From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

i played Rift.

it did great things. but it was no WoW.

their plane of death theme makes the wow death theme look like it was drawn by Disney.

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The professions are called jobs (which is basically another spec), you have questlines, they have to be leveled to max level, which is currently 80. It’s pretty involved. You don’t just get to the next level, utilize your professions for the first few weeks and then never use them again. There are 8 crafting professions and 3 gathering. There are treasure maps that come from your gathering, timed gathering nodes, buffs, spells, stats it’s basically another spec.

I like it personally :slight_smile: but make no mistake it’s a stereotypical MMO grind.

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I feel like “the grind” is just a core part of MMO’s, just some grinds feel better than others. Some you don’t notice the grind at all!

More in depth, involved professions (or jobs, as it were) are something I’ve wanted in WoW for a while.

I made a Lalafell Arcanist because I saw they are the ones who get Carbuncle. (Arcanists)

But how early can I swap to a job, or pick up a job? I’m more eager to get into that than I am going out and killing mobs.

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Different strokes for different folks!

I tried FFXIV 2 or 3 years ago, even got my friend to join. He’s still playing and I’m not.

I wrote a long note to myself in case my friend tried to talk me into coming back, but the main things I didn’t like were:

  • Daily duty finder was like Timewalking, except they took away all your abilities too.
  • Telegraphed attacks are bright shapes on the ground, I found it distracting
  • Raid bosses freeze the battle to yell anime lines all through the fight

Goodbye :smiley:

Level 10? I think it’s when you finish the level 10 questline. I didn’t open up my other jobs until I got my main spec to max level so I didn’t get sidetracked. Now I am sidetracked with treasure finding, sightseeing, and of course my professions. I am having a blast … and I don’t notice the grind

Good to know. I think I have done this beginning part before, I think the quests I am on will walk me around town and give me a tour before sending me out into the world. My memory may be hazy or wrong. I will work towards level 10 and then probably just look it up or ask in-game instead of bugging people on the forums. I anticipate having a thousand questions.

But at least I was able to make a character I was satisfied looking at. The standard customization was pretty nice.

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You leaving? Or are you just somehow threatened about people talking about other games?

This argument always confuses me.

It’s a Japanese game. Made by Japanese people. That doesn’t immediately make it weebish. Or weebish at all.


Ffxiv is not a weeb game. There is zero weeb role play, it’s just a game.


I tried playing FF for a little bit but it’s just not for me. I’m the type of player that is more into the way the gameplay feels and doing pvp stuff with light pve thrown into the mix.

I feel like FF is geared towards the people that play games for the story more so than anything else. It will never completely take over WoW because not all of WoW’s player base likes story telling. We just spacebar or esc through it all because it’s not entertaining to us. WoW is at it’s all time lowest right now so a lot of people are experimenting.

Once people realize the end game content isn’t fulfilling for them they will go back to WoW again.

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lmao if you don’t think FFXIV is weebish then you have no idea what that means.

Nah you’re the one who doesn’t know what it means.

Here. I’ll do the impossible and try to teach some random internet troll Nuance.

Final Fantasy Fourteen is made in Japan by Japanese people. A weeb is a non Japanese person obsessed with Japanese culture- usually someone who doesn’t understand it outside of their favorite anime.

For Final Fantasy to be a Weeb game, it would have to be made by a group of people who not Japanese and barely understand the culture who are filling it with stereotypical and offensive anime tropes.

While it may attract weebs, it is fundamentally not a weeb game. It’s just a Japanese game that has been translated for western audiences.


Raging at other people for playing a videogame you don’t like.

Are you okay?


Eh, I can see that thinking for super casual play - but without meters it really removes almost all competitive aspects doesn’t it?

Part of the fun of dungeons and raiding is see how you compare with other people. It allows for a competitive aspect to PVE.

It’s a weeb game for weeb gamers.

I love Japanese video games. Idk if that makes me a weenie or not

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Only to the insecure. A good game is a good game!


I’m competing against the boss though! :smiley:

Well, in theory. Too often it ends up being toxic. I’ve seen vastly more people using meters to bash other players than I’ve ever seen use them constructively. Or just being annoying by spamming dps numbers.

