From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

During Covid lockdown and pre-SL, I got into FFXIV and cleared the entire story line, top lvl jobs and tried all the highest level contents. My main issue with the game is, the GCD is extremely slow, I cast a spell and have to watch the circle to spin before casting a 2nd spell.
Also the inventory system is hideous, it consists of multiple small tabs that you have to click through, small inventory slots, you have to hire servants to carry anything extra, the game limits you to hire 2, for the 3rd one and beyond you have to start paying more monthly. Each one of them have limited slots and tabs you have to click through again. One character can do all the jobs sounds good but your inventory will not hold your gear and glamour unless you open your wallet.
DPS meter is forbidden because it makes other players feel bad, you see? You can use it under the table but don’t even type the word meter in chat, ppl are gonna warn you not to. Raids are LFR style with a group of random ppl running through the place mindlessly, most of the time.


GCD complaint I get. You just dont like it and arent willing to invest until you get the off GCD abilities to weave. Makes sense.

Inventory system gives you 4 huge bags, 1 crystal bag, 35 slot bags for each armor spot including weapon, 2 banks with 4 huge bags each, and your mount has bags…sooooo im not smelling what youre stepping in on that one.

Wont hold it unless you open your wallet? What are you actually talking about? There is no pay to increase inventory feature.

Dps meters are forbidden because its an addon and addons are forbidden. Its an all or nothing deal and they chose nothing. Run it in silence unless its killing you to have an ego trip and flex your epeen. Then feel free at the risk of being reported.

You seem fun at parties.



Read this

you’re not my mom

yes and it is absolutely ridiculously stupid.


Yeah there is, for 2 bucks a month you can hire a 3rd retainer. 2 bucks more a month for each one after that.


Theres an option to open inventory as one bag lol


Oh gotcha. Yea I guess that is there. Never used it in the years ive played so I didnt know.

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Mount bag is tiny, when you have more than 3 lvl 80 jobs with all the glamor pieces, not enough space

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It’s a great game, but the lack of addon support is a deal breaker. That parser is so annoying to use.


Thing about glamor appearances, is there is now an item in the inn rooms where you can convert old gear to appearances that can be used at any time. So keeping old gear for mog is not an issue anymore.


Yes you have dresser but only certain special gears can even be put into it, the other chest is also not big enough for ppl collect glamours

I was able to put any gear in it. As of like 3 months ago, (last time i played) Even my trial account could use it.

Once you put it in, you lose access to it as gear, but you can apply it as a mog anywhere in game.

You can take it out

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That is a big true. Glamour system is poop.

A few button clicks and the inventory becomes a single window. You have armory chest and chocobo saddles for much more extra space, extra retainers is overkill.

As someone who has enjoyed both games, what a longwinded complaint over nothing.

Glamour chest sucks tho.


Can you? I never tried. I got the mog set i wanted, popped it in, and left it alone.

I did that but between your bag, mount bag, the servants and the dresser? Annoying as hell

oh look another FFXIV thread.


I know right. Its so weird to have a general discussion in the general discussion forum.


You must be new here.

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