From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

Oddly, my experience has been different. I have introduced people who were new to MMOs to both WoW and FFXIV… and the one that didn’t feel overwhelming for them as they learned ‘how to MMO’ was ffxiv. So I personally am very glad the gcd is slower. It serves as kind of a tutorial in itself.

I don’t want to convince those ‘lot of players’. lol

I only want people who are interested in exactly WHAT FFXIV IS to play FFXIV. I don’t want people who aren’t to play it under false pretenses. There are more than enough people who like what FFXIV is to play it.

FFXIV definitely needs some sort of appearance library that works a bit less clunkily than that glamour closet. Although, I will say that FFXIV has way better armor/clothing APPEARANCES for Glam than WoW has for transmog… just harder to use them. lol

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Technically anything about FFXIV is unrelated to WoW in a WoW Discussion chat but idk

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Yes however you are whether you like it or not trying to poach what is left of WoWs players, and WoW may deserve it, but it isn’t cool.

I dont think you’re doing it on purpose but that’s what’s happening

Oh, I guess that could be true. I see a bunch of FF threads though. idk

Nope, I do not want to poach all of WoW’s player. But I do think that, like myself, there are some people playing WoW for whom the game is objectively the wrong game for them. And those players should probably try one of the other MMOs out there. And I provided a specific list of the types of players for whom ffxiv might be the right choice. And it absolutely is not ‘all of WoW’s players’.

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You know a wise raid leader probably covered the term poaching best:
(Max, Limit - when Lightee went to Method) You can easily change the term guild to game and get the same result

“Anyone who frowns on poaching has a fundamental misunderstanding of how the game works and is a child. Poaching isn’t a thing, you give people opportunities, if people like the guild they are in they would stay. Players who blame other guilds for poaching are not confident enough in what they bring and offer to a player to get them to stay”.

That being said, I haven’t seen people poaching. The original post was made that stated the OP players dislike of a game, the discussion went from there. Could it have been placed in a better place on the forums, sure there is a sub category for other games, but it’s not the first off topic discussion that has made it to general chat and it won’t be the last.

The more important question, and that is the one that Blizzard and the Devs need to look at for themselves is WHY their player base is looking at other content. This isn’t just a content drought issue. Players are talking about and playing elsewhere, whether it is Classic, Valorant, FFXIV, etc. it’s because they are not having fun here.

You can try to dissuade that on the forums, you can be snarky and say things like “Can I have your gold?” but I’d be shocked if it is not the reality you are seeing on your server, your discord, your guild… I know I am.


Pro tip: you should uninstall the ff… game, it’s pure trash imo.

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I went back to playing ff14 since it was on sale. The game definitely feels slower

Having to wait 2.5 seconds for an instant cast ability SUCKS. The only good thing is that the game has more OGCD then wow. You can chain abilities and its fun


I’ve watched streams of FFXIV and honestly the only thing I like about it more than WoW is the character customization options. Oh, and that there’s animation for petting your pets.


I don’t think streams do it justice. That said, trying to get through the initial game is a horrible drag, so it’s hard to recommend it, either.

The big draw for me was housing, which is actually pretty fun. And from there I found ways to enjoy the game (400+ hours and I JUST got to Heavensward, lol…)

So…maybe try it out, see if it meets your interests? Really you can try the trial and see. I won’t say it’s a slam dunk, huge improvement, but it has its merits.

Sadly the races are some of the most boring options in any MMO but I have to learn to live with the fact no other game will likely match WoW and GW2 for race quality/uniqueness mixed with good gameplay.

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If it’s not as good as WildStar’s housing was I’ll just feel let down.

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Fair point, Wildstar had the best housing bar none. It’s…not as good, though it’s more than WoW.

Big reason I’m keeping an eye on Palia, personally.


The vast majority of the gear is bland pretty bland even though its high res.

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You’re the one with no clue here. If you’re such an expert on what a weeb entails, please let us know in detail so that we can specifically tell you where your misconceptions lie.

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Which is how cooperative social games are intended to be played. WoW wasn’t the esport it is now back in the day. FFXIV is doing well now because it facilitates socialization at the end game rather than competition.


Sure I’ll keep it simple for you since it’s so hard to understand.

A weeb is someone who plays FFXIV and other titles with cutsie wootisie Japanese characters.

Is that enough detail?

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FFXIV story quests murder my soul. I don’t mind the story, I don’t mind doing story quests for major parts of the story. However, when you have 15 go here talk to this guy quests that takes an hour to complete it makes me want to jump off a cliff.

Additionally, taking a break and come back to 6 hours of story quests to catch up on is horrible.

I still have a level 80 in that game though.


A weeb is just someone who isnt Japanese that is obsessed with Japanese culture.

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That’s zero detail. You basically said that FFXIV is a weeb game because it has cute characters and anyone who plays it is a weeb. WoW has cute gnomes, pandas, and foxes, and many WoW players also play FFXIV, so by your definition WoW is a weeb game too. Given the utter lack of substance in your posts it’s clear that you simply trolling and that I’ve already wasted too much time on them. Looks like you’re simply going on my ignore list now.

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k, cya weeb!

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