The majority of players in every successful videogame are casuals. Eliminating their payments would result in a game that had far less of the content you think you deserve, and you would pay much more for it.
I guess really it’s just a matter of what is worth gettin’ mad about and what we do with that frustration.
Most people who are open to suggestion/help will just ask. If they ask and I know, I’ll try to help or offer a link up that I think can help them.
It’s way too easy to offer up help and it be misinterpreted as elitism/snobbery… or like a mandate though.
What’s that expression – you can lead a horse to water but you can’t makem’ drink? Oh christ I am becoming my dad. I think in this very moment I just transitioned to old status.
I have to correct you. Low level Content is being outgeared, … being facerolled and being done as speed run. Thats normal.
When the content is not being outgeared, faceroll wont happen, speed runs wont happen.
On M+2 which they said equivalent to M+12, no facerolls and speed runs happening. Everybody is careful as they dont want to wipe as wipes causes timer penalties… the main reason why weak group fails. We are slow at this level.
Do higher level content and see it for yourself. What you seeing are just lowbie facerolling content.
I agree with what you said, but I would add, that a lot of times, if not most times, it also is real elitism, not just perceived as elitism.
The people who run high-end content and want to educate others on it have a very specific way they want them to do things, and if they don’t do that specifically, then the rudeness and conflict can occur.
ay bro, aren’t you in an rp guild? like, digital barbies? i just think it’s wild that your singular ‘contribution’ to this thread has been to try and call out a dude for happening to have a hobby on top of a family while working long hours, like that’s somehow a personal offense or something you needed to weigh in on. what cringe behavior.
I’ll work on “come off it”. Not really sure what that means but I’ll try it out. In the meantime are you stating that it’s perfectly acceptable to just come into m0s with 0 idea of what mechanics to follow, what routes to take, and what basic strats to follow? I mean as a healer you can prolly get away with that but as a tank who is supposed to be leading the party? Imagine if people did this in real life. If you took your car to a mechanic and said hey fix my water pump then you went to pick up your car and they said hey it’s all fixed and the left tire was missing. You’d be like hey that’s okay he probably didn’t have any experience with water pumps. I’m not saying people should be pros at tanking a mythic before they go in but if they go in as complete nubs with no clue how to tank the mythic they absolutely deserve every bit of hate they get.
On the contrary. It shows that I don’t allow the game to interfere with what is important to me. Family and job come first. WoW is just a game I have loved for a decade.
If you think I have horrible time management skills because I only play for a short time each day, then I feel sorry for you. A video game should never be a priority in someone’s like unless it’s their livelihood.
You guys have made this interesting. I’m enjoying reading the comments on my phone as I’m hanging out with the family. The wife is getting a good laugh. She is a WoW player also who is just starting.
Not being sarcastic, but it’s because that’s the community bare minimum for your role. You reject this notion from a place of “how can I find the time?” but as someone in a similar boat as you, allow me to point out that by doing such things, you make your play time vastly more efficient which translates into more of what you’d rather be doing.
In essence, you’re saying you don’t have 2-5 minutes to do the homework expected of you. Even if you don’t watch videos, you should at a minimum have reviewed the dungeon journal for the bosses anyway, and that typically takes longer than just watching a video.
But once you’ve had that knowledge, your routing and play becomes more efficient. It only take 1-2 dungeon runs before you’re going to come out ahead on time
But this isn’t true of just WoW’s dungeons, but every skill in life. It’s the entire reason European guilds existed, why trades exist and survive, and why you’re even able to play video games in the first place
If you were playing a game, solo, you’re absolutely right; why bother when you can have your own fun on your own time
But in the activity you engaged in, you weren’t on your own time, you were on your time PLUS the time of four others. When you choose to take a pivotal role such as tanking, but you don’t do the social minimum, you’re effectively saying that you don’t care about the social dynamic/contract.
And it’s fine to take such a stance, but given your post, it sounds like that’s not the stance you actually want to take. Instead, it sounds like you’re expecting a social interaction that runs contrary to the content that you’re doing, unaware that there already is an established etiquette/set of social expectations.
If you wish to cut your teeth in game despite this, that’s a fair angle to pursue, but the onus falls to you as the one deviating from the social norm to establish that. That means putting a “still learning” in your group applications, and listing a “learning group” in your group listings. However, I suspect you’ll find such tools will result in you having very few groups firing off, it’s very much a “quality over quantity” tradeoff
Annnnnd that brings us back full circle; if you are willing to perform the social etiquette to ensure others know that you’re deviating from the norm, then you’re going to spend far FAR less time…just watching the videos and doing your part to contribute to the group appropriately