From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

I know. I wasn’t disputing your definition of it. The point is that FFXIV is no more of a weeb game than Zelda or Dark Souls.


Im sure there are a lot of weebs playing it though.

hilarious that you want to compare ffxiv to darksouls. LMAO

They create the game based around weeb culture and the people that like the cutsie dragons and cat girls…

Dark souls obviously does not.

You’re just mad you have no argument.

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Lol weeb game? People must be ignorant to how urianger speaks in that game with his old english.

Literal anti-weeb xD


I don’t hate the weebs I just know they are there and what games are meant for them. I was a weeb when I was young, loved the pokemons and digimons… loved moogles in FF thought they were cute.

Then I grew up and became an adult. I didn’t clutch onto the cartoons and pokemon anymore… I let em go, it’s for kids and weebs. Weebs are people that old onto the cutsie stuff forever. Just not for me, I don’t hate them.

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Yeah, I still want to be able to compare how I am doing to others. I want to be able to see how people stack up against competition for the same roles. I want to be able to easily know what mistakes people are making.

I am glad FF is doing well. WoW is in dire need of serious competition.

But yeah, not having combat logs and such is kind of a dealbreaker for me.


But you do have combat logs…?

And you do have meters, just keep it on the down low.


Honestly? Yeah Kind of. And I love it.

A mythic raid would be considered “Ultimate” and theres only 3 in the game (soon to be 4 in the next expansion) and they reward ONLY cosmetic gear. The next difficulty down is called savage, and the developers say that it is designed to be cleared by most people. Below that is normal, which is kind of like LFR.


If the main thing that the game offers is slow and cumbersome, than it’s a turn off no matter how you look at it.

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Look a that hateful word. Another buzzword to degrade/demoralize/divide human beings. I can think of multiple ones… Then people mocking FF14 referencing their Customers as whales for the new store mount. No wonder MMOs are in the state they are in. FF14 use to be pretty good for not being so condescending to their audience. (What made them excel) Let’s see how much that negativity works out for them in the future. Hoping for more positive vibes all around still. From customers and the people who create the entertainment.

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Oh no, you’re not allowed to browbeat other players, and create the same toxic cesspool that you left. That sounds awful.

A lie, your armoury slots are enough for all classes, and all crafting at the same time. What you don’t have space for, is carrying multiple different sets for each class, which isn’t necessary.

Disingenuous, the GCD is longer, but the prevalence of off GCD cooldown abilities to weave between the GCD makes it every bit as fast paced as WoW, but much more rotation based, than button smash fest that wow is.

So you tried their equivalent of LFR, accuse it of being LFR, and pretend savage and ultimate raiding doesn’t exist? Because you’re not clearing savage with LFR tier play, let alone ultimate.


I’ll just leave this C.S. Lewis quote here for you:

Critics who treat ‘adult’ as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

I hope you grow up soon.


Most people playing WoW are completely helpless without add-ons handholding them. Completion rates on even normal wow raids would implode, if things like Weakauras, and DBM were disabled.

FF doesn’t allow add-ons(but only actions accounts for using meters to browbeat, or using add-ons to enhance their ability to play the game).

If anything, the skill requirement is significantly higher.


So maybe you could invest into your community and say, “Hi! I noticed that some of your abilities arent shooting off like other people I see playing this job and was wondering if I could interest you in some advice?”

Then it becomes a teachable moment and maybe you make a friend. No one goes into games with the intention of being bad or a burden. I would never have learned without someone showing me.

You could be that someone.

You could be a hero.

I guess elitest jerk is an option too. I hear they promote those guys to head game dev so I see why that is an attractive option.


Guy was brilliant. His essays on morality are especially good. I don’t agree with a lot of his beliefs, or his political views, but his grasp of right and wrong were pretty solid.


I think “general discussion” inside a game’s forum generally refers to general discussion about said game.

Does FF14 not have forums?


Yea, OP prob shoulda made this thread in the off-topic forum. But that doesnt get clicks and this one does is my guess so here we are along with the thousands of other people that post here.

Yes it does.

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Its a horrible drag if you are all about end game and the destination. And thats okay if you are.

For many people that long, drawn out story game is what has been missing for them.

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Blizzard should charge real money to transmog :slight_smile:
