Frost 2h 2% buff

They’ve been gutting and nerfing all 3 DK specs ranged damage for years, not to mention BDK’s ranged survivability.

Two things are very obvious now with DK design:

  1. they do not want Blood surviving from range (ranged tank)
  2. they don’t want DKs having ranged burst at all in PVP

Even Unholy is heavily moderated. The Legion Necrosis build disappeared for absolutely no reason, it just vanished. Clawing Shadows is the worst option in that tier for PVE and death coil has received at least three 5% damage buffs since Legion. Anytime VP is your number 1 damage source, that is also nerfed and dmg is redistributed through the pet. Strangulate disappearing.
Writing on the wall: we don’t want DKs doing ranged things, which is basically just a death sentence for the class in terms of flavor.


its like they are deleting us little by little

i dont want to just be a magical warrior


That’s… what a death knight is.


no we have ranged options as well. and if they take away all ranged stuff then yes we would be and thats no fun

In what universe are they “taking away all ranged stuff”

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iiiiiiffff man iiiiiiiiiiiffffffff if IF

Is a meaningless word. You are literally protesting against imagined grievances FFS.

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not really man DC and HB have been toned down over then years

and id like Icy touch back

Has nothing to do with whatever they’re doing right now. Which is nothing. There is literally not one single solitary data point to suggest they’re “trying to take away all ranged stuff.”

You are having a spaz about something that has not occurred outside of your own brain.


Don’t worry guys, 2%, kek. Gets me everytime.


your reading to far into what im saying

i just dont want them to do it cuz they dumb stuff down then say its clutter then take it away

Do you ever shut up? I have literally never seen you make a valid point about dk ANYTHING ever. Not once in the years you’ve been running your mouth. If you have no mathematical evidence of anything…which you never do…zip your pie hole and stop coming into threads saying “dks are fine and frost is meant for dw.” Frost isn’t meant for anything. It’s determined by how the devs for the class set it up. They have put zero thought into Dks since Wrath. We have been gutted and nerfed more and more as each xpack passes.


Undo off balance debuff so we can be sweatlord weapon swapping fiends

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PoF duration increased to 20sec and all AA crits procing KM would be * cheff’s kiss * real good stuff to start


Years? Thats made up, no math? thats made up as well, Frost is a DW spec and ignoring the band aids of 2h doesnt change that fact. The devs set it up as a DW spec since wrath, why do you think 2h was removed in the first place? Oh, right, it was causing problems with spec balance and it was constantly behind.

This is exactly what we need.

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Or just give frost soul reaper back so we have a bit more to work with as a whole


Pretty much any 2.4k+ rated Frost DK.

They’re 2h.

Frost itself is behind. Weapon choice is a moot point.
It’s might not be yrs…just feels that way since everything you say is regurgitated garbage.
I sure as heck remember playing 2h frost during Wrath. Like most classes…we had options.
Again, you bring nothing to the table. Same blah blah blah blah blah.

2% is just pitiful, and only for 2h at that. I really hope that gets changed before the 12th and that they have some frost rework or much bigger buffs ready for the spec.

Otherwise I’ll be forced to go back to Unholy, and I’d really rather not.