Frost agro bug?

Is anyone having weird issues with Frost and just randomly getting aggro for no reason? On a few mythic wipes, like we all die, boss resets and when we release to the beginning of the dungeon the boss auto agros on my mage. Also happens on trash pack wipes. They usually aggro onto me, so that’s why I’m asking if this is a mage/frost issue. Doesn’t happen to my SP.

It once even happened in Torghast, I decided to wipe on the last boss because I messed up a spell sequence, and I released and he just auto agro-ed me at the respawn point.


Happens on my mage frequently. Just my mage. No pet. No blizzard or orb active when I released.
I have seen another thread about this as well, so you"re not alone.




I have not seen it myself, but I thought I remembered another thread talking about this. Here is a link. The second link is to the Bug Report someone made for it.


Happens to me all the time, but I’ve only noticed it after ressing and blinking.

We overpulled the trash pack before Stitchflesh at Necrotic Wake and all released, the mobs out of nowhere reset to full hp, then came down to us and aggroed onto me, we didn’t even have to take the angel flight upstairs to see them

I bet this is a bug with Alter Time. Maybe the game is saving your position and gets confused where you were?

Does it only happen to frost mages? I’m frost and have had it happen a few times. Other specs want to chime in?

Yes, this is an existing frost mage bug. It’s not alter time, not sure exactly what it is. Just make sure everything has a chance to fully reset before releasing – that they aren’t walking back to their paths.


They can fully reset and still chase. I’ve said on other forum posts on this same subject that I have a feeling it has to do with our icicles suspending in mid air and we die before they hit. The problem is combat log doesn’t show anything at all and the mobs still chase after. Pets, no pets, different builds. It’s something universal, and my gut is telling me icicles. I’ve posted in bug forums. There are clips from it happening to other mages as well as logs. It’s been around for years but it’s definitely been happening a lot since launch, it was not affecting me at the end of bfa when I swapped off glacial spike but started as soon as I hit 60 again.

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The problem is that many times it is not fixed even after using Invisibility.
Good way to waste time and keys on M +


Yup, happens to me all the time… Might have to run dungeons as arcane, seems better for aoe anyway…

I noticed this back in legion and bfa. I figured it was my frozen orb still ticking so I would wait a bit before releasing, but it didn’t stop mobs from sometimes teleporting on us or pulling the whole instance.

I have the same problem with frost mage too. I don’t believe it has anything to do with icicles though. I had this problem when playing GS build as well where there was no GS spike flying off while i died (and there are no icicles). Since it doesnt affect aff locks or balance druids when they die, it cant be a case of dmg triggering agro after you die either. Either way its an annoying bug that needs fixing. Particularly annoying when you die in Torghast, and the boss follows you to the start zone to kill you a 2nd time instantly =(

Yea, I said it was there in bfa playing gs. Let’s say you get to 5 icicles and didn’t get brain freeze proc and kept spamming frost bolt, there would have been icicles going. Again not saying that I am positive, just my guess. Maybe even if you have any icicles at time of death, they release and suspend. Does any other class have something similar to icicles?

Can confirm this bug has been in the game for a long time. My post was linked above that has a clip. Still happens today randomly, but does occur 100% of the time in torghast even if I wait for a full reset. I don’t think blizzard even knows what’s wrong.

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This has ruined 3 separate M+ timers for me this week. We wiped on a pack of trash and I tried waiting after reset, waiting to be the last one releasing, I’ll be out of combat then halfway back the adds will aggro to me from across the instance and either run to me as a pack or teleport across the instance and start to melee me.


Yep still borked. Wish they would fix. They probably never will.

Luckily the last few times this has happened my Invisibility was off CD.

Well I found a super easy way to recreate this if any dev actually reads this forum. Ha. I know

But you can dps the dungeoneer dummy in sinfall for a minute or so. I had 2 icicles on me not 5. I ran to the portal in middle which dropped combat. Ran back towards it and got back in combat without doing anything. Still had 2 icicles. Didnt blink in, just walked. Try it and look at your dev logs and see if you can fix this. Its happening very frequently in some m+ keys


Also happened to me, really annoying bug.
Even more annoying if it only affects mages.