From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

Yeah, if you’re looking for the endgame loot treadmill with snappy, responsive controls, WoW is your game. FFXIV does a respectable job, but WoW is king here. As it should be, because of the laser-focus on that endgame loop.

If you’re looking for a little more breadth, give FFXIV a shot.

Just don’t jump in expecting it to beat WoW as its own game. It doesn’t. And that’s not why you’re hearing positive things about it.


I hurt my neck from that dancing video of FFXIV you sent me. Cringed to hard. Thanks a lot

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God forbid the developers of the game have a little fun with it and actually prove that they’re passionate about their job. Infinitely better than having a team of office functionaries designing a product exclusively according to corporate desires and the metrics informed by the goals with no emotional investment.


You can filter the glamour dresser by job to only show things equippable by a particular job.

The FFXIV glamour system has a lot wrong with it, but that’s not one. xD


Uh uh. Game was literal garbage when released and was a cash grab. If it wasn’t for WoW and them copying it with a FF skin they wouldn’t be around.

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When factoring in oGCDs… this simply isn’t true. Granted, depends on the job, but AST, NIN, DRG, BRD, MCH, DRK, GNB, MNK, and SMN are all quite fast-paced and complex, moreso than WoW classes.


GCD in FF is a non issue from my view if you have played turned based RPGs religiously,

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


As if there hasn’t been anything in WoW that made them cringe or groan at one point or another. XD


Slower then WoW’s? I think WoW’s is too slow by at least a half second. I played FFXIV for a short time but I don’t remember it being slower then WoW’s.

Ehh, it doesn’t matter because I am done with WoW unless they fix the classes and FFXIV just didn’t do it for me. I like a faster paced game with minimal GCD interruptions, an action camera and no subs.

To each their own.

And that’s why I could never abandon WoW for FFXIV (although I might dabble in the latter at some point). I am a total altoholic and would soon be bored to death if I only had one character to play or look at even if just about everything could be done on a single character.

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From what I have read you can have more than one character but you don’t need to.


And it’s still not enough. Honestly they could solve this issue by just making the whole HQ/NQ items thing a toggle. Something like press ctrl to see how many of a HQ item you have and then release ctrl to go back to NQ items.

But I get why they do what they do, it really makes those extra retainers (bag space) at an extra $2 a month, look real good. Oh and it’s $2 per retainer with a cap of 7. So an extra $14 a month for over glorified bag space.

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Yes, and yes. Carbuncle is your first summon.

You can have more than one character, but the game isn’t designed to facilitate that style of play. For example, you can’t mail things between your characters without an accomplice because you’re only allowed to mail stuff to friends, and you can’t put your alt on your friends list because both characters need to be logged in at the same time to friend each other. Also, like others have pointed out, your glamour chest isn’t shared between characters. Then there’s the fact that every alt needs to redo the MSQ to progress through the game, regardless of how many other alts have cleared it. In that regard, WoW is far more accommodating. You even have achievements that span multiple characters. The FFXIV developers clearly never intended for people to play alts. Instead, they’ve made it far easier to do much more with a single character.

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I’ve read that, too, but the dynamics of alts (or co-mains) that WoW has probably doesn’t really exist in FFXIV, so it just wouldn’t be the same. While I do have a specific main on WoW, I really approach the game as if I had an entire team of interdependent characters instead and split up my playtime among them accordingly.

Yeah, for all the positive things FFXIV might have going for it, that really doesn’t sound like the game for my playstyle.

Ah, that makes sense. So then, is there a reason at all to have alt characters in FF? Other than because you want to?

If by “end-game” you exclusively mean PvP, mythic+ and serious raiding, you’re correct. Unfortunately, the mandatory content you have to go through to “keep up” are making a lot of raiders look at the other side of the fence regardless of how good raiding is in WoW. Blizzard can’t just sit on their laurels anymore, even for raiding content.

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This is the only real gripe that I have with FFXIV. The bag situation is pretty ridiculous. I’ve begun looking at the AH as paid storage. If I run out of space, I will dump items into the AH. You can get them back at any time, and I often see players listing things for ridiculous prices knowing that since no one will buy them at that price, they can retrieve it whenever. I don’t do that, though. I simply sell them, and if I need them later, I’ll check the AH and purchase whatever’s available. My bags are mostly overflow from my armory, buff food, and fishing bait now. There are still some crafting mats left, but I tend to sell those off when I need to make room.

I play games for the story and RP. Personally I think FFXIV’s story is now far far better than WoW, especially when up against Shadowlands (lore I absolutely hate and what made me stop playing a few months ago.) The game has its flaws (like lack of alt support and the mounts not being shared) but I like how it doesn’t just cater to hardcores and has so much more to offer with customization. Just my personal opinion, of course.

WoW has its appeal, but for me, it died a few months ago. I’m just waiting for my sub to run out now.


Why is lack of add on support a deal breaker ooc? In my mind the need for add ons is either poor game design or lack of knowing what your player base wants in terms of QoL. Like with WoW basically adding rio to the game kind of boggles my mind when compared to all of the massive use ads ons that are out there