I think “no rewards” sounds like a dumb thing to say.
In OW they have a Vs AI system and the reward is drastically reduced but the success rate of each match is basically 100%. And that game mode has its niche player base.
I think “no rewards” sounds like a dumb thing to say.
In OW they have a Vs AI system and the reward is drastically reduced but the success rate of each match is basically 100%. And that game mode has its niche player base.
Do you know what an MMORPG is?
WoW is not OW.
Ahh more things that sound dumb when read out loud.
Ah – more non-existent counterpoints and generic insults. How convincing.
What counterpoints are needed? I’m not arguing with anyone here.
Dude…you can look it up. FF is not the same genre that WoW is. The only thing they have in common is that they are both fantasy MMOs. Noting else between the two of them are common, so when lots of WoW refugees went over to FF looking for what they lost, they did not find it.
Ever since the very first day of WoW even in early Vanilla days these forums have all been saying “WoW is dying wow is dying wow is dying.” It happens every expac and every expac you see people saying how the current expac sucks and how WoW used to be so much better. Everytime a new MMO comes out people like to call it the WoW killer.
FF currently has 3.4 million subs. Just a couple of months ago, they had almost 5 million. So yea, they ARE losing subs faster than WoW is.
are they? my hunter pet doesn’t stun to interrupt casts unless i tell it to. it doesn’t cast lust unless i tell it to. it doesn’t attack anything unless i tell it to (or attack with assist on). that’s hardly “fully computer controlled”.
What I said was this:
You move into the dungeon your bots move with you, you stop, they stop, you move, they move. You target a mob and either you attack the mob yourself or you order your bots to attack that mob as a group.
The Tank Bot will automatically start fighting the mob and holding aggro. The dps bots will start firing spells or doing melee. All automatically. You can stand there and heal them.
Once the mobs are dead your Bots will come back to you until you send them to attack another mob. It’s that simple.
That the setup for Hunters Pets. Same for all pet classes. You give the orders, the pets automatically engage the target. Once you command them they follow their programming.
Although the pets wait for your commands that’s the safety feature, so the pets don’t go running amuck pulling every mob in the room.
in the original setup 2004 Hunters got into trouble because pets could be set to Aggressive. They then became fully automated and would attack any mob in sight within a large radius if the mob they were fighting ran away the pets would follow and attck everything in sight. This got changed to Pet Assist. the pets now will only attack when you command them to. As soon as the current target is dead they will either wait for you or come running back to you. A lot Safer.
I don’t know why there is any flaming in LFG content… it’s laughably easy… but I support the notion of AI for normal dungeons only
okay. how does that work with a pull that needs 2 or 3 coordinated interrupts. you only have one yourself (or zero, depending on your spec). who gets the other interrupts? is it automated or do you have to do it all using pet bars?
RIP Aggressive mode
Does that happen in random dungeon finder? I suppose it can if you pull too much like Shrine of the Storms pulling the 3 healer mobs but if you’re solo with AI bots there will only be one person to blame for that pull
This thread is just presenting a suggestion for the possibility that Bliz might consider doing this. But Programmers will have to work on the project since its unknown at this time how they will do it. At this point it is just theory.
I’m taking what I know of pet classes, what I have experience with the NPC bots we have already played with. Several expansions we got Followers that joined our character and ran around with us in the over-world. And Event Companions that we traveled with during Quests and story missions. At times I had my two raptors plus several Hero Story Bots running around with me and it was fantastic.
So my theory is: If Bliz can do all that, I don’t see a problem. You utilize Basic Squad Tactics: Move forward, stop, asses the situation, target mob, Attack, eliminate target mob, loot, move forward to next target of opportunity.
And of course the cardinal rule: Don’t Pull More Mobs than your Team can handle!
Sneaky Pete has entered the chat.
sure, and on some pulls it can’t be avoided. spires has a bunch of them. it’d be a rough experience for, say, an undergeared disc priest running with 4 bots.
With all due respect. Your question implies that with a random group of human strangers you are guaranteed that your entire party will not have several wipes.
not at all! that’s kind of my point and is one of the questions i usually ask when this discussion pops up.
how many mistakes will the AI bots make? if it’s none, why would anybody run with real players? if it’s a lot, people will whine that blizzard is making it too hard for them to get their loot. it’s not a gameplay paradigm that will work.
Again with all due respect: after playing for 17 years I can safely assert that No matter what any one suggests. Some People will always complain. Just ask any Dev.
or you could make solo versions of the dungeon or versions for 2-3-4 players.
just a buff so a player could solo them.
It would be an interesting additional ability of our followers. While not on a mission of their own, you could pick your favorites to assist you in a normal or heroic dungeon. It could be another way to level them up.