Friendly NPC A.I. Bots for Dungeon Finder Groups

That has nothing to do with Blizzard, that blame lies completely at the feet of it’s player base. After all they are the ones that shun you if you play a off spec or the wrong covenant. And if people didn’t give a damn about things like “IO”, then they wouldn’t exist to begin with.

People would complain that Blizz treats solo players worse than others. (Well, more than they are already complaining about that)

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No, its their fault. They let wounds fester until the whole limb falls off. They have always been slow to respond to anything or take action.

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Blizz shouldn’t be taking action against people setting their own requirements (however irrational) for groups. Everyone can start one.


When you’re right you’re right.

Even if I did think this was a good idea, which I am not sure of for a number of reasons it seems to me blizz is a bit behind in their AI development for NPCs. Watch blovar get hit by one shot mechanics on sylvanas or check out the supposedly adaptive AI of warfronts to see what I mean. I am concerned that their NPC party members would find a way to do most every dungeon mechanic wrong, thereby actively teaching new players exactly the wrong way to do bosses. On the other hand, people mostly ignore boss mechanics if they aren’t leveling through specific dungeons anyway so maybe it wouldn’t matter. Still it does seem to me learning bad behavior from other players is not as bad as learning it from the company that makes the game.

Queueing for dungeons, takes away your privilege of setting the “rules” which is what OP is talking about, dungeon finder.

Read your own sources which prove you wrong after lecturing us on fact vs feeling:

“It’s important to understand that the throttling that is being done isn’t intended to break any functionality of add-ons, but merely to control the amount of queries that are being sent to the server at any given time.”

So you want to not be kicked when you AFK heroic dungeons, ok.

Yes, I was responding to a tangent discussion where someone brought up player drien requirements.

If they did put it something like these the NPCs should actually be able to die, similar health to what a player would have etc.

If it helps the casual player base get more access to content why not.


They have completely ignored the large part of the playerbase that isn’t remotely interested in min maxing, doing research, doing testing on their own, constantly changing specs and covenants to realign themselves after the most recent buffs and nerfs.

It was a mistake to trivialize random and world content that people subscribed to do because they enjoyed it. But no doubt they’re making progress toward turning this into a tiny hardcore esports game with a cult following. I’m not sure that’s what Phil Spencer meant when he said he wanted more people playing wow, though.

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That is your feeling and your definition which no one, including the bliz devs, agree with.

“We wanted to give mod authors a heads-up prior to making the change so that they could make any adjustments they needed to on their mods.”

Aka they wanted to avoid breaking it by working with the mod devs.

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You have responded to me twice and both times ignored what you said. Gonna toss you on ignore as well and the mute the thread. You are wrong like the other two and there is plenty threads and reason out there outside the quick few i linked. I was on these threads when blizzard posted and you can look those up talking about these addons yourself, duece.

Aka you can’t read and build faulty arguments therefore your only recourse is to block people who clearly prove you wrong


I understand the point. I disagree this is needed or a good idea. To throw out more group content for convenience is sad. The only way I could get behind us is if it was for the most trivial of dungeons (normal only)

Needed, no. Most things aren’t.
A good idea, yes, and not everything is.

Yeah, I pretty much agree with you on this point.

Those queueing with NPC groups shouldn’t be afforded the same options and the same crack at elite gear as those instancing in the traditional way.

I’d be fine with NPC queueing being for normal instances only.


I’m thinking his iron clad memory may not be as good as he thinks. Or he never really understood the details of what they were changing and why. Like all of the links were about inspection query frequency causing server lag, nothing at all to do with the actual gear score addon or Blizzard taking a stance against its functionality.

Then they just built item level flat into the game. And broke oqueue because they implemented a more refined cross realm group finder into the game baseline.

And yeah they did break OP add-ons like classic decursive which amazingly OP and automated.

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I might be ok with this being a last resort option to finish filling out lfr groups and stuff. Let the robot tank come on in and get right to business and show players how bad we really are at the game!