Friendly NPC A.I. Bots for Dungeon Finder Groups

Friendly A.I. Npc Bots for Dungeon Finder. As an optional choice. For Regular Leveling Dungeons.

The Idea: When you go into dungeon Finder, And Choose the With Bots Option: the other four characters are no longer other players. Instead they are A.I. Controlled Character Bots. The classes of the bots are filled out so that you always get a team composition of a tank, a healer and 3 dps.
The program will take into consideration your class and fill out the other slots accordingly.

Now for the Why:
Well it’s simple: The bots don’t talk. So that ends the constant arguing and flaming wars you sometimes get with toxic players. Especially when the party wipes because some one messed up.
And no more kicking out of the dungeons. Be cause Bots don’t care what you do.

And lastly the dungeons these days are Crazy Running Events. It seems like every other dungeon you run has a Tank that is a level 10 monk or other class twink that charges through a dungeon in 30 seconds with the rest of the group trailing far behind. The tank kills everything as he goes. I know that some people like this because they just want to get through the dungeon. But then don’t like it because some of these tanks don’t know what they are doing and pull every mob through several room causing multiple wipes.

Now here are the Benefits For the Bots: NO MORE WAITING QUEUES. Yep. You just go to dungeon finder pick dungeon you want to play and Bang! Your In! You can run the dungeon at any speed and way you want.

You also get a Pet Bar similar to a Hunters Pet Command Bar: Attack/Assist/ Protect/Passive, etc. So you can control the situation.

What about the quality of the bots. Wow has proven that they can make capable Bots because they have. Oh no. You say No Bot can be as good as a real player. I say you must be kidding me. Have you not seen how real players act?

What about the social aspect you ask? Um…Well no one talks in dungeons anymore unless its to say something nasty and or pointless.

Please Share your thoughts.


Why don’t you just go play a single player game.


Name me a single player game that is exactly WoW minus the other players.


FF XIV does this and I like it.


The OP wants what the number one MMO on the market, FFXIV, already has and it works great there. The AI isn’t as good as players (typically), but you get to make up for it by watching the dialog and interactions of the NPC’s as you do the dungeon.

It’s a swell and fine idea for those on the…let’s say extreme low end of the skill bell curve and/or the social bell curve. I wouldn’t hold my breath though…it’s far more likely that dungeons will get lowbie isle treatment and dungeons just better scale based on party comp and do away with the need for the role trinity itself until you get to non-queue content.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but FFXIV isn’t the number one MMO on the market, not even sure it’s the number two MMORPG currently. Don’t put that in your posts, really, just to try to certify that the idea is good. Make your claim for why the thing is good without it.

I think AI would be nice since players don’t want to play nice for people to learn dungeons in the first place, and it’d help for older dungeons that you end up having to go back to but can’t quite solo yet especially for alts.

However that would require completely re-tuning the dungeons and Blizzard having to make decent AI that is also more on the bug-free side of things and I’m honestly not sure they’re capable given how bad their AI for Island Expeditions and Comp Stomp are.


ai bots describe 99% of the playerbase so its working as intended


i’m pretty sure even tbcc has more active daily players than ff14 at this point. but no one puts out sub numbers anymore so there’s no way to be sure.


terrible idea tbh , you would auto win everything with bots , there is no fun

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FF14 dungeons 95% of them have a brain dead linear design so it’s easy to have the AI

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The point of the LFG system is that you auto-win everything since people whined that you could fail dungeons in cata.

FFXIV lowbie/leveling dungeons have more teeth to them then WoW dungeons and past WoW dungeons are linear too. In fact, it was mythic+ that prompted dungeons to be more open with pathing/routing.

Not to say either game takes a rocket scientist level of brain to play, but let’s not pretend WoW is this bastion of skill when it was literally designed from the ground up to be the casual paradise to big daddy EQ and it’s ultra anti casual designs.


Yea base ff14 dungeons were different after that its pull all mobs to the barrier stopping you from going farther, aoe them down with little effort, then do it again then fight boss repeat til dungeon is clear. Thats every single dungeon in endwalker.


Only if the AI bails when it’s a mathematical impossibility to down the bosses.

Ahhh crap. I’m alone again, guess I don’t have good nuff gear! :joy:


What is your problem with the #1 MMO on the market, FFXIV?


The fact that’s it’s not even the #2 MMORPG currently, would be the problem. Especially given how many players are playing something else since expansion launch, and the fact it never even hit the same amount of WoW players during Shadowlands life-cycle.

People can stop saying falsities and trolling about it, to start. Because well, there’s a button for that.

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I would be down for this if I get to design and name the characters like those NPCs we have in Final Fantasy XIV.

I’d queue up with NPCs over non guild PCs any day. No more being rushed to the point I cannot loot as I’m tanking. Sounds like heaven.


In any case, I’m sure there are a lot of features from the #1 MMO on the market, FFXIV, that would be great in WoW. I doubt it will happen, but hey, you never know. There’s a lot of similarities from game to game, not just between WoW and the #1 MMO on the market, but other games as well.

The #1 MMO on the market, FFXIV, apparently has better jumping puzzles than WoW too. I like WoW’s jumping puzzles, but if they could be better, I’d love that.


The OP said this would be an option. If I could choose either to join a group of players or a group of bots. I’d be happy with that. Some times I just want to level up an Alt and don’t want to wait 15 or 40 minutes to join a group. I can Imagine how much time I could save and how many dungeons I could play in the same time that I would of been waiting for a regular dungeon group. Yeah, I’m up for this, big time.


Good option for players that main dps, sometimes the lfg queues are easily 20min+.

I’ve never played dps in WoW because I cbf waiting for queues.

People that are using LFG arent looking for difficult content.

Most of them just want to get into the dungeon finish it and leave, having an AI option would save a ton of time/stress for alot of people.