The mechanics in normal/heroic dungeons might as well not exist and the people running them have even less incentive to be nice to learning players.
M0 is really where dungeons start feeling like an actual dungeon and the mechanics actually start to matter.
Behavioral issues are also things Blizzard as a company needs to value enough to take seriously, and they don’t really – at least not in game.
Blizzard is basically that parent at the cookout that never says anything to their kid, no matter how poorly mannered they are… unless they start saying racist stuff. They never reward them for good behavior either.
Most players are pretty chill… but it only takes one to ruin the dungeon. Even if just 10% of the player base sucks, that’s still at least 1 person every other dungeon… and it really only takes one person to ruin a dungeon run/tilt the vibe.
OP has valid frustrations. I can appreciate the need to vent. Yeah there are things they can do to mitigate and cope. But It’s important to acknowledge the point they’re making too imo.
All I’m gonna say is lots of us have job wives and families with kids and other hobbies. That’s not really an excuse. However if it’s a low key and you mess up a route that’s really of no issue you’ll still time it and you will get to learn. You had one bad issue and instead blame the entire community.
Then quite honestly you need to find a group of friends. Pugging content really isn’t friendly content and most definitely isn’t the place for you to figure it out.
Bro i just got kicked from a timewalking on last boss because i asked if someone could interrupt the warlocks orcs with me , as a healer i just asked that and got instantly kicked , when i went to whispers to ask why , the tanker said nothing , the dpss said nothing and i won a deserter debuff
very nice game and community
going to another game right now
I understand and can sympathize with both sides. The most neutral thing to do is make friends, join a community, etc. If that is not possible, then sticking to solo-content, looking for raid, random dungeon queue is the option. If you really want, there are tons of boosts available for gold which will teach you as you play.
The choices are really available to you.
Just because you don’t have time, doesn’t mean you have to waste other people’s time. Communication is also key. If you’re making your own groups, it’s pretty important to communicate that you are new.
I do agree that the game should do a better job in getting players of similar skill/behavior together, and not put that burden on them, but we probably will never get that.
While i usually say people should learn their stuff before setting foot into deeper content, the fact that it’s just m0 n not deep hardcore progress pushing, yeah that team overreacted fo sho. Some people take vidja games way too seriously.
Yes, I suffered throught his all in S3 of dragonflight. The answer was still the same, make friends, find a guild, find a community and as much as that sounded bad, it was the truth.
The game should def. have a matchmaking system to get people with similar skill grouped for content if they choose to, putting that responsibility on the player taxes their limited time for sure.
I don’t think it’s fair to waste other people’s time as well, if you’re new or want to learn / take it easy, then make sure the group knows that! No harm in communicating “I am new, etc”
I think the whole excuse of “I have 12 wives and 32 children and can play only every fortnite” is so 2009.
Trust me, other people also have wives/kids/jobs/lives outside of the game and no reason to force them into teaching you.
Translation: “The tank went one way and I convinced the other players to follow me using a different route without bothering to have a discussion in advance.”
I can see why the tank might be upset about your loose cannon dps tanking behavior.