Friend of Friends NEEDS to go

I think maybe you need to find better people to play with.

If anyone in this game, cares what is between your legs, what used to be between your legs, who you like to be with or not be with, to play fantasy pixel game with goblins dwarves, and spaces goats, maybe get new friends…

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What kind of violence were talking about here? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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So the “I’m a guy and my girlfriend left me over WoW” stories aren’t true?

We need Btags under our names.


Words are not violence so I dont know what they are talking about either.


I think we all need to get in discord and settle all our issues together.

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Discord groups tell me I shouldn’t cuss so much, it’s unbecoming of a lady.


I say women should curse how they want too like men does.

Throws sand at the discord groups

I would say more, but… alas, Blizzard hates naughty words. So Sailor Bari has to sit this one out. :pensive:


Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm


Hehe, depeche mode. :grin:


I only discourage cussing in my discord because children might be in earshot, and their parents have asked to. but sometimes a good old “for uncommon Carnal Knowledge” is needed.


what? Your words in make no sense.

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Fair too. I keep a filter on when i’m going to places where they want me to behave, in one of them being if money is involved.

Daddy wants all the money.

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When are you starting the Forum’s Normies Discord? I think you’re most qualified.

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I dont start things. I am not a starter. I am a joiner.


Oh, I definitely warn people my language is for the 18+ crowd right after I say hello on voice chat. The rest of the damage control is up to them.

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Someone who starts things, start a discord and add forum dwellers so we can be in an environment without flags, with full open opinions.

If they don’t join, we’ll know they require of the Bnet safety net.

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That’s not going to last long.

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So your friends are sharing your facebook info with randos on the internet? Maybe you should find new friends lol.

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Insert Anchor Man Meme "That does not make sense? WHat the flying fornication does shaman feed back have to do with a person whining about their friends list?

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For real. Friends on facebook?

What is this?


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