly 1/4 of the raid not even speak English? It was a real mess and so no one cared about min / max. Back then almost every good guild the way you got in was you did dungeons. If you could listen to instruction and do what they said, and not pull threat, that was basically how you got into a good guild. It was the only real requirements and basically the only things that mattered.
From what I can find Sims first started in WotLK, but didn’t become mainstream till MoP. Land Soul’s spread sheet is what most people used back then. RAWR is what most people used at first, at least I remember that. GScore was the thing in WotLK that and Carbonite, But for myself I don’t think I really heard of SimCraft till late Cata or MoP.