From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

You eventually glamour your armor, also I’m not sure what quest you were doing but its a side quest and you didn’t have to do it. Most of the game is about serious fighting not dancing, it might be the hilidbrand questline which was aimed to be comical not serious.


The fact that it was made and then they released a rock video about the dance is enough for me. Lol that ship sailed.

That sounds cool. I like that those classes or jobs or professions have their own unique looks too. So I take it “professions” have relevancy to them compared to WoW?

To be honest I’m just sick of complaining about WoW professions.

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I can only speak for myself, but I really started enjoying it in Stormblood. The story was solid up until then, but that’s when I really dove in.

Heavensward is touted as being really amazing by the community, but it didn’t grab me. Too much drab, cold, stone, story was ok but eh… It was Stormblood for me, and Shadowbringers is even better.

(If you’re asking levels… 1-50 is main ARR game, but Heavensward is 50-60 and when it starts to pick up. 60-70 is Stormblood, and 70-80 Shadowbringers.)

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Most of the people playing long time games like wow are so attached and addicted to their game/character that anything that threatens their sense of self must be attacked so it doesnt damage their ego.

So I get it…kinda.


But your ok with the dances on WoW? Most of them are goofy and weird.


If you think my sense of self is threatened by a video game you have drank some great stuff tonight. Care to share?

I just got into crafting recently. It’s fantastic - I can go for literal months without killing a single thing while still progressing my character in ways that the development team actually respects. They actually just finished up an event for an old zone, actually - we revisit an old city from a past expansion and literally assist, as crafters, in rebuilding a district of that city (confirmed to be additional player housing come the next expansion). They actually did seasons of ranked crafting for this event, the winning class receiving a permanent monument on their server!

Could you imagine WoW doing any of this? Respecting crafting as its own playstyle? Revisiting a city from a past expansion, not by imposing current lore upon it, but because we left it in a sorry state in our wake when it was relevant content and have a vested interest in rebuilding it? Ranked crafting? Allowing players to influence a permanent mark on the game? All for a time-limited event? That’s just not in WoW’s wheelhouse anymore…

Yep. I can flip around to any class I want. Is my buddy at level 16 and needs a tank? BAM! I’m an equal level tank. Even should I outlevel them, I can scale down to help out and still get experience appropriate for my level.


Yeah they’re fine most of them are good references to American pop culture.

I don’t dig the Japanese cutsie wootsie anime stuff.

Relevancy is what you make it.

If you want to make money then the gathering crafting jobs are great ways to do that.
It takes a while and is somewhat expensive to get them to cap though.

But In my opinion its more fun trying to make stuff in ffxiv than in wow where I qet the mats, queue up the item and away we go.

Its more involved.

In every sense of the word. They have their own gear and rotations as well. To be fair, the system has been redesigned to the point where every crafting job has the same set of skills (differing in name only) with the same gear. Still it’s far more intricate than mindlessly pressing a button and watching your character churn out garbage. When your skill is high enough you can do that if you want, but you won’t ever put out high quality stuff by going the “quick synthesis” route. WoW’s concept of high quality is tied exclusively to a ranking system. In FFXIV, you have a probability of crafting a high quality item, and your goal is to maximize that probability by intelligently executing your rotation while watching for procs that give access to special skills. High quality items have better stats and completing them also boosts your crafting XP by much more than completing regular items.


Nice projection. I bet you play great games on it.


Funny how it seems the only way game companies can make money is by completely inconveniencing their player base by something as simple as inventory.

You have a “glamour chest” with 400 slots. Much like the void storage system that WoW originally used for transmog. When you want to save a glamour (i.e. transmog), you use a glamour crystal on your item, and it places it into your glamour chest. At any time, you can restore an item from your glamour chest if you want to make room for something else in there.

I ran out of hearts so let’s just assume I hearted all three of those responses. That sound great and whereas I was steadfast in not trying it out, I’m going to look into a trial or checking it out.

I’ll probably still play WoW too because I’m currently working on a check list of personal goals but that sounds amazing and I’m gonna be looking up videos to check it out as well. Thanks for the responses guys!


In my heart, WoW is still that centre of my gaming world. But the mind sees that it hasn’t been the game I actually enjoyed for literal years now, and all trends are pointing directly away from a direction that I personally enjoy. Writing is on the wall…

But yeah, FFXIV has a lot of breadth to it that WoW lacks, and legitimately good writing. Not “awesome for a video game”-quality, but actually fantastic writing. It’s a long-form story, one continuous narrative, that is constantly calling back and paying off. It has turned characters I was annoyed by into “friends” that I felt something for. How rare is it that you’ve actually felt something from a video game story?


I feel you. Im in the same boat. Im playing FFXIV until they fix it and I can come back. But if they dont hurry up Im not sure I will be back.


Ultimate raid did still seem like a challenge as far as mechanics go.

My overall feelings;

  • Community is super nice (atleast on Typhon) - Lots of help when levelling up

  • Dungeons are designed to be still good to do at endgame (duty finder roulette) and are less ‘go go go’ here.

  • Visuals for character models look pretty sweet. You have a huge array of glamour to choose from.

  • The story is pretty sweet and actually engaging.

  • If you love a class even if it’s not the best performing you’ll still be invited to parties.


  • Maps are not true free movement maps. You can’t jump off any ledge down onto an island below. There’s some stupid bridge or teleport. This is a big one for me.

  • Addons on the whole are worse and usually require more investment to get going.

  • Community can often silence/discourage criticism. It’s not the same as here.

  • No war mode & PvP is bad.

  • Gameplay involves combination skills which at first feels like a challenge but over time once you know the rotation and positioning is kinda bland. Basically the dungeon/boss mechanics are easier but character rotation is harder.

When in doubt play both and play what you enjoy. Overall I would say I prefer WoW’s gameplay more


Another thing awful about FFXIV. The anti aliasing. Terrible. Textures look awful. Game is so washed out and the style is so boring.

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If anyone wants to try out the game and makes a character on the famfrit server, feel free to add me ingame “Mala Coneja”. I don’t mind helping anyone out even newcomers. Even if I’m not around the community is very friendly and polite.

It’s a completely different game than wow and not for everyone but it has become my favorite game atm. Definitely seems a lot more casual friendly imo.

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