Friendly NPC A.I. Bots for Dungeon Finder Groups

I believe the game you’re looking for is called ESO.


Every other MMO I have played has some form of NPC party, companion, etc. And they’re all free to play.

Desperate times call for Desperate measures.

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There are plenty of games that don’t have the trinity system. Go play one of those instead of completely changing the fundamental aspect of WoW grouping.

This is like being on the GW forums asking for gear progression. It’s anathema to the entire setup of the game.

Lol, im sure the mods would ban anyone there that said such sacrilege.

Would love something like AI to run dungeons with. People are seriously nasty in this game these days and even trying to run a heroic makes me nervous. I feel like I could genuinely relax and enjoy dungeons again if I didn’t have to worry about the community being the community.


I want them to let the AI lose in the world. Curious to see what the game would become with AI controlled NPCs.

I would rather they just scale down the numbers depending on how many people are in the dungeon. Just make them soloable. I don’t want to deal with some dumb bot beyond maybe one companion. A companion system might be nice for this game, it existed once upon a time.


I’d be okay with this too.

The ‘rivalry’ is mostly just WoW players insecure that people enjoy another game, probably fueled by a bunch of internet WoW ‘personalities’ quitting and talking up FFXIV afterwards. It’s pretty silly.

Your best parse is a 76… AI does a 98 in the same gear… guild wants the AI to take your raid slot.

That would suck.

all numbers pulled out of the nether

Going off what I’ve seen in CompStomp, I don’t think so :laughing:

That’s what makes it even better!

Could you imagine the forum posts?

“The AI out dps’s me”
“My alt is hacking and winning all the rolls”
“How do I get better than the AI”

It would be amazing!

One thing some people are not aware of from what I have read so far. Is the fact that the Bots in Wow are the way they are because the Developers programmed that way. To most it’s obvious, but some just don’t get it.

My point:
All the devs have to do is raise the Enemy NPCs Level a little in your favorite dungeon and you would never get to the last boss. The first Trash Mobs you encountered at the Dungeon Entrance would Slaughter you and your party. You would never be able to win.

The Enemy NPC Bots are designed to enable you and your party to get through the dungeon (Have a fair fighting chance) and succeed.

The Devs can also Make Friendly NPC Bot Dungeon Party Members that are capable of helping you succeed. And of course, This would also depend on the decisions you made.

I remember something like that happening to me and my friends in a dungeon finder group a long time ago. If I remember correctly it was a BC dungeon called Hellfire Ramparts. the group was just at the entrance and we started fighting three enemies. But we knew that something was way wrong right away. We had done this dungeon on many past occasions. to us it had become a cake wake. but this time the first three enemies just beat us up fast. as soon as we re-spawned we were killed. the only thing we could do was run through the dungeon’s portal entrance and got out. I don’t know what the glitch was but the wipes were brutal. We tried it again a few times with the same results. it took three days before the dungeon became normal again.

So pull out almost all the mechanics or just crank everyone up to one-shot levels of strength? Might as well just make a nice cinematic and give all the loot at the end.

If it was that easy every comp stomp wouldn’t end with the enemy team getting graveyard camped in their starting area.

You missed the point of my Statement which is: The Dev’s don’t do that. The Dev’s try to ensure the Players and enemy bots are balanced enough so that the players can win most of the time. Comp Stomp a good example that the bots are scaled down enough that the players can win most of the time.

NOTE: NPC / BOT = Artificial Intelligence The Dev’s Programmers can make A.I Bots do anything they want.

Just as a example: Try entering an Opposite Faction’s City. See how fast the NPC Guards run out and kill you. Why? Because they were programmed to do that and be that powerful by the Dev’s.

I like the idea. If they can get the Bots to work well. It would help so I wouldn’t have to wait so long to get into a dungeon.

how about ai bots, but its for normal dungeons only, and even than, they give you feed back on how to improve your role, not how to increase numbers, but what to do, and what to focus on at times for certain fights.

or even if interrupts are something you should keep an eye out for

FF14 devs must have gotten some positive feedback from the Trust system because they are apparently in the process of expanding it. It sounds like they are, at least eventually, going to have it working throughout the entire leveling experience, for every dungeon. It’s going to take a while to implement but yeah, I suppose people have liked it. I’ve never used it personally but from what I hear, from a story standpoint, using Trusts is one of the best ways to experience it.

They tested it in Trials for Endwalker and it looks like they are moving forward using it for all future Trials as well.

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Just like human players in wow.

Yes o great one mr./ms. Tank. Now I have seen 5 other tanks deftly avoid this pack but we shall meet them head on just for you since we got 2 choices

Deal with trash pull for no gain. Or deal with bruised ego emo rage quit.

Trash wins.