Friendly Player Base

Because you are a random internet stranger, to them.

pretty pointless to continue this conversation as its just going around in circles back to the original points.

OP is provided with resources to improve.
refuses to use resources to improve because “limited time”.
uses their “limited time” to complain on forums instead of spending that time using provided resources to improve.


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and that stops you from helping them how exactly?


Elitists are going to be the death of this video game.


Exactly, It’s something this thread has reminded me of. Seeing it all we must be better than this.

Again…“look it up, kid” is not “providing resources,” and especially not after throwing a fit all over a TANK trying to LEARN.

Same healer who pitched that fit will likely be on this very forum later complaining about waiting a half hour for tanks in his queue when he’s finally gotten enough gear to do keys.

That’s the part that really kills me, too. “Dude, we’re in week 3, wtf” from a guy still running M0’s in week 3. The irony. Oh, the irony. And if the healer is that dude’s alt, and he pitched a fit, as a healer, about pathing…in a zero.

Again. The priorities are just jacked up beyond all recognition.


It was a M0. Don’t have a crap attack.


… OR, Blizzard could hire back those CMs they got rid of and actually police/enforce the social contract we all agreed to when playing this game.


so do you think this tank can avoid this interaction in the future by using the resources available to them to improve? or do you think they should continue to expect randoms to teach them what they dont know?

and lets not use the excuse of gamer dad with only 1 hour a week to play. i know plenty of gamer dads in guilds that spend their precious time to improve.

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not this game and certainly not this community.

its funny to me how hard people will fight over this instead of jusut saying “i dont want to help you”


whats that have to do with the OP refusing to help themselves improve?

Have you actually read the social contract you agreed to?


YouTube! Call it bloody YouTube!!

Seriously, I need to make a drinking game out of how many times you’ve used some form of “provided resources” to avoid admitting that all these people did is treat a returning player like crap and then tell him to “go watch YouTube.”

He can avoid interactions like this by downloading MDT and finding a guild.

No, he cannot avoid interactions like this in pugs. Most pugs will be absolutely fine, but there will always be guys like that healer who pug because they’re too anti-social for any decent group to put up with them for very long, and they think berating a tank for taking the wrong path in untimed learning dungeons is a good idea (I mean…providing resources).

Should he watch YouTube videos about the dungeons? Sure. I don’t think those are nearly as helpful as a dungeon mod that simply outlines the pathing and interrupts and count checkpoints, but sure.


While M0 should be pretty chill there is a reason people follow a set route. Once you step into M+ you’re on the clock. You should probably take their advice and watch those videos.

What did they say or do that is against the social contract? No one is entitled to being carried or taught by the other players. Them being annoyed by the fact that he doesn’t know the dungeon isn’t some social contract breaker.

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So you haven’t read it either it seems.


so dont tank for pugs? im not seeing the issue of avoiding pug interaction here.

and as for the rest we already agree the OP needs to improve by watching guides. (which they still refuse to do btw)

Never going to because they’re never going to enforce a “contract” they only put there to make some people feel better about the “rules” set in the game that no one on the staff actually care about.

But you did agree to it.