Friendly Player Base

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Players like you ARE the issue.

Its a damn video game and he is doing mythic 0, not cutting edge.

No one should have to watch videos to learn and for some they can’t or don’t learn well by seeing but by doing.

You and your ilk are why we have a Tank and Healer shortage. Congrats on that I guess!


But I was informed in other threads M+ isn’t toxic or elitist. This must be fake news.

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I can be extremely toxic or on lower keys just kinda chill. The higher you get the worse it gets until it is just premade groups that just do keys together. I do not think people like pugging the highest mythic + content.


said the whiny little basketcase. you’re right, though. i don’t care about your indignation, and you need to pull on some big boy pants


Precious time?

They are playing a video game!


Absolutely spot on. I spend a lot of my limited game time helping guildies learn to pvp effectively. I enjoy helping them a lot, its very fulfilling to me to see them go off on their own and come back greatly improved. That being said, I’ve learned who doesn’t get my help anymore.

Its very frustrating when simple instructions like “hey, try and inturrupt that super obvious disc priest” get completely ignored and then you get sass when they inevitably die. I’m a rogue, not a magician, I can think for two; but you have to meet me half way.


I think a good step to be better as a community is show up to content prepared. We all have things in our life, you aren’t special for having a wife and a kid. In the time it took you to type this post and complain you could have watched a YT video and been done with it.


Follower dungeons are a place for learning.
Normal dungeons are a place for learning. Heroic dungeons are a place for learning. Mythic 0 should not be your first time to be learning strats, paths, and mechanics. While I don’t feel like people should be jerks and make you feel bad I also understand that, with all of those other ways for you to learn the dungeons, they would be upset with you. You are wasting their time and that is your fault, noone elses. I would of just simply left but it’s reasonable to assume people would be upset with you for wasting their time.


If you have limited time to play, one might think you should spend some time to learn outside of game time so you can actually play during game time. Seems weird you talk about not having much time to play, but you wont be efficient and watch videos. Im more than willing to bet you have 5 minutes a day where you arent really doing much, be it on the toilet, right before bed, while your SO is watching a tv show you arent that into, ect.

But yes people do need to be more respectful, including you. The people you are asking to “teach you the route” may have limited time to play (just like you!) and oftentimes trying to teach people things takes more time than one would anticipate. Doesnt mean they should be rude, but if they tell you no, just remember no means no. There is something about personal acountability we can discuss here too if warrented.

For example, i play a tank. In order to be efficent i need to know the routes, which adds have important kicks, what groups to pull together and relevant affixes for that week. Before i even set foot in that dungeon i have watched a video guide, plus an in depth tank guide so that when its “game time” im not wasting any time, rather im prepared and able to do what i signed up for!


All I hear is a lot of excuses to act like a douche.

Granted, I do agree that one should maybe familiarize themselves with the basics before jumping into mythic. At the same time, there’s zero reason for as much needless preening, badmouthing, and autistic screeching.


There isnt much of a tank/healer shortage, ive had to roll a dps this expac because my guild is oversaturated with tanks and healers. However they wont tank/heal for pugs for many reason, like the op! they arent doing mythics to teach others, they are doing mythics for vault/loot/crests and want to do multiple dungeons an hour. I dont blame my guildies either, i tried to tank a pug ara kara city of echos and the dps cannot figure out mobs > boss for the first boss still xD

It’s probably been said a thousand times, but the best options I suggest are:

  1. WoW Made Easy
  2. Friends
  3. Guild

That first option does super work well. It’s really a good thing to use.

There are a lot of impatient people in this game. But there are also nice people still in this game. We just gotta find 'em. :slight_smile:

My guild suddenly has seven thousand Paladins. :rofl:


It would take way less time to give info on new route in dungeon than how much you have spent on this thread acting like you are above this other person because of the route.

You really are a strange and nasty one aren’t you?


If he doesnt know pathing he doesnt know fights or which casts need to be stopped either. Utimatley its very discourteous to show up to content and have no idea what the content contains. There should be zero enabling of the people who drag others down, but there is also a way to go about it as well. As for his time contstraints, again those are his self proposed limitations, so why should others suffer because of the choices of 1 person?

Honestly if i put my key in, and i notice very quickly the other people dunno the dungeon i just silently leave.

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Haha thats relatable, my guild ran with 5 pallies on our normal raid friday night, oh and 4 warlocks xD

I just want my stam buff and vers buff too o.o,

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This entire thread is just hilarious to me.

So let me try and make sure I have this right.

We are treating M0 as if it’s cutting edge content and that excuses players to act awful when someone does not…know every itty bitty detail and route?

A route for what? A route to complete a dungeon that is entirely untimed?
Yeah sure, not “knowing” something and having a life outside of this game does not mean you are owed a college level dissertation. But when you treat your up and coming fellow players in such a manner and then act SHOCKED when you have a real lack of decent people to play with (never mind the stunning lack of tanks and healers).

I don’t know if it’s just this season, but holy cow the level of pure salt over all this.
Sorry but with heroics or M0, I don’t expect a single person to sit there and watch videos or read entire articles for that. You died or goofed a mechanic? Big wooop!

Take some time and shed your ego and just help out. Threads like this are why I am glad I don’t pug tank M+ anymore, the pure entitlement, attitude, ego and toxicity really just nails it for me.


No they are not, Learning the layout but thats about it. Come off it

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I agree but this wasn’t a key, it was M0. One mistake isn’t going to hurt anyone. Help this guy learn.