From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

I have the opposite feel actually…when I go to raids I feel slower on WoW. Its because I’m used to weaving ogcds on FF so even when I’m on gcd I’m still doing something. Meanwhile in WoW I wait endlessly for demons bite to come back up before I get more fury and can’t do anything in between unless I have enough resource for chaos strike.

But I respect that you actually tried FFXIV unlike these other people who post that its garbage without having tried it.


Don’t burn yourself with such a hot take. :sunglasses:


They took a lot of inspiration from FFXI, especially in 1.0, but now they’re just pulling inspiration from everywhere. Other Final Fantasy games (the newest expansion is borrowing a lot from FFIV). Other franchises entirely. Movies. Books. And yes, anime, like it or not.

I will say this - as someone whose experience with anime is limited to Dragon Ball for nostalgia’s sake and am now an old man who is incredibly irritated by anime tropes… it doesn’t bug me here. It isn’t as in-your-face as the memes would have you believe.

The only time it might have been obtrusive was during a certain cutscene where an NPC summons a bunch of other players to your side to help you with a boss. Instead, it was just hilarious. My brother, a Hrothgar Samurai, as bulky as can be braces himself for battle… and he’s suddenly surrounded by scantily-clad bunny and cat girls to assist. “THAT’s CANON!” he yelled. It was ridiculous, but man… so funny.


I played till I watched my character in horror in horrible pink armor and bronze leggings(that appeared as underwear) dance to some pretty terrible cutesy music for a quest to unlock a new dance. I deleted the game after that.

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I feel this way on some classes in wow and others I dont. Havoc Demon Hunter is the worst offender next to my condemn smashing arms warrior.

Spriest feels great though imo.

Hold up. Does FF not do account wide mog unlocks like what wow does?

It is not rocket science lol the frequency of me pressing buttons is significantly lower than in wow.

Dyes exist. And you chose to unlock the dance. /shrug

And very little of the music is “cutesy.”

Check this stuff out:

(Actual developers in the video, FYI.)

They’re pretty broad, musically. And allowed a lot of creative leeway, which I enjoy.


I’m sorry that your ego is too fragile to endure a little in-game humor. I hope you feel better about yourself soon.


You just don’t have enough stat yet

They dont like the aesthetic at all because it attacks their cool meter. (which is totally fine btw. No judgement here. You can like what you like)

So no amount of “these other parts are great” is going to address that for this person.

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Naw. They have transmog, but the system is clumsy. It’s character-specific, and you either need to have the item with you or physically added to a type of storage called a “glamour dresser” that you can build outfits with. Unfortunately, it’s not something they can change because of the engine they inherited from 1.0 being absolutely archaic.

That’s great. I actually had the retail box copy of FFXI and the guide book for a long time before I had a PC to play it on, and I enjoyed it but then I got WoW and abandoned it.

I’m looking into it as the conversation goes on and it looks like what would be the WoW equivalent of professions are treated like classes? That looks interesting to me. I don’t RP but I like the atmosphere of RP realms and have a story for each of my toons that I keep to myself. For example this monk is a cook before he is a monk, and is a Brewmaster and alchemist to enforce the feeling of a “wandering mixologist” of sorts.

Maybe I don’t want a Carbuncle companion, maybe I want to be a fisherman or a miner instead. I see that one character can be any class and switch at the drop of a hat? Sounds like a solution for my altoholic problem. :rofl:

It doesn’t need it, because your 1 character can be every single job. The only “acc-wide” things we have are a few mounts.


You don’t need them because you can have all the jobs on a single character. The game is not designed around having multiple characters for a single account.


I’ve never cringed so hard in my life… He’s literally doing that dance that made me quit. Lmao. How terrible.

I just started working on botanist and I had to use an ability to increase the odds of successfully obtaining the item I was going for, and then another to make it a high quality item which sells for more on the auction house.

Was kinda neat.

There is no mark or anything on the gears in the dresser, so on each job you have to click through every piece of gear that are randomly placed in the dresser to see if you can mog it, I was hold my head in pain of this hideous system.

I have my fair share of criticisms of the game. I wouldn’t lingering here if I didn’t. I’m still going to point out asinine criticisms when I see them, though. I may not change that person’s mind, but I’m going to dent their credibility for anyone reading through the thread asking themselves if they should give FFXIV a shot.


Ok but you can’t just vendor the useless gear and keep the mog? You gotta keep it in a limited storage dresser thing?