LFR groups should just get one hybrid DPS randomly changed to tank now and then if there’s a wait
Oh my gosh that would be hilarious especially if it happened on my dh. I have no idea what to do so I’d cowboy the heck out of it
And you do have the option to play alone but Dungeons and raids require people to play together if people dont like that then too bad dont do dungeons and raids
Yeah, which is fine, everyone makes mistakes, but not only was he objectively wrong he was just rude about it right away.
Let us use our followers from the tables throughout every expansion as AI “Players” in dungeons. Let us pick through every available follower and even equip gear drops to them to upgrade them and their ilvls. Would definitely cause me to go back to old content to unlock new followers I haven’t gotten.
Three birds one stone!
People who leave in a Random BG (after a certain amount of time) should be replaced by bots, we know they exist, there’s a whole brawl with them.
Joining a BG past the point of no return for a loss is brutal.
npc bots for dungeons
npc bots for raids
npc bots for open world content
npc bots for m+
npc bots for guild
no more mmo! just npc bots!
If Blizz were to consider this I would personally prefer to have it so that the A.I in the group are my alts and I can gear them up within the run I don’t need them to be great, just have them perform to the level of their gear and I’d be happy.
Hmm, I think it’d be fun if the A.I could vote kick someone
Someone has to post stuff on the AH for me
I would prefer if there was a way for them to include the OG 1-60 dungeons in the rotation other than “Queue is taking too long, would you like to expand your queue for other era specific dungeons?”.
Those dungeons definitely have a nostalgia and super fun factor. I just never see them anymore. I can’t even get my fix of them in Classic because people just buy gold and pay a mage to boost them while they 0APM AFK at the front of the dungeon.
I think it might be the era specific mode that hurts. Knowing the most popular Chromie time xpac in order to get the fastest queues (without waiting for “expand search?”) is the tough part. I think Chromie time should stand as is (as in choose xpac to lvl in), but remove the specific xpac dungeon barrier for better queue times (which would remove “expand search”).
why does every ff14 player talk like a bot
enter the reason I have pretty much stopped group content.
Sick of players, not the game so much.
they say no one talks in PUGs…lol…its probably for the best that they dont.
Im for either your ai solution…or just balancing it so one player can run it…or stopping the restriction and just letting 5 dps do the run if they want.
Ive finished a run with me healing and two DPS before. We dont need no steenking tank lol
This would be hilarious.
There was intention that went behind it, and that intention was not for you.
That’s fine. I just wish more ff14 players would play ff14 than heckle the wow forums. Since it’s so much fun and all.
If you’re talking about the most players wouldn’t that be Lost Ark right now.
If you’re talking about the most subs that’s probably still WoW.
I wouldn’t know, I’ve never really played FFXIV. I would check it out for their fishing, which I hear is fantastic, but honestly I’m quite partial to my WoW toons. What I do know is, one simple question with the phrase “#1 MMO FFXIV” was enough to elicit the reaction I desired, therefore confirming that I am capable of mind control.
You are dying to many times the dungeon AI vote kicks you. That would hurt.
I mean they kind of have built a bad reputation for spamming other websites with that exact wording to the Point that their lead Yoshi P. is not cool with it. So you kind of came across as somebody performing the behavior.
I like this. I also like the idea of being able to select characters such as your own alts if you have them.
Like, name, transmog, basic template stats and whatnot.