From WoW to FFXIV? Read this


i tried to enjoy ff14 twice but this stopped me, twice.

ppl have told me that its not such an issue later on but i cant be arsed to try to make it to where its “not an issue”.

it’s a shame, could be a good game - idk why they dont make it feel faster for the lower end of the curve… mustve lost a bunch of players just because of that.

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No Magus Sisters summon? NOOOOOO

Many people I see complaining about the GCD usually are always unaware that FFXIV gives each job more abilities to use that are not part of the GCD. Making it so you can weave abilities in between for faster combat.

Also irks me a bit because it’s only one second longer. One. Its not that bad and I hadn’t even noticed it was that long even after I hit 80.

Opinions are opinions but I cant help but feel this particular critique seems like such a petty nitpick.


a monk has 1sec gcd here.
2.5s gcd is more than 100% more…

you can def. feel it when wow is what youre used to :wink:

they should bring the off-gcd abilities you can weave-in much earlier to help with that sad feeling.

Fair. Longer than a second. But still so very little of a difference… You would never notice or even feel it later on. Now as I believe you’ve said in this thread before (I think it was you) you dont want to put in the time to get to that point and thats perfectly fine.

But MMOs dont typically give you all of the goodies at the early stage of the game.

I’m sorry but to me it is still a nitpick.


Different games for different preferences, really.

14 is much more story-oriented. It isn’t alt-friendly, you do everything with one character more or less. The difficulty is focused more on class mechanics and rotations (for optimal play) and much less on mechanics as compared to WoW’s current design – WoW used to have more involved rotations, too, but they moved towards a game that has the main difficulty coming from the content design itself and not class mechanics per se, which is the opposite of 14.

WoW is snappier in terms of control/responsiveness. It isn’t only the GCD (although that’s a part of it), it’s the entire responsiveness of the character. It’s just incredibly tight in its responsiveness, I have never seen any other MMO where the character control feels as tight and responsive as WoW does. And that’s incredible given its age, really.

Art design is massively different, and in a polarizing way, because many people simply really dislike anything that has even a faint scent of anime in it (and 14, while not anime-based per se, has quite a bit more than a scent of it, heh). This also relates to the overall aesthetic – it’s more of an Asian game aesthetic than a Western one, and this flows through to the characters and the story as well. Again, somewhat polarizing.

In general I would say that WoW is the king of competitive instanced endgame MMO content. 14 doesn’t compare to it in that aspect. That’s not to say that 14’s endgame is bad – in fact it may be more fun for many casual players than WoW’s is, currently. But it means that WoW is the king of the competitive instanced endgame. By the same token I would say that 14 is far better than WoW at storytelling, and is far more interesting in its crafting/gathering gameplay.

There is certainly an overlap in playerbase and interest, but I do think that the games appeal to different kinds of players and also to different kinds of aesthetics.


Me and my friends are about as far away from being a weeb as you can be and we play ffxiv.
The final fantasy series existed when weeb wasn’t even a thing. If your not playing ffxiv cause your afraid of being called a weeb your doing it wrong.


This is the guy who doesn’t want any new tanks

that’s what OGCDs are for.

it’s basically a much bigger bagnon…it takes time to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, it’s basically the same thing, but bigger.

only if you’re a pack mule and don’t throw/sell anything

this is what the wardrobe is for, it’s for glamour.

it’s a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy to use ACT or any other add-on. they’re against it on paper, but they won’t use the rule book on you if you keep it hush-hush. the illusion of a happy community is more importnt in FFXIV than actual perfromance, unless you get into a savage raiding static.

this is for the equivalent of LFR in FFXIV. the queues for extreme (heroic) are just for show, no one serious ever queues for those.

I still prefer WoW to FFXIV, but it sounds like you went in FFXIV with a closed mind, wanting it to suck? I could be wrong, but that’s what your post is coming off as.


Unless some kind soul raises you (which gives a debuff for a while) , then yeah you respawn at your Home point, which may be several continents away

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What is the point of this topic?

You’re just crapping on FFXIV. Which, I mean, that’s fine. But this is these are the WoW forums and you didn’t even bother to draw a comparison other than Alliance Raids = LFR Raid.

