From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

I’m fine with using the 2 retainers I have,then again I also finally learned to glamour plate and make my buff foods ala culinarian quick so space isn’t too much if an issue. Also heckin love paladin,fun as heck to play and no stress since the groups I’ve had were chill AF so far.

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Always is amusing to read about tryhard “competitive” types instantly turned off from a game that has a far more challenging setup for playing just about any given spec (at least of the ones I’ve seen and played) AND can’t have their precious addons that are doing the vast majority of the mental load for them on WoW.

You all aren’t nearly as good as you think you are if you can’t even play this game without DBM telling you every freaking mechanic in plenty of time to react and weak auras handling your “complicated” WoW rotation to the point you’re just pushing the highest priority button whose icon is up.

Also healers…you don’t get to be lazy in FFXIV either. If you aren’t casting your DPS spells, you aren’t playing optimally. From what I’ve heard from someone who is a major tryhard and top of the curve in both games, the tippy top skill ceiling is lower than WoW but the skill floor at the “low” and “medium” end is way higher and I’d certainly agree on that end.

One of the big misconceptions is “bad” players have immunity over there and that isn’t the case. Failing to do mechanics almost universally puts a debuff on you that makes you take more damage and turns unavoidable but surviable mechanics into 1 shots for debuffed players and all healers can battle res which puts a debuff on the ressed person reducing their output and stacks…so everyone knows full well whose getting hit and dying to stuff and you will get kicked even from “LFR” if you are being an anchor on a group. What you won’t see though is people being toxic donkey holes to “bads” (or at least you won’t see them in game for long if they do it).

Basically if you aren’t a literal world first raider…odds are good you’ll struggle far more to be as good in FFXIV until you lose the reliance on your crutch addons.


Because the base ui is lacking. That’s true in ff14 as well. It’s hard to improve without a damage meter. The parser for ff isn’t good enough.

In what way?

I only miss being able to reshape my minimap, I just hate the circle.

The parsers you gotta be careful with, if you use them to have a crack at someone over their performance they can report and unlike here, action is taken.

As for a lot of the posts from people who apparently play a lot of it, meh… they don’t even get half their facts straight so… Oh well.

Oh, and I forgot one:

If you like the idea of treating a profession with the same level of importance as you treat your combat class, then FFXIV might be worth trying. In FFXIV, crafting is just another ‘job’ to level, much like any other - complete with class quests, gear, etc.

Because… that’s how they want their game to be. If you don’t like it, it’s not the game for you. :wink:

Just like if you feel WoW is too fast, it’s probably the wrong game for you.


I agree nerf dh man

flex and not wanting to carry papper weigths arent the same thing

Fortunately, due to all the solo duties, trials, and etc. you HAVE to do to get to endgame, you really can’t get to max level without at least learning enough to not be a COMPLETE drain on your team. Not to say there are no bad players, but the ‘bad’ in FFXIV usually still at least contribute to the cause.


You’ve literally proven you haven’t done ANY of those things. You’ve done savage Eden? No you haven’t. No one complaining about GCD in FFXIV is doing Savage Eden, because there is no class in the game where you are not weaving Off GCD abilities between GCDs by even lvl 70.

And if you’re still so bad at your rotations that you

You are DEFINITELY not doing high end content.

The only people you’re fooling are people who want to jump on the anti-FFXIV bandwagon anyway.

I don’t even get why you people do this in the first place. Both games can exist and I’ve played both off and on when I’ve had time in my life for MMOs.

At least the Devs of BOTH games aren’t playing in to this nonsense that it’s some weird battle between the two. Blizzard has had FFXIV devs as guests on campus multiple times, and FFXIV devs talk about how they look up to WoW in the genre.

You people just have nothing better to do than hate things other people enjoy.

Why are you like this?


Yep. A lot of shared visual indicators also contribute greatly to this. You know the indicator for spread out, for an incoming AoE, for stacking up, etc. The base know-how is there. The trick is learning how to accommodate those mechanics in unique ways for that specific encounter.


Eh, I think this is a completely fair criticism. Combat before level 50ish is doesn’t represent what it feels like in the endgame at all. You don’t get those basic tools for a “complete” rotation for dozens of hours into the game so it all compounds that feeling of slowness because there is little cohesion before that point.

Even my most casual of friends felt bored by the early level gameplay because of this - it’s downright patronizing. There huge difference between criticizing FFXIV’s endgame combat because of comparisons to WoW and criticizing the early game content because it’s absolutely brain dead.

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Because they’re a forum troll. You should have seen the thread they had yesterday or the day before about banning new players from being tanks in leveling dungeons.


Well said old chap!

Everyone has their preference, no amount of bickering will alter that. And yes, one thing I have noticed is that a lot of people who claim this and that are completely wrong and/or making it up.

I haven’t finished the story, I’m level 80 there, and even this lil’ ’ sprout can smell it a mile off.


Ya FF14 is an inferior game compared to WoW in everything except for ppl who like ‘housing’… leveling is terrible , GCD is inferior , combat mechanics are inferior , raids are not even in the same planet .

But if you like the creepy gold shire vibe with lizard ppl running all over the place then FF14 is your game .


But you still hang around on WoW forums … I get it that FF14 forums are dead but still


I don’t know. I made a character in FFXIV after talking in this thread, my character clicks his heels when he jumps. That kind of defeats any argument against FFXIV. Your counterpoint is rendered invalid!

Clicks heels


WoW’s transmog system is so much better than FFXIV’s glamor system, IMO. But aside from that, I have no real complaints other than the lack of a gritty-looking character option.

Everything is so pretty, and clean and shiny, but it’s anime so I get it.

Otherwise, I really enjoyed FFXIV a lot when I played it. I like bouncing between FFXIV and WoW Classic right now. Both provide a good adventure with questing and meaningful professions. And, oh man, FFXIV does professions better than any game out there right now.

It’s also top played MMO at the moment, but that’s likely to change when 9.1 comes out, if 9.1 comes out.

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Certainly FFXIV players are failing to convince a lot of players still.

“Don’t worry about GCD it gets faster at high level”

“The game gets better at high level”

Copium copium copium

Why do I have to drag my gnome body all the way from 1-(high level where it gets good) to enjoy the game. It’s the same argument people have when someone brings up retail WoWs abhorrent leveling.

First impressions matter, and if the game isn’t good from start to finish, it’s not going to get some people playing

Just play Classic or TBC instead of retail

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Classic and TBC are miles upon miles slower though…

Why was this even flagged? Flag =/= downvote.

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