Friendly NPC A.I. Bots for Dungeon Finder Groups

?? Must be someone related to Rhielle, since that’s the only person to try to call me like I’m that person. I guess add it to all the things they’ve done, and are doing spreading rumors about other forum posters.

Too bad an easy check would discredit that claim, just like people making the claim that FFXIV is anywhere remotely ‘better’ than WoW.

Which is a personal opinion maizou. Go back to posting about the color pink


You just gave me an idea! Our followers are the other 4 “players”, the ones we have leveled for the table. Could do just that current expansion’s followers or better yet let us pick from ALL of our followers from past expansion’s table like WoD Garrison. We can level them up along side our character and then w.e gear drops from dungeons we can equip them with it.


That are so stupid they can’t even path thru an instance correctly or avoid completely telegraphed attacks. There is a reason they made pets immune to pretty much every fight mechanic, because they are too dumb to “not stand in the fire”.


They can’t even get pet pathing right or make Poco do his job after 8 months of working on it.


What does being ‘better’ (a subjective judgment) have to do with being the #1 game on the market? I don’t know if that’s true, but whether it is or not would be based on community health and sub numbers, not whether or not you like that players can use NPCs to do dungeons or whatever other weird beefs you have with the game.

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If this is the same person, their mind’s gonna be blown when they find out you can dye your armor both tasteful and very ugly and garish shades of pink in FFXIV.

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They are the same person. They even got defensive when they could of said lol no.

Talk about what? Ukraine? The black hole merger that’s supposed to happen in 10,000 years?

I don’t talk to my pug groups because there’s nothing to talk about. If the dungeons going smoothly, then I got nothing to say, other than “good run” when it’s over.

Don’t quote me with your feeling > fact delusions. I’ve been playing this game since 2005. I remember everything and its all well documented in online archives.

Didn’t read, instant like and completely agree. I’m always interested to see what they can do with AI. I know the bots might be horrible (or just cheaters lol) but I think this would be really cool.


Did you…like…read any of your links?

They throttled inspection queuries to lower server lag. The addon was running hundreds or thousands of inspections.

They didn’t in any way, shape, or form “break” gear score. It still inspected you and calculate a score based on your gear. In fact they incorporated it into the base game.

Here is the quote from your 3rd source:

“It’s important to understand that the throttling that is being done isn’t intended to break any functionality of add-ons, but merely to control the amount of queries that are being sent to the server at any given time. (Thus throttling the queries.) The queries will still occur, it just won’t happen as quickly as they currently seem to. You can read the statements that WoW Ace and WoW Interface have up for a bit more information on these changes. We wanted to give mod authors a heads-up prior to making the change so that they could make any adjustments they needed to on their mods.“

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When you intervene and have to change the way your API is being accessed, it’s “breaking” the functionality of the addon. They also broke oQueue and many other addons, I can go down the list.

I’m muting you at this point, because you are stupid and sitting on this thread immediately typing back to me, get a life lol.

100% endorsed, supported and signed.

If I could have an NPC team to queue with, I might actually develop an interest in whatever the current end game content is.

They do. World of Warcraft IS a single player game. Interacting with and playing with others is just a side option.

MMO means that there are many other people coexisting in the same game world as you. That’s it. That’s ALL it means. It doesn’t mean you’re all required to interact and play together.

Queue the triggered responses… :sweat_smile:


They “intervened” to help with lag. They didn’t change what it’s doing. They added to the game.

The “broke” oqueue by incorporating a more refined version directly into the base game.

They do break add-ons sometimes for their overpoweredness like the old decursive from vanilla and such. They’ve broken a lot of weakaura aspects throughout the years.

But you’re framing this like they tried to curb these addons rather than embracing them so much they built it into how the game works.

You are seeming to take this quite personally.

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Can people explain toe, why do you play a MMO (Massive MULTIPLAYER online) game and now trying so hard to remove every multiplayer aspect of the game? If ylu dont like playing with others and grouping up, then dont play an MMO

Blizz could hire the gold farming bot devs to make their AI engine.

If they get paid enough, they won’t need to maintain the gold farming bot software.

I’ll repeat myself.

MMO means that there are many other people coexisting in the same game world as you. That’s it. That’s ALL it means. It doesn’t mean you’re all required to interact and play together.

One of these days, people will somehow, in some form or fashion acquire access to a dictionary and discover what the word ‘optional’ means. Playing with others in an MMO is optional.


A lot of people don’t feel that being forced to suck up to people who hate you or are just there to use you to achieve their ends (which have nothing to do with your goals) adds anything to their player experience.


Anything that cuts q times is great

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