(FWIW, yes, the retainer system is awkward, but you have comparable bag space in FFXIV baseline vs having all “good” bags in WoW).

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Which doesn’t matter at all, because the game uses fast travel.

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Maybe the gameplay doesn’t help much between the game being more competitive, which you didn’t point out how it goes in the pvp in this mmo, and that there is no discrimination and competition in the top dps, although that no longer matters because Blizzard discreetly supports the systems of WTS, WoWvendor or anyone who helps in boos LFG paying in cash away from the rules within the game, which neither flagged as spam helps in eliminating this in the WTS or a BOE that is only through a common farm.

but even so within WoW not only these systems are ruining the experience of the game, but also other new ideas did not help to attract a good RPG style such as:

  • empathizing with marie sue characters Compressing the whole world of Azeroth and other heroes who should have played a bigger role in BfA
  • BfA and WoD
  • Nonsensical retcons as it was in TBC, WoD and BFA itself.
  • your role as champion of the game in which it ceased to be (Such is the case of people who think that we are marie sue, or Gary Stue) in which we are less inferior than the pawns or peasants in WoW
  • the disaster of Mechagon knowing that the gnomes worse than the goblins will never be good at bringing lores to Azeroth.
  • forced nonsense inclusion in the game when it should have already done much more before the trend in the case of the Chromie genre.
  • Castle Nathria being a stupid mockery of another game that had better serious content like the well-known Castlevania, instead that’s why we have Hotel Transylvania.
  • And abusive systems that did not help in the balance between the gameplay in the pvp and the pve in helping it to be a healthy competition between other groups and players in which it only lives of unfair traps and unwarned exploits such as some classes changed in each expansion to choose who will be better in pve or pvp, and addons such as raiderio addon that does not help anything while the WTS and the Boes ruin the experience of the game.
  • And let’s not forget other video game trends such as MOBAS and Battle royale that only corrupt the good fun of other types of video games in which Fornite and LoL do not help the video game industry at all, showing Like a ATARI E.T. but of slow death for these times.

All that and more has made Retail, over time, forgotten, and let’s not talk about the classic servers, that is cheating, it is as if you wanted to download a DOS game in GoGcom.

This is how Final Fantasy even though it is the same and is not known almost everywhere in the world as it is in WoW, it is rising more and more than its rival, something that we do not forget its best moment that paid tribute to Kentaro Miura (creator of Berserk) knowing that Blizzard has the Great Swords model within its game and not because it is only in Final Fantasy VII fans of the punk hero Cloud Strife.

The last time Blizzard gave us an emotional OST on a Boss raid was only on Argus

Now what to do to what was the little content that was in vanilla raids does not help at times where there is more interaction throughout the game such as lore and raid bosses.

Sylvanas and Kel’Thuzad’s raid fights are not bad at all, especially Sylvanas in which someone asked what style of fighting was Vergil type in DMC series.

But aside from the fact that I rarely use discord in raid groups, I hear some ridiculous symphony stupid from a cartoon like it was in Castle Nathria vs. Sire Denathrius.

I make a video including these ost in every raid boss fight that I mentioned what 9.1 comes from.

which is what he gives you in each Final Fantasy Raid Boss, believe me, they want to dance the hard way in the Council fight in Castle Nathria in FFXIV we don’t need that.

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If they increased the base GCD, it would make it next to impossible to do the double (and if you’re god-tier, triple) weaving of oGCDs that is required by many jobs in the game at max level. It’s definitely painfully slow early on, but… I mean, can you really expect to be feeling uber powerful at level 20 or 30 when max level is 80?


You sure?

Because I don’t believe you. You’d know you can change the UI to show your entire bag in one button.

You’d also know FFXIV logs exist, and people compete actively on DPS meters. If you’ve really cleared highest content, you’ve joined a static, and they would of ALL been actively parsing.


I made a Lalafell Arcanist. :shushing_face:


so it’s like wow for casual bads.

its like wow but more sjw, lgbtq vibe if u catch what im saying


sounds Orwellian…like the Apple 1984 commercial…

just look how many ppl are defending the game against what I am saying out of emotion not logic, the game feels slower, if you play ffxiv and go back to wow after a while, u will feel the camera is way too fast in wow, when u turn your characters around