*An extreme example, I know, but a funny one all the same. I had a group kick a guy once for spam linking the meters. On every pull.

Every. Pull.

He wasn’t even on top, so it’s not like he was even bragging. It was odd. :joy:


FFXIV is far from a perfect game. But you are making mountains out of molehills on its flaws.

  1. The slow GCD is something that will absolutely turn some players away. But, late game, you rarely find yourself with nothing to do as the game gives you a good array of off-gcd skills, instant skills, and mechanics that require movement forcing you to do things like ‘dodge’.

  2. MANAGING your equipment in FFXIV is frustrating. Not gonna sugarcoat it. The actual act of moving things between bags or selling items or and the like… they’re not great. The UI surrounding your inventory could use work. But… as far as inventory SPACE goes? No, there’s plenty. Your armory chest holds 35 items of each slot. That means that you can basically hold a separate item for every class in the game, which is typically unnecessary since many slots are shared between similar classes. And that’s not counting all the other stuff. So while yes, they do charge you for an extra retainer, you will not need it unless you’re really going hard on housing, glam, or crafting. And even then, probably not.

  3. The game does not allow any add-ons. If add-ons are something that are important to your play experience, 14 is probably not the game for you. That’s true. However, I don’t see why you’d need a DPS meter, really. If the bosses are going down, you know things are good. If they’re not, it’s up to every player in the group to look to what they could possibly do to maximize their time. And you can figure that out by seeing how your dps cooldowns lineup, by doing simulations with different materia, etc… without an add-on.
    And add-ons like DBM or other similar things aren’t necessary in most ffxiv content… because ffxiv has VERY intelligent telegraphing of abilities. People in FFXIV know exactly what certain symbols and indicators mean… because the game is consistent. So you can learn how to raid without add-ons.
    The one place this DOESN’T apply is savage/ultimate content, which does away with a lot of the indicators… but that’s content designed to be for the best of the best, so… if you’re stepping in there you should expect to have a bit of a learning curve. No sympathy here.

  4. While many raids are done through the Duty Finder, there’s nothing FORCING you to do it that way. People are just normally capable of most standard content, so for most standard content including raids, people do it in the duty finder. Also, there are bonuses for using the duty finder, so it makes sense for even skilled players to use it. But, alongside that, many many people have either free companies(guilds) or statics(raid groups) that they do more challenging content with without using the duty finder.

Also… if you’ve ever done Tower at Paradigm’s Breach or Orbonne Monastery, you’d know that ‘mindless’ doesn’t describe ffxiv alliance raids, once you get past the level 50 and 60 stuff… which is easy because, even synced down, we just out-stat it at this point. There’s a LOT going on in some of the fights, and a lot expected of players given they have no prior experience as a group.

Realistically speaking, WoW players should consider playing FFXIV if:

  1. They want a guided, story-based experience with good writing, interesting dungeons, and characters you’ll actually care about.
  2. They are not interested in being super competitive.
  3. They don’t care about, or don’t like, add-ons.
  4. PVP is not something that really matters much to them.
  5. They like the idea of having a single character who they can do anything on even if they change their mind about what they like.
  6. They want a game that LOOKS incredible, start to finish.
  7. They want a social experience driven by people who actually want to talk to each other.
  8. They’re willing to accept a bit of extra moderation on speech and behaviour, and are generally a decent person.

WoW players should NOT consider FFXIV if:

  1. PVP is a focus of their play.
  2. They’re interested in the competitive content WoW offers like M+ or rated bgs.
  3. They want an open-ended leveling experience that doesn’t really force them to waste time on the story.
  4. They treat others like crap or like dishing out verbal abuse to others.(The moderation team won’t put up with it over there.)
  5. They’re not interested in watching lengthy cut-scenes or a continuous story.(I mean this sincerely, FFXIV has 45 minute long story cutscenes, and a dungeon that takes over a half hour of unskippable scenes that is part of the core story)
  6. They like having alts.
  7. They like the customization add-ons bring to the game.

The two games are different. Target different audiences. I don’t consider either to be de facto ‘superior’ to the other, but there are definitely people for whom one will be more enjoyable than the other.