Friendly NPC A.I. Bots for Dungeon Finder Groups

When? They’re always trash at everything.

You’re going to handle 5 toons at once?

Maybe a single player game would be a better choice


I’ve never played the #1 MMO on the market FFXIV but AI players are a thing in Dungeons and Dragons Online and I loved it. They’re called Hirelings. I’d bring in a healer or two and I could solo dungeons. Didn’t have to worry about sitting in LFG for hours on end for content people weren’t interested in. I could go at my own pace, explore, it was great.

Adding something like this to WoW would improve the game.


WoW doesn’t tune normal dungeons higher intentionally so that even a newbie group (especially by 9.2) is able to easily destroy it. Only heroic and above is adjust with each new patch iteration.

Yes I actively play FF14 and I have used both Trusts/Squadrons to do dungeons but we don’t need this suggestion as it is already accounted for.

I already control two raptors a few more would be childs-play.

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Irrelevant since the AI just follows you.


For low level dungeons and old content, AI bots will be a great idea

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Does it work for group quests too? I always wanted to try that game


Guildwars 1 also had a really fun AI follower system, especially the ones added in the later expansions.

Started with basic hirelings, NPC’s with pre-set classes & abilities that did their jobs (melee/ranged damage, heals, CC, etc…), then later they added “heroes” which were NPC’s you had full control over what their skill points/abilities were, so you could make a team of NPC’s with custom builds to do any content with (I’ve heard the new NPC followers added in Elder Scrolls Online are similar to the latter)

I’d never expect WoW to go the full custom follower route, but either way it was great fun to make up/work out and good party builds, then test them out while any content.


Alao what killed talking in wow is how easy they made dungeons i remember in classic and in BC in dungeons, organization and CC was needed but now you just face tank everything and rush to the last boss


It does, yes! The Hirelings don’t have any effects on quests, they’re just there to bolster the group.


Thank you :slight_smile:

I will the game a try this weekend


Can you imagine the cries of “time played metrics” if WoW put actual barriers in their dungeons forcing you to clear the trash before allowing you to start a boss fight?

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So we blame Blizzard, yet this same exact meta chasing parse culture exists all throughout classic and TBC classic when they didn’t exist in such a widespread fashion originally.

So is it “really” a design issue or are players of a 17 year old game just more knowledgeable and interested in the parse meta game?

Blizzard never broke gearscore type addons I don’t know what you’re talking about. Damage meters have existed since vanilla beta. It’s more refined and well known now though, something you’d expect when a product matures over almost 2 decades.

Just to clarify a Misconception some people have:

The Bot system I’m referring to works just like any pet class setup. You don’t have to control each individual bot. Instead You give the order to attack, the bots do their own thing.

Example: You are a healer you go into the dungeon. You get assigned a Tank, and three dps bots.

You move into the dungeon your bots move with you, you stop, they stop, you move, they move. You target a mob and either you attack the mob yourself or you order your bots to attack that mob as a group.

The Tank Bot will automatically start fighting the mob and holding aggro. The dps bots will start firing spells or doing melee. All automatically. You can stand there and heal them.
Once the mobs are dead your Bots will come back to you until you send them to attack another mob. It’s that simple.


I used to be on board with opinions like this. I mean, one would think that a story mode version of any dungeon that you run with A.I wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing… that is… until I tried to help my wife with the Staff of Gah’anir quest line on a druid she was levelling. That experience ended up being a simulation of the absolute worst group anyone could be unfortunate enough to find themselves in, and then I though “Y’know what… maybe Blizzard ought to leave A.I groups alone afterall.”


I used to be against this idea, but I think it could be really good for leveling content and maybe even normal dungeons.

The AI could be tuned so that playing solo is “slower” than an average group, so there is some incentive to still group, but going through at level can still be fun. And it’s different then just going back 1 shotting everything.

FF has trusts and the game hasn’t exploded.

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If you don’t want to play with other players, you don’t get to do multi-player content.

I would not count on this.

I am having to wait up to 30 minutes waits for solo instances on Ilse of Thunder.

FFXIV’s trust system is a great way to learn dungeon mechanics and leveling through SB/EW stuff if you’re a dps and don’t want to wait for a queue. Normally I’d support this since for a long time WoW’s thing was taking mechanics/ideas from other games and doing them better, but Shadowlands tried to take story quests and POTD and did them 10 times worse, so I’m guessing they’d be best served sticking to their own thing from now on.


Your not fooling anyone maizou