Friendly NPC A.I. Bots for Dungeon Finder Groups

As an example on how this works, so that people can visualize the idea:

Think About all the games you have ever played both PC and Console that have involved a party or team that were both single player and multiplayer. RPGs, and Shooters Etc.

These games have a lobby. In that lobby you can form a group. Your given the choice to Go Public: Anyone can join Team. Go Private: Only Friends can join Team. Or go Private and: Fill Team Slots with Bots For your team.

Also If you play with other people but only have a few people the game can Fill the empty Team Slots with Bots. Its that simple. This has been done before as many people have mentioned. It’s nothing new. Bots that play along side you to help you, have already been enabled and used in Wow. Just not in Dungeon Finder yet.

Some people have asked why don’t I just go play one of those other games instead of trying to change things in Wow?

Answer: I Love Wow. I love the game experience that Wow give us. I love the Massive Open world. I Love everything about Wow. And I thought this small addition to Wow would be a nice Quality of Life increase.

The idea sounds good. If it helps and I don’t see the harm in it. why not. so sign me up.

I suggested this originally 18 years ago, that we also have a choice of NPC bots to do dungeons with (not that the OP goes and plays a single-player game.)


That is exactly why. You don’t have other people yelling at you, rushing you, calling you “the bad”, saying you can’t “tank”, etc.

As with FFXIV, they would not be as good as having regular players.

It would also be a GREAT learning tool for those of us who ARE what the other players might say. So you could say, “Get good!” but we don’t have people to get good with who are not you.

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After years of playing in dungeon finder. My guess is that bots could be as good or even better then some real players.

Lets examine the behavior of real players. Some Players are very good. BUT!

Some Real players can be level 30 with level 12 gear equipped. Yes it happens.
They like to stand in Fire, clouds of dark matter, pools of poison. While yelling at the healer “Heal Me, Why don’t you heal me?!”

Some Tanks run through the dungeon aggroing all mobs. Then yells at the healer “Why aren’t you healing me?..Help!” While the mobs eat him alive.

Players also run ahead of the tank and pull extra mobs which results in multiple wipes.

Some healers decide to go let the cat out, call a friend, or go make dinner just as the tank engages the last boss.

Then there is Rage quitting. Quitting because the person got the loot drop they wanted. People on follow. Or AFK since you entered the dungeon. Etc.

So, I’m willing to give bots a chance.

And perhaps playing with bots that don’t harass, insult, grief the player just might help the player that is struggling to learn their class and group roll better.


so like FFXIV then, but the later bots not the early ones they suck

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As long as I can run dungeons without having to deal with crazy players I will play with bots instead. Can’t be any worse!

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I’m guessing when Wow’s population drops enough. The Dev’s will implement this mercenaries / hirelings / followers feature just like Everquest did. I’ll bet you will be able to hire NPC hirelings to form a party not only in dungeons but out in the over-world too.

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Yeah, no kidding. It’s nice that there are other MMOs besides WoW, even if it’s only one.

The devs are in the process of dropping the population right now.

The devs have already made companion bots for some quests. I can’t see why we can’t have hire-able npc companions.

For up to lvl 50 dungeons I wouldn’t mind it being an option if queue times get long.

Cookie monster, is that you!?

Unpopular opinion here: The main purpose of this dungeon mode should be training for people who aren’t good at dungeons. If you make a mistake, they will point it out to you. They will tell you how to tank or tell you to dispel if you’re a healer. They will yell at you if you butt pull trash.

I’m all for npc companions. Hope it happens.