Aggro after trash wipe bug w/ Frost Mage

According to this article on the mage forums, it’s been going on since at least April.


Sometimes after a full trash wipe when I release, all of the mobs re-aggro to me either snapping/teleporting, or sometimes pulling everything and killing all of us again. A few of us on the mage forums have determined it is not pet related, orb related or anything replicable as far as we can tell.

I’ve done numerous dungeons as frost after pre-patch and on beta and had it happen in at least 4 different shadowlands dungeons so far. Here is a clip of it happening to a frost mage on Nyalotha trash.


Can confirm. I’ve seen it happen multiple times in:

Sanguine Depths
The Necrotic Wake
Spires of Ascension


Just watched it happen on Drjayfisto’s stream and took a clip.


Can confirm it was happening in bfa as well. I know when it happened in nyalotha I would look at combat log and nothing between dying and releasing was appearing. Mobs would reset and then instantly run towards when I stood. My only thought was some interaction with how icicles fire as you die and suspend themselves. I assume that would show on logs though


This is happening still after 8 months. This is a little ridiculous. Get this fixed asap


Still happening, if my team wipe in a m+ i have to wait they pull again or wait for a ress… otherwhise i will broke the key with this bug

This is happening literally EVERY m+ that i’m doing… Sometimes i use invis to clear the bug and after invis go away it aggro me again…


This has happened to me on my Frost Mage multiple times both in and out of dungeons. I’ve also experienced something similar when going invisible to drop aggro on a group of mobs that I’m about to die to, have them reset, and then when I’m at a safe distance to eat, I’ll try eating food, and immediately get aggro the moment my invisibility drops. I thought it may have been food related, since you get a “heal” but I’ve had it happen even without eating. Really frustrating bug that I wish Blizzard would address, as it has cost some M+ runs for me.


This has been happening to me since season 1 BFA. It happens in m+ (had a mob teleport through 3 floors in toldagor once…), raid, even torghast on the final boss after death (and it fully resetting) it will walk all the way to the entrance from its spawn to kill me. Feel like its slowly getting worse with the invis workaround only working sometimes now.

Only seen it/heard it happen to frost mage.
Tried not using orb, pet, blizzard, anything that might linger post death/respawn still happens.

My group has been on the M+ grind trying to get server first +15 feat of strength and it has happened to our frost mage over and over and over and over and over again. All week long.

Blizzard, please. Fix this.

+1 can confirm its happening as well and has been making m+ even more difficulty. For any mges, make sure to use invis after respawning.

That doesn’t work, even after respawning, getting the bug, then casting invis, after invis fades you get knocked back into combat. I never had this issue in BFA on frost but since playing shadowlands it’s happened to me at least 4 times. It’s insane this hasn’t been fixed yet. It’s making frost, a really fun spec to play right now almost completely unplayable in keys or raiding due to randomly wiping groups.

Confirmed. This was happening to our mage too. Invis only keeps you safe until it’s over, then they aggro and come running from across the dungeon anyway.

I thought that maybe this was happening to everyone regardless of class or spec, but now that I know its only happening to frost mages… Its happened at least 8-9 times to me that I can think of off the top of my head. Never happened in BFA to me. To be fair, I did just come back to the game 3 months ago after being away for ten years. So maybe this was an ongoing problem that I just wasn’t hip to until recently.

Its because we were so OP in the pre-patch isn’t it?? Clearly someone has deliberately designed this bug to hurt the spec. I knew people were angry, but this is a bit rude;)

Can confirm that this just happened to me as well in my raid on trash

This has happened to me repeatedly, though I did not notice it until Shadowlands. It’s probably been at least a dozen times now. Happened just now in a +11 Mists my dungeon group was trying to clear. We killed a pack too close together and popped six stacks of Bursting, wiping us just as combat with a Prideful Manifestation began. Only about half of us died to that, but it was enough that we wiped on the Manifestation. I was not the last person to die, but when I released after we all wiped, the Manifestation immediately aggroed on to me and snapped to my position at the start of the dungeon. We had to fight the Manifestation there and didn’t get its benefit for the boss (Mistcaller).

Can confirm as well. Has happened to me in m+ and Torghast.

Also, it’s not only this, but I also pull aggro off tanks even at times where they do more damage than me. Happens in Torghast too. I do it with a friend of mine who plays Brewmaster. He’ll do 20k dps, I’ll shoot in one frost bolt or ice lance and immediately pull aggro (and no, not a runecloth wrapping super empowered frostbolt… Just a regular one that does far less damage than what he’s doing)

I had this happen in Mists, Spires and Sanguine Depths. Almost without fail, if there is one wipe and you have a frost mage, expect some messiness. This is honestly atrocious considering there are things about instances that should have been fixed since day one but they decide to remove necrotic affix being applied by the gorgons on Halls and think nothing of S Depths gorgon application of necrotic after wipe during gauntlet.

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This just happened to me, in a timewalking run.
Group was beating down the baddies, suddenly everything in it decided my face was a punching bag.
I know im ugly as a turd faced shroom head, but G’Dauym!
ice blocking myself fixed that.

This is still happening. Ruined a +14 the other day due to it -